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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
i love the accuracy and the volacity of this rifle it has a good mounting place for a scope and it is very easy to cock. for a 1000 feet per second wepon.
Things I would have changed:i would change the weight of it, it is not the most lightest weapon of all but other than that there dose not need to be changes
What others should know:you should know that it is very loud and do not shoot it if you live in a place with alot of people:)
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
tough. very powerful. very good distance. sights.
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:cocking it was very hard at first.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Well made with sturdy materials and excellent workmanshio. Sights seem to work well, and accuracy is very good.
Things I would have changed:A bit heavy for an air gun, and cocking it takes a good arm - though with re-\peated use the procedure becomes easier
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
very powerful gun for very good price. first day of owning i killed a squirell then a rabbit, works well with scope or irons. very good distance gun.
Things I would have changed:nothing at all
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Accurate, powerful, fairly easy to cock, good balance. I love the sights (other than the cheap quality).
Things I would have changed:Sights are flimsy, a little loud. First time cocking was really hard to break open, after 5-6 times it was much easier, by the end of the afternoon it was quite easy.
What others should know:Great airgun, out of the box it was shooting decent groups at 25 yards. While it does recoil, it's nothing if you've been shooting real guns for any time.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
It is a great gun, very accurate, good for hunting, and best scope is a center point 4x32.
Things I would have changed:Nothing much, except the buttpad.
What others should know:Great for beginners to break-barrels, and airgunners 16+.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Everything in this rifle is excellent. The sights are nice and the triggercan be adjusted, but I haven't tried that yet, lol.
Things I would have changed:In a future if pissoble, change its spring piston for a new Nitro Piston.
What others should know:If you look for an airgun powerful enough to blow off a bottle cap take it with ya, but get a scope and some pellets. It's pretty hard at first to aim, but after you get the hang of it it'll work out fine.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
good weight, but not too heavy. Easy to cock after a few shots. Accurate at a distance I didn't think possible in this price range. Great varmit stoping power, yet not loud or dangerous. I have taken out crows at 100 yards !
Things I would have changed:send the special chamber oil, it's spec'd in the manual but not included.
What others should know:Be prepared for the first few shots being very loud, the barrel oil explodes and sounds louder than a .22. After 4-5 shots, it quiets down. Accuracy takes a few dozzen shots to clear out the rest barrel oil, after that I was shooting dime sized groups at 80' (4 power scope)
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
It is more powerful than I thought. It is also very accurate. Easy to see sights. And it is well balanced. It shoots great when standing, kneeling, or sitting at a table. I got the rifle and 1000 pellets with shipping for $96.00 , so for the money, I would recommended it to a first timer or a vet, this is a great gun. Thank you for the great product and price, Mike Lyman
Things I would have changed:If it could cock easier. After 50 shots my arm gets tired.
What others should know:You will be very happy with this product. lots of fun, I started shooting at 50 feet.
Now I am shooting at 100 feet and getting better with this rifle, you will see.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Stock, Grip, fiber optics, power, accuracy, solid barrel, safety, adjustable trigger sensitivity, very quiet for a breakbarrel.
Things I would have changed:rear sight is not very solid, it gets un-sighted very quickly with the height adjustment.
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
2.0 2.0
First of all it has to be said that Pyramyd Air has excellent customer service. Their people are very polite and helpful. Now regarding this rifle. I've had two. within a month. I like the weight, and feel of the grip. It's a solid feeling rifle.
Things I would have changed:The fist rifle I sent back because the coupling in the front by the push arms fell out after 5 shots. I sent it back and Pyramyd replaced it right away with a new rifle. The second rifle I fired off 10 shots and noticed the coupling was about to fall out. I got it home and inspected. I see that the rivet casing is deformed and the rivet fell out. There must be a problem with the machine at crosman with this to happen exactly the same way.
What others should know:Make sure the screws are tight, and the muzzle is clean. And please be safe.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
durable, accurate, powerful
Things I would have changed:not much, i would just get a red dot sight
What others should know:good value
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
feeling of the rifle when shooting,the power and accuracy out the box, basically everything. Especially the sound when shooting a PBA for the first shoot it sounded like a .22
Things I would have changed:air spring
What others should know:very fun lots of power for $90
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The "out-of- the -box "condition was as could be expected. I found no loose visible screws, no manufacturing residues, no damage to degrade the appearance, and overall showed good quality. Although not many pellets have been "fired", the fit and functioning were good... (see trgger comments below). The rifle did "print" low but importantly centered because of the break barrel style.. The elevation is correctable with the adjustable sight. The "checkering" gave a secure gripping surface. I received the rifle the day after shipping intra-state using regular delivery. There was a three day "gap" before receiving an e-mail of approval for my credit card. Pyramyd performed their Order fulfillment business in excellent and in a timely fashion in my opinion. I, also, appreciate Pyramyd's support of the NRA.....another deserving reason to do business with Pyramyd.
Things I would have changed:I agree with the prior trigger comments in other reviews. My tends to be long,creepy, and kind of notchy when approaching let off. I hope the trigger will improve like other rifle references have indicated.
What others should know:I would suggest for future Orders that Pyramyd be contacted directly if possible.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Nice ergomatics, easy to shoulder...
Things I would have changed:Sights...
What others should know:This is a good rifle for the money. Out of box performance is rough around the edges, but for the price it's expected. There's much higher priced rifles that perform the same out of box, so I'm not complaining. The hinge kept coming loose but after doing the "Poor Man's Hinge Mod" described at, the problem was solved. Make sure you allow 24 hours for your blue loctite to dry and nothing will come loose. This thing shoots like a dream now...
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
nothing at all
Things I would have changed:everything about this air rifle needs work EXCEPT the looks in my personal opinion. i bought it from a local store that had them on clearance because of a new law passed in illinois requiring a foid card for anything that fires a projectile at over 700FPS. the store was trying to get rid of them before the law took effect. i thought i was getting a really good deal paying $50 for it... boy was i wrong. this rifle weighs a ton! with a centerpoint 3-9x40 scope mounted it weighs about 11-12 lbs.... it kicks like centerfire rifle, and no matter what i tried, including using the flimsy plastic open sights that came with it, i was unable to get groups any tighter than 4 inches at 20 yards.
What others should know:maybe the one i got was just a fluke, i see alot of good reviews for it here but i would never buy a crossman product again. i've got better accuracy out of a daisy red rider BB gun. oh and before i forget, the pellets i used are as follows. crossman premeir hollowpoints, beeman silver arrows, beeman crowmagnums, crossman domed pellets, crossman match wadcutters, crossman pointed pellets, RWS supermatch pellets, and beeman ramjets.
By Michael from USA on 2010-10-28 |
By Michael from USA on 2010-10-28 |
By bruceypoo from USA on 2010-04-14 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Great rifle, good looking, well balanced, and great price. Feels very comfortable to hold and shoot. Ive had no problems at all with mine.
Things I would have changed:Nothing I can think of.
What others should know:A great choice for a .177 1000fps break barrel rifle.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
Power and kick from this gun are both phenomenal and it rips through cans and bottles.
Things I would have changed:Adjustments to the sights are a bit difficult and overall the sights are flimsy made with plastic but you can still easily see the bright green aimer. Once you get them dialed in you should be fine.
What others should know:Be careful with what you use to stop this gun. I had a half inch board behind cans and bottles and when i was through I looked at the BACK of the board and there where pellets and shattered shards of the board everywhere.
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
I am comparing many springers from $89 to $160 and the crossman phantom and quest are a close second to the mendoza rm-200 at $109 and the avenger 1100 at $149. (f you can afford the avenger 1100, it is worth it by far). The weight for power ratio is good. The accuracy is ok with the right pellets, (beeman work good, RWS are best), and after about 500 rounds of break in. After the first few shots when the rifle was clearing out the shipping oils, it got fairly quiet, just fine for indoor shooting. I got the quest also and for some reason the quality control was better, and I like the wood stock better.
Things I would have changed:Sight are crap. And don't get the combo with the cheap scope. File the barrel lock, my phantom and quest both were very hard to open the first times because of rough edges on the lock, after about 100 shots it wore in, but those were very hard cockings. I really don't like the trigger compared with the mendoza, it has too long of pull and the adjustment really does not work. You get use to it, but after shooting a mendoza you go crazy pulling the trigger and waiting for the gun to fire.
What others should know:There is not an auto safety so be careful. At $89 it is the best so far that I have found, but I would buy the wood stock quest instead, and get at least a leapers 3-9x32 at $44 or better still the centerpoint 3-9x40 at $49 without the package, (reg. $69).
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By Ken
Easy to operate, good power and accuracy. I put down a raccoon with one shot at 20 yards and crows from 40 yards this is not a toy.
Things I would have changed:Plastic sights do not belong on a gun. The glowing dots work fine if you are trying to hit the broad side of a barn from inside. I took them off and just use the scope. Trajectory tables would be nice in the owners manual along with a recomended zero. With that information the task of sighting in the rifle would be significantly easier.
What others should know:It took some time to get it sighted in and I don't even know if it is right with out the zero specification. I shoot the heavier gammo pellets to keep below the sound barrier. Speed isn't everything.