It has a newly styled all-weather synthetic stock with a Monte Carlo buttstock and checkered pistol grip and forearm. The tailored styling makes the gun easy and comfortable to hold and offers natural points to properly balance the gun while shooting. Front and rear fiber optic sights let you acquire targets quicker (11mm dovetails allow for a scope), and the two-stage adjustable trigger (adjustable for length of second-stage pull, not pull weight) ensures further customization to your shooting preference.
This rifle is ideal for plinking and target practice, but you can also take small rodents.
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10 of 89 Crosman Phantom 1000 Reviews
Power is good as I bought this from a pawn shop I don't think it was broke in yet Have put over 500 rounds through it and the accuracy is great and power at 75' will go through both sides of a tin can and still bury it self in the tree. That is with a 9.6 grain Rocket
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger is well lets say rough and could be improved by a couple of simple fixes. More weight in the stock will help also.
What Others Should KnowI replaced the adjustment screw in the trigger with the one from my trail pistol. It's about 1/8 of an inch longer and I round of the point of the screw an add a dab of molly. Also added a 5X8X2.5mm bearing in the trigger assembly this raise the sear about half way and also left out the spring this smoothed out the trigger and reduced the pull length. With a little work this has become a great rifle. One more thing I added some weight to the stock that also helped with accuracy. I used a bunch of old nuts and bolts I had. Just put them in a zip lock baggie and stuffed them in the different holes inside the stock. Hope this is of use to someone.
Despite far too numerous faults the rifle was fairly accurate
Things I Would Have ChangedA wood stock instead of synthetic.
What Others Should KnowI was very disappointed in the Phantom, The machining was very rough, bordering on crude and the Phantom was not up to the quality I expect from Crosman air rifles. The barrel was visibly displaced to the right to such a degree that the rear sight windage knob rubbed against the barrel channel when cocking the rifle and with full left windage the point of impact was still 2.5" to the right at ten meters. I was able to return the Phantom to PA without a problem and purchased an Air Ventur[ Bronco.
Things I Would Have ChangedSights
What Others Should KnowThis gun has quite a high fps, and I have found it to be fairly accurate, however the sights on it are cheap plastic, i had to adjust my windage as far left as it will go to get them to line up shots. And BTW SCOPES DONT WORK
POWER!!!!!!! It is a powerfull airgun. Easy to maintain and goes the extra mile compare to more expensive ones.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe thigs and trigger need update. A surdier sight and a better smother trigger.
Nice stock. Very comfortable to hold with good hand position. Very good trigger for a $90 rifle. Two-stage with clean take-up and then a clean break. Very accurate. I was able to shoot one-hole groups at 10 yards from a free-standing position. This also speaks well of the stock because it allows you to maintain a comfortable stance. I didn't chronograph it - but it sure seems like its kicking the pellets out with some real force.
Things I Would Have ChangedI like open sights and this rifle has fiber optic sights that are nice and clear. They are, however, made of plastic and very easy to knock out of alignment. The sights need to be sturdier.
What Others Should KnowVery good value for the money. Good trigger, good stock, good accuracy. Not quiet. Makes quite a "CLANG!" when you pull the trigger. Be careful where your hands are when you shoot. The piston releases with some real force and if your forward hand is in the wrong place - it will hurt.
I love the out of box accuracy this comes with. i bought it unscoped and was amazed how accurate the sights were. ive killed countless birds and squirrels. looks clean but leaves options for accessories if needed
Things I Would Have Changedi agree with many others about the trigger. i have been able to tame it by using sound fundamentals, but have ordered a CBR trigger from charlie da tuna to see how much better it shoots. other than that, maybe the length, but overall not much else. oh and the rear sight if you plan of shooting without a scope.
What Others Should Knowbuy a leapers 4x32 AO scope and once you get it zeroed in, you are SET! i set up a mop handle outside to shoot at from about fifty to sixty feet.ive put SIXTEEN holes in the handle already, even shot off the top part. if you want something that you can count on, GET THIS!
The price of this gun is a steal! I like the feel power and accuracy of this rifle. I like the fact you can order it unscoped.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger does really throw you off, however practice will make it better. Maybe fix the small barrel droop but you can fix that yourself. That's pretty much the only thing that I would change
What Others Should KnowThis gun gets getting use to. So that being said be patient and considarate.this is not a $300 springer so yeah... the crosman premier hollow points and rhe pointed hunting pellets work really good. I say don't go shotting more then 30 yds with this pellet rifle. This is defenetly an awesome gun once you get to know it
I bought the Crosmen Phantom in July of 2012; I have it for almost a year now, I was attracted to the Crosmen Phantom because of the price, and the good reviews on this site and U-tube. This was my first break barrel air rifle and i liked the power of springer air riffles, and the looks of the Crosmen Phantom. I finally work out all of the problems and I am more educated though all my research, and now my Phantom is accurate (tack-driver), and hit its target with the force of a “hammer!”
Things I Would Have ChangedThings I would change: Crosmen sell this rifle at this good value to keep the price low then; Crossman’s should better educate the customers about the hidden costs, and accessories that the Crosmen Phantom would require. Expected down the road to spend a lot more money in this product if you want the accuracy this riffle have to offer. Give consumers the option to get all the features they would need to operate this product reasonable at a higher price if they choose to. All the information should be in the owner’s manual, with a video included when purchasing the Crosmen Phantom.
What Others Should KnowThe price of the Crosmen Phantom is a great value for beginners with break barrel air rifles. It is very accurate after the break-in period (about 1,000 rounds of pellets), and you clean the barrel; tighten all the screws; use 8.4 grain .177 cal. JSB Diablo pellets; Buy at least a UTG(Leapers) 3-12*44 scope (SWAT Side-wheel), with one piece mount rings, a new trigger (CBR trigger) by CharliedaTuna.
I have owned this rifle for about 3 years, and I have never shot a better well balanced air rifle. I did add an after market trigger for about $35.00, and it imptoved my shooting a lot. It is rated @ 1000 FPS. Mine sends 5.5 grain pellets down range at 1200 plus FPS. (Chronied at 1238 FPS). I love this rifle. It has power to spare.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter trigger pull would make this gun #1 top seller in the USA.
What Others Should KnowBuy a good trigger assy. It only takes 10 minutes to change it out.
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Nov 21, 2014
By frank
it works its cheap and great for pest control and or target practice.
Things I Would Have Changedfor the price I cant complain, so nothing.
What Others Should Knowsight quality isnt the best in terms of material but usable.