Date: 12/2/2025 22:3

Page 3 - Gamo PT-85 Reviews

Gamo PT-85 CO2 Pistol

Average Customer Review

Rating 4.04.0 (85 reviews)
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  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Excellent trigger pull, great weight to it, HEAVY Blowback

    Things I would have changed:

    Make sights adjustable, add glow dots on sights, make safety a bit easier to engage/disengage

    What others should know:

    You've got about 48-50 shots before the blowback doesn't cock the hammer. In single action mode there is a slight click before you are truly in single action (this rotates the pellet wheel in the clip). Really really fun gun to shoot even

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Things I liked:

    Recoil is nice. Trigger action is smooth. Horizontal accuracy is excellent.

    Things I would have changed:

    Vertical accuracy is a little, (make that "very"), disappointing. The pistol consistently shoots 1 inch low at a 15 foot distance and there is no adjustability of the sights to correct this problem. I reported this and received less than satisfactory response.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Things I liked:

    Blowback ,weight,style

    Things I would have changed:

    Needs more power, better accuracy and adjustable sites

    What others should know:

    My Crosman 357 spanks the heck out of this on accuracy at 10m

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    Vary realistic feel and performance.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    Blowback. I love blowback, but it's so harrd to find in a pellet gun. Also, the grips are comfortable, and the accessory rail is a nice bonus.

    Things I would have changed:

    Higher FPS. I would like around 550 w/ PBA. Also, make a version with a longer barrel, for better speed and accuracy.

    What others should know:

    Pretty accurate at mid range. It isn't a gun to take too seriously, beyond basic safety, of course. Don't expect too much, but it doesn't disappoint either.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    the blowback on this gun is hard and crisp. The fixed sights are quite accurate and trigger pull is very respectable. The concealed co2 cartridge is neatly tucked away in the grip and the piercing screw has a nice, heavy metal tab. The double sided, 8 shot rotary, drop out mag is nicely fit into the grip as well. The fit and finish on this polymer framed gun is very high quality integrating a perfectly matched metal slide. The realistic action and great accuracy of this pistol make it a fun shooter all day long.

    Things I would have changed:

    For the price, not much. Perhaps an adjustable rear sight but that is just for the sake of picking something to change because the pistol is already very accurate.

    What others should know:

    Just buy one and have fun. Gamo makes great products. They do not make replicas but they do make very convincing firearms. It`s fairly loud compared to others in its` class and is also a hard hitter.

  • Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Things I liked:

    What can I say, I gave it to my 14 year old daughter and she thinks it's great. As long as it knocks down cans and plastic bottles she's happy.

    Things I would have changed:

    Brand new; remove the blowback, it causes loss of velocity and the pellets get loose inside the plastic magazine, so much so that they may sometimes fall right out when it's removed. I bought 4 types of Gamo Ammo; Magnum, Master Point, Hunter, and Match and didn't notice much difference. The fps 450, If Gamo could prove that to me I'd be happy to trade the gun I have for the one they use. I'd be very surprised if it was 350 fps. Maybe they could remove the blow back and lenghten the barrel to increase fps and accuracy. Also the magazine release could have a stronger spring. If you happen to just touch it accidently the magazine pops out. But hey, my daughter doesn't mind that either as long as it pops right back in.

    What others should know:

    I would not recommend it for an adult to use as target practice beyond 20 or 25 ft.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    This gun feels great in the hand and the nice white dot sights help out alot on dark backgrounds. The blowback action is pretty good and the magazines are very easy to load

    Things I would have changed:

    I wish this gun had a slide catch

    What others should know:

    You can't have it all. There are tradeoffs having blowback airguns. You sacrifice power and shots to have the realism! Buy the extra mags if you can!

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    This is an all-around fun gun to shoot! It is not the most accurate or powerful pistol there is, but if you are using old phone books and magazines for a backstop, this gun will shred the paper in no time! Two things, get the laser. It really helps the accuracy.

    Things I would have changed:

    Stiffen the barrel to the frame and add a rail to the front end of the top slide. The top slide can randomly shift from side to side, altering the aim of the gun.

    What others should know:

    I'm getting 60-80 shots per CO2 cartridge, depending on how fast I'm firing. I think I'll be buying pellets in bulk. It eats up the pellets in a hurry.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Blow back is strong, realistic. Accurate. Like the single action double action option.

    Things I would have changed:

    magazine well could be larger, difficult to load clip into gun quickly.

    What others should know:

    has nice sights.

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    Very nice feel an great fun to shoot, accuracy excellent cola can, and large mouse to rat at 10 m But good thing for extra clip for the small zombie killer mouse past 15 feet Really like the action and feel great basement and barn practice fun

    Things I would have changed:

    Adjustable rear sight

    What others should know:

    Set up a basement , garage three station range and have a blast

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    Blowback is very nice, I was looking for a strong Pellet Pisol with s/a & blowback ! My Mother In-Law said to order it for Christmas & she will pay me back, so I did. SO I have not shot gun but 2 times have to wrap it witch sucks but not a long wait just happy to get it. Also placed order during sale & got 2 free mags with it so all in all I think its a great deal, Plus get some free Ammo when i send in Pistol warranty card!!! I got 4-5 16 round Mags out of mine so you can milk co2 or rapid fire, I milk my shots to been accurate.

    Things I would have changed:

    I realy don't think I would change much but may would think about using the Umarex metal mags for this gun ? I myself like to seat Pellets in my mags but I don't know if it possible to do ??

    What others should know:

    My first 2 times firing pistol I had to walk back & forth from target too see where i was hitting it, my gun shoots a little low at 20ft so I have to line sights up & put front sight dot on target?? I hope it may break in so i can use all white dot sights, some of my pistols did shoot better after some use ? Also some were dead on so its a ? for me. I would have to say I like it has good power, seals good, nice blowback & s/a also easy to load co2 & pellets.I have been using RWS Diabolo Basic 7gr. Wadcutter .177. These pellets shoot well with all my pistols and are a good price. P.A has the most and best air guns, I love the web site great customer service as well. I hope this was some help for looking for this type of Pisol, Shoot SAFE & Have Fun.

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    The PT-85 fits my hand better that most of my guns. Accuracy is excellent and the gun is quite powerful. I liked the gun so well that I bought the Gamo P-25 which is now my favorite.

    Things I would have changed:


    What others should know:

    Pay attention when loading the mag or you can load the mag backward...not good.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    I love this weppon "BUT"!!!!read what I would change.

    Things I would have changed:

    Deffinatlly change the clip release to metal ,I've had the wepon for about 2 years and now I need a third clip or mag release button, that S "SUCKS"!!!!!!!

    What others should know:


  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    I like the weight and feel of the pistol when shooting it. The blowback feature really adds to the realism. Using Umarex Walther CO2, I get a total of about 72 shots, 64 of them with good power, and the last 8 with somewhat less power. Accuracy was good with clusters of 1 to 2 inches. With some pellets, the clusters were slightly left of center. Not sure if the left of center shots are due to the gun or the blowback altering my aim.

    Things I would have changed:

    The gun would definitely be improved if the rear sight were adjustable for elevation and windage.

    What others should know:

    If you haven't yet shot a blowback air gun or firearm and are thinking about buying the PT-85, be aware the blowback feature on this gun really kicks. In single shot mode, the trigger is very sensitive, and the gun fires very easily. I also have the Beretta PX4 Storm, and I'm not sure at this time which one has the stronger blowback. Both guns are great fun to shoot. I've successfully used the following pellets in this gun without any jams: Crosman Premier Super Match wadcutter, Crosman Premier Ultra Magnum domed, Crosman Premier Super Point, RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle, RWS Meisterkugeln Pistol, RWS Superdome, RWS Superpoint, JSB Match Diabolo Light Weight, JSB Exact Diabolo domed, H&N Match Pistol, H&N Sport, H&N Spitzkugel, and H&N Field Target Trophy. I can't say that I have a pellet preference.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    Big and hefty near replica of a Ruger P 85. REAL hard blowback. Decent velocity. Very well made.

    Things I would have changed:

    A different safety system. It is the same kind as on my Beretta PX4 Storm and my Walther CP99 Compact. No one seems to like the safety, includuing me.

    What others should know:

    In an earlier review I posted I said that this gun did not "kick" quite as hard as my Beretta PX4 air pistol. Well, I might have been mistaken because I compared them again recently, and the PT 85 kicks HARDER than the Beretta PX4 Storm replica. More amazingly. I just fired a REAL Beretta M9 9mm recently, and I was so surprised to discover that both my PX 4 air pistol, and my Gamo PT-85 recoil about 3/4 as hard as the real firearm. These are excellent guns for practice at home or for training. So much cheaper than the range, and safer at home, too!

  • Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Things I liked:

    I like the 16 round clips. I bought two extras so I could shoot more between loading them.

    Things I would have changed:

    Not crazy about the blowback feature. I know lots of people like it, but it uses up a lot of CO2. I would rather shoot than switch cartridges so often. After I shoot 3 full magazines, it's usually time to change the CO2. Also, this gun is not very accurate.

    What others should know:

    I find it hard to believe that anyone has won target competitions with this gun. It's a fun plinker but that's about it.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 3.03.0 3.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Things I liked:

    This gun is a ton of fun. My son and I use it for back yard plinking and have a blast. We were surprised at its accuracy. It has the look and heft of a real fire arm. My son's girlfriend tried it. She just got done training and receiving her CHL. She picked it up and knocked down 4 cans with five shots at ten yards and said it felt like her purse gun (weight and feel).

    Things I would have changed:

    It is priced on the higher end where you might expect more gun for the money. I would not change much else.

    What others should know:

    Some folks are complaining that it uses too much CO2. What do you expect with the blowback action? Take the gun for what it is. It is a fun plinking gun with a pretty ingenious reversible clip where each side holds 8 pellets on each end. The CO2 does not leak out as it is clamped into the chamber which is nice compared to other pistols I own. I really like this little CO2 pistol. Be prepared to use some CO2 but it is worth it.

  • Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 4.04.0 4.0

    Rating 2.02.0 2.0

    Things I liked:

    Very solid feel to the pistol, definitely doesn't feel cheap. The blowback feature makes for a pretty realistic shooting experience and thus far have had no issues with Co2 leakage.

    Things I would have changed:

    Accuracy leaves something to be desired especially seeing as the sights are not adjustable. As can be expected it eats Co2 rather quickly due to the blowback but i believe its worth it.

    What others should know:

    If you are looking for a fun backyard pellet pistol that wont break the bank this is a very good option for you. Buy a 40 pack of Co2!

  • Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Rating 5.05.0 5.0

    Things I liked:

    I LOVE this gun. Althought it is not the most accurate, it is easily fixable, I got mine perfect. Yes it does eat c02, but I can get about 64 pellets out of each tank. Recoil is very realistic, and it has the best power out of all my pellet pistols of C02. Ive went through about 1000 pellets, I clean and maintain it and still looks like new. And I always get my 4 mags out of it.

    Things I would have changed:

    A metal magazine, all metal body.

    What others should know:

    Buy this pistol, dont click on that other one you want, no buy this one.

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