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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
Lots of fun to shoot. I like the red /green dot on this gun once its set up it's fun chasing squrrils around
Things I would have changed:higher power scope
What others should know:get alot clips, ammo and CO2. This gun frezes up so watch the outside temp. Good above 40
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
Very fun to shoot. Very cool looking. Reasonably high powered for a CO2 gun; it knocked some of the paint off my pellet trap which my 1377 on 10 pumps didn't do. Scope, flashlight and bipod accessories are pretty solid. I like the flip-up caps on the scope.
Things I would have changed:The magazine is a little tricky to get out. I found that if you make sure the cover is *fully* pushed forward it comes out relatively easily, but if it is even slightly back, the magazine doesn't come out easily. Maybe add a small eject lever? The blowback does not always successfully recock the gun and when you manually recock it, it appears to move the index to the next round and you lose a shot in that magazine.
What others should know:This is NOT a precision gun, but one for high-volume plinking, i.e. for fun. And it is fun. It is reasonably accurate, but you're not going to hit an aspirin at 50 yards with this. To compare it to a firearm, it's more like the silenced MP55D5 (and even sounds like it) which was meant for closer quarters firing and putting lots of rounds in a reasonably tight area. The MP55 is not a sniper rifle and neither is this. Using the red-dot sight, I can get 12 shots to land in a ~2" dia circle at 60ft which is good enough for having fun. Then again, I've never fired a CO2 gun that was consistent since it seems like the amount of gas is always slightly different with every shot leading to variations in velocity and consistency. With regards to unfired pellets, most of the time I encountered it was when the blowback didn't properly recock the gun and I had to manually recock it. I don't think it has to do with the pellets themselves. It also seems like the gun prefers being rapid fired. When I slow fire it one or two rounds at a time when I am adjusting the sights, I notice more instances of failed recocking and unfired pellets. When I rattle off shots in fairly quick succession, almost all of the time I get no unfired pellets. Finally, I pretty much have to wear eye gear when firing this gun because some of the CO2 blowback hits me in the eyes when I'm sighting down the scope. It's not that bad, but since I have contact lenses, it's somewhat distracting.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
the Bipod and LED Flash light are great. Nice and comfortable to hold and fire. Trigger is pretty light. Accuracy is amazing right out of the box!
Things I would have changed:Quality of the red-dot sight. When you are sighting it, it's limited to adjustment. May work well with others, just not me :( Also, magazine loading method could use some attention. It gets aggrivating trying to take it out and load another one in.
What others should know:Flathead pellets work great for me. I can hit the pole of a bird feeder from 25 yards away 7/10 shots. Go get plenty of Co2 and and pellets. Find a way to make the magazines load and unload quick. ^_^
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
i like that its semi-auto, real light weight, and easy to shoot
Things I would have changed:had metal magazines, and more power
What others should know:very picky on what pellets it shoots ive tryed all kinds the best and most accurate are beeman wadcutters they will shoot everytime
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
Laser dot scope ,Bipod, and flashlight are of good quality
Things I would have changed:Crossman's thinking of Quantity not Quality.
What others should know:Be aware of all crossman Co2 rifles and hand guns.Performance is good but quality is very cheap.
Whether you buy from a web site or a retail giant these guns are all the same,They all leak the Co2.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
This gun is just flat out fun to shoot. I have several air rifles and pistols, and this is the one everybody wants to shoot- despite being the least accurate of the rifles I own! The short design, large CO2 source, electronic sight, and blowback cocking all make it a blast to plink with. The included sight works very well and is accurate once adjusted. The bipod is nice on occassion, although I rarely use it. The flashlight is actually a very nice piece of equipment, although I can't imagine actually using it- it's more of a decorative piece on a pellet rifle. This is not the rifle I use when I want to hit the bullseye from maximum range; rather I am more likely to use it to rapidly shoot a can from mid-range. In other words, fun shooting, not competition shooting. I've had the gun for 6 months or so, and have yet to experience any defects in the gun.The majority of the gun seems to be very sturdy, and the material it is made out of is similar to what real carbine stocks are made from, i.e. it is not cheap plastic.
Things I would have changed:This gun can be very picky about both the type of pellets used and the way they are loaded into the magazine. It is not uncommon to find 3-4 unfired pellets in the magazine if the pellets are not loaded perfectly.
What others should know:I have used this rifle to take down very small game, but would not recommend it for anything above a small rodent or bird. Due to the low FPS of the gun, accuracy and power are limited in range. I highly recommend picking up extra magazines, as loading them can be time-consuming, even with a speed loader.
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
I like how the price and the quality of the gun match the value of it.
Things I would have changed:Well first of all it depends on what your using it for. Hunting or target practice. A neat feature would be a shoulder strap. Many times i'm carrying my gun in the woods and I find that lots of times i want or need to use two hands to do something or im climbing down a hill.A shoulder strap , in my oppinion, would indeed fix the problem. I would also change the "Mohawk" site system. Cool idea, but lots of times I am looking through the rear iron site and have to squint to see the front iron site.Also the color of the front iron site is black and i find it quite hard to see my target espesially if its on a tree or far away.(to fix this problem i painted tip of front iron site with white-out.)
What others should know:Very good gun for fun. Don't recomend for hunting though. It's more of a target practice gun.
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
I like how the price and the quality of the gun match the value of it.
Things I would have changed:Well first of all it depends on what your using it for. Hunting or target practice. A neat feature would be a shoulder strap. Many times i'm carrying my gun in the woods and I find that lots of times i want or need to use two hands to do something or im climbing down a hill.A shoulder strap , in my oppinion, would indeed fix the problem. I would also change the "Mohawk" site system. Cool idea, but lots of times I am looking through the rear iron site and have to squint to see the front iron site.Also the color of the front iron site is black and i find it quite hard to see my target espesially if its on a tree or far away.(to fix this problem i painted tip of front iron site with white-out.)
What others should know:Very good gun for fun. Don't recomend for hunting though. It's more of a target practice gun.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Lightweight and mohawk sights and the 300 shots u get from the gun and the fact that only needs to be cocked once every co2.
Things I would have changed:The rails should have had the holes in both ends instead of one in the end and one in the middle, also woulda like more room for a good scope to fit in between the sights.
What others should know:I recommend to use pellgun oil on the 3rd co2 because it really helps the rifle.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
lightweight, compact, easy to handle, excellent sight system for this little rifle, consistently accurate, and a fair amount of punch. And all of these features in a relatively insexpensive package.
Things I would have changed:magazine system deserves some attention. They are somewhat tricky to slide in correctly, and almost always tough to get out (I keep some needle-nose's handy but even using them sometimes doesn't work).
What others should know:This rifle will misfire frequently if pellets aren't pushed to just the right depth in the mag. I've also found that Daisy flat-nosed pellets hardly ever work well, but the pointed ones work fine. I've gotten the most consistent firing and best groupings with any of the Gamo's I've used.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
The kit is the way to go. The scope and tripod make it much more enjoyable to shoot. I did not mount the flashlight since I shoot only in the daytime. Once you get the scope adjusted it is very accurate.
Things I would have changed:The directions for mounting and adjusting the scope are not very good. I found articles on the Pyramid site for adjusting the scope and used them instead of the directions that came with the rifle. Pictures on the scope directions are not exactly similar with the scope itself.
What others should know:Once you have the scope adjusted, even a beginner can shoot accurately. Three of us shot the rife with the same scope adjustments and all of us were accurate. No need to change scope adjustment for different users.
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By ZedHed
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The red/green dot sight is quite nice, but the one which came with my gun fades in and out as the gun is fired. Once zeroed, I can place a 12 shot group inside a quarter at 25 feet consistently. This is a FUN gun!
Things I would have changed:The flashlight is almost worthless for most situations, and I would offfer a laser instead. Removing an empty magazine requires some practice.
What others should know:I have found that RWS Superdome pellets work great in this gun. They are high quality, fire accurately and seat well in the magazine. Don't use any pellets which do not fit snugly in the mag, or you will be frustrated by the jamming which results. Also, buy extra mags, so you won't have to stop as often to reload them.