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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
the power and cost
Things I would have changed:the trigger,front ad rear sight
What others should know:nothin
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
im 14 and was bugging my dad to let me get one for months. i suggest a crosman for anyone who wants an affordable and dependable airgun. its light, very accurate, and fun to shoot
Things I would have changed:Shooting without a scope takes more skill. so i recommend not using the scope at all.. do not waste your time with the "center point" scope that comes with the gun. it is accurate, but after a few shots it is knocked off again. i wasted about 200 shots on the thing!
What others should know:crosman airguns are, and always will be the best
By Todd from USA on 2012-05-19 |
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Good values for a good price. Stock is all good. Like the safety trigger thing makes switching from safe to fire a quick finger movement away. Length and heft makes the gun feel very powerful (and it is)
Things I would have changed:VERY VERY VERY loud shot it once in town and the neighbors called the police they thought it was a .22 longrifle Nothing else just make it not near as loud as it is.
What others should know:One time I accidently released the barrel before the spring was fully compressed and my hand was right where you load the pellet into the breech and it cut a large gash in my hand. (removed skin all the way to the bone) I got stitches for it and it really put me off to teh whole "breakbarrel=absolute power and hunting capabilities" ideal.
By Chevota from USA on 2013-07-08 |
By Todd from USA on 2012-05-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Things I would have changed:The trigger
What others should know:Replace the trigger
By Todd from USA on 2012-05-19 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
VERY WELL MADE, ACCURATE,AND SMOOTH,just feels good,This is the best go-to gun and everyone should hsve one.. its a hunter a plinker and a target gun rolled into one at a steal of a price
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:The quality of this gun dwarfs others by a mile. I love it. With open sights and crosman premier hollow points you can split a bottle cap at 50 ft if ya got the skills. Mine has well over multi thousands of shots and I just replaced the spring.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accurate. Easy to cock. Durable synthetic stock. Scope mountable.
Things I would have changed:First stage trigger pull is very long.
What others should know:This gun shoots great. I cleaned all the shipping oil out of the barrel and the rest of the gun because it needs it! Once cleaned up, I shot open sights at 10 yds and had less than 1/2 inch group. Freehand! I mounted a 4-16 scope and sighted in at 20 yds. I tried many different pellets and weights but the best in my gun was H+N Field Target Trophy 8.64 gr domed shape. I can get a 5 shot group at 25 yards covered with a dime! I want to test farther, but can't get to a longer range for a while due to injury. I highly recommend this gun for someone who wants to get started in air gunning. You will not be disappointed with this gun!
By HomerW. from USA on 2011-11-16 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
This gun packs a wallop...hits hard. Crosman makes incredible guns for little scratch. I found it accurate with irons sights and deadly accurate with a scope. It hates Beeman hollowpoint 7.9 g pellets, but loves Crosman destroyer 7.9 g pellets. The Beeman's tumbled...the destroyers leave perfectly crisp holes in targets. I was shooting decent groups right from the start, and I'm by no means an expert shooter. The composite materials that make up the stock and such have a nice feel and the guns feels good in your hands. After shooting my old Crosman 761xl for 30 years...this was a huge upgrade for me. The cocking of the break barrel was stiff at first but has settled in nicely after 50 rounds or so. The guns was crazy loud on the first shot (dieseling) but has quieted down nicely...still louder than a pump airgun but very acceptable. Some have complained about the 2 stage trigger. It takes a little getting used to, and perhaps I don't know better, but now that I've adjusted to it, it's not a problem to shoot at all. This gun was only $89.95....incredible price for a real solid gun.
Things I would have changed:Nothing I can think of. It's easy to use and shoots incredibly well and hits with a very solid punch.
What others should know:You can't beat the price for a 1000 fps springer air-gun and it really feels solid in your hands. My wife actually had to ask me to confirm that this was a pellet gun, she was convinced it was more than that.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Great rifle for the price! Very accurate and overall a great rifle.
Things I would have changed:Nothing I like this rifle the way it is
What others should know:It's made out of very durable material. But don't go around dropping it and stuff like that because it just might crack. Great rifle for the price and would reccomend it to anyone.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The Accuracy And Power and Sights And Stock.
Things I would have changed:The Barrel Where It Could Have A Adapter For A Silencer Or Muzzle Brake And Make It Nitro Piston So It Can Be Quiet.
What others should know:The First Thing When You Shoot It...It's Really Loud Almost Same As A .22 Cal Rifle.You Dont Need Scopes Unless If You Have Good Eye Sights If You Adjust The Sight's You Will Be Dead On Accurate.Plus I Recommend Getting Dome Shaped Pellets For Better Accuracy
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
love this airgun the best one so far better than the crosman g1 and way more and better than the 760 droped three squrrels and 5 birds so far good gun highly reccomended.
Things I would have changed:nothing really maybe make it nitro piston
What others should know:very loud frist few shot mines settled in after 100-500 shots
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The Crosman Phantom 1000 is by far one of the best air rifles you can buy. This rifle is up their with guns that cost twice as much, and better than some. I have owned Daisey, Remington, Gamo and Beeman, and I like them all. I had trouble with siting it in only because it had not been broke in yet. I have shot a SSP Crosman super sonic pellet in the same hole twice. Hows that for accuracy. A very balanced and light weight pellet gun. Easy to cock and load. Shoots aluminum Crosman pellets at over 1200 FPS. One of my favorite 1.77 cal. pellet guns I own.
Things I would have changed:Nothing at all its just fine like it is.
What others should know:Please be careful this is not your little brothers BB gun. It is just as dangerous as a small cal. fire arm. Always look a head of your target and think about what would you hit if you missed your objective. BE CAREFUL its a real adult gun. And should only be fired by mature and responsible persons. Enjoy your Crosman Phantom
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accuracy of this rifle is dead on. The power is GREAT. This rifle is perfect for pest control, I have taken several crows now using -Crosman Premier .177 Cal, 7.9 Grain, Hollowpoints- and -Crosman Destroyers,7.9 Grain-. Another thing that I liked was the feeling of the rifle, it has a very heavy (non cheap) feeling with a very solid stock.
Things I would have changed:Without changing the price... Nothing! This rifle is perfect for the price!!!
What others should know:CAREFUL This rifle is extremely powerful. Also this rifle is begging to get accessories. Please check out the pictures I have posted of my Phantom and its accessories. Also do not slam the barrel shut when cocking.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
15 ft-lbs with the crossman ultra magnum 10.5 gr at 880 fps shoots 7 gr consistantly at 1004 fps after a 1000 shot break in. Shoots 1300 fps out of the box and settles down A great go to gun I don't even use a scope on this one. its killed every bird ive aimed at
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:This gun is made better than a lot of higher priced guns. I got one because it was cheap priced but I found out its not a cheap gun made very well.I prefer it over the big cat because it is made better
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
every thing 1000fps what more could u ask for for a price like this
Things I would have changed:the rear sights cause mine came off
What others should know:keep it oil after so many shots
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accurate and hard hitting . Relatively light weight . Smooth action on break and trigger . Spring recoil is nominal . Really pleasently surprised with this gun , can't put it down .
Things I would have changed:This gun is so accurate at long distances , that a more adjustable rear sight would be totally justified . You can do just fine using different reference pionts though .
What others should know:This is the best gun for the money you will find . About ten times better than what you're expecting . Nice for a change .
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Just about everything.great power and accuracy.I got a leapers 3-9x32 ao scope mounted on it.
Things I would have changed:The rear sight.It's kind of cheesy but it does get the job done.
What others should know:It's a pretty hefty gun in that it's a lil on the heavy side and it does take a lil bit more effort to cock it then i expected.It's kind of loud too so i wouldn't get it if you live in the city.Other than those slight flaws its a bad ass gun.Im planning on getting a bi pod for it within the next few weeks.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Powerful... A little noisy during first few shots and after cleaning, but accurate and fast. Solid feel, has a little kick to it, so be prepared, control your breathing and get used to it. It's like shooting a .22 short so unless you have good habits it's quickly possible to blame the gun for inaccurate shots. If you flinch and pull the shot it's not the gun's fault. Like the trigger adjustment, I like mine short and light. A little heavy but is solid construction so don't worry if you drop it, it will be fine with a quick sight check.
Things I would have changed:I'd like to see an adjustment to getting to the second stage trigger setting. The hole they give you makes it difficult to really fine tune the trigger, but if you have a clean tipped #1 phillips you can adjust it by coming into it from the side. Really a small beef compared to the quality of this Air Riffle. The plastic sights are cheesy but with a gun this low in price with the FPS there has to be a trade off. Just buy a good scope (at least 7x20 if not variable 3-9X40 if you can afford it) and ignore the stock sights. ALSO.. Airguns take a different scope than a firearm because f the recoil so buy an AIRGUN sight! IF you have a recoiless gun you can put whatever you want on it, but this gun has kick so you need the right scope unless you want to spend 50% of your time re-sighting you scope in. SHOULD HAVE COME WITH CROSSMAN RECOMMENDED GUN OIL!
What others should know:This is a great gun if you have your own scope. It took few groupings of 5 to sight this in, but once you do, it's fairly consistent in it's groupings. The kick has a tendency to make you clench or flinch, but if you have good habits this is a non- issue. If you have a bench press you can zero this gun in quickly and if you miss you will know it's you not the gun. A scope is REQUIRED but don't get the package, 4X is no where near enough to how this gun can perform. I'm using an old Tasco 3-7X20 and it's giving me groups within a quarter already. Give me another few days and the HEAD on a dime will be within it's ability.
MAKE SURE you look beyond the target and what you can pass through before pulling the trigger. I blasted through my quarter inch plywood backstop while sighting my gun in. I recommend you get the Gamo pellet trap and it comes with 100 free targets. Grab a milk carton or something like it and start sighting it in from about 25 feet out. Once you are sure you are hitting where you want, go to the paper targets and increase the distance in 25 foot increments to assure that you are setting it up right. Take your time and this gun looks like it will be a nice investment for the target\varmint shooter.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
This is a good gun for the price. I was on a budget and I settled for this rifle. It has great power and accuracy. It is better than my friend's $200 gun so it is a great deal. Also, I like the weight on this gun. It is quite heavy and has little recoil.
Things I would have changed:I would change the open sights a little bit. They are hard to adjust and definitely not as good as the scope I put on here.
What others should know:I would recommend getting a very good scope mount and scope to go with this gun. It is better for accuracy. This is a good gun with a Centerpoint 4 x 32 scope and a good mount. Tighten it often.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Well, balanced, nice sights, durable, light to cock! Powerful, powerful, and did i say powerful? I have killed 2 groundhogs, probably 200 english sparrows, 3 pigeons, 18 starlings, and 2 squirrels. I've run about 15,000 rounds thru this gun... Only have maybe 1 cripple out of 10 sparrows just from being shakey.
Things I would have changed:maybe be a little lighter? but thats it
What others should know:Nope
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By Ferrence
The stock is durable and looks great. The grips were a nice touch for holding long shots and staying on targets. The gun is very powerful and accurate. The safety is easy to release without any click or taking your eyes off your target.
Things I would have changed:I would've added a place to attach straps the help carry the weight during long hikes while hunting, but other than that the gun is very well made and a great value.
What others should know:Get a $44 Leaper's scope and your neighborhood will be out of squirrels in around a week. I recommend this air rifle for anyone interested in getting a great gun. Not just because of the price but because its an awesome gun to have.