5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By bernadette from USA on 2007-11-05 12:56:16
Very nice gun accurate and powerfull I found that the rws super hollow points feed in the chamber perfectly
Things I would have changed:None
What others should know:The mendoza solid base hollow points that are recomended for the magazine can't be found,but the rws super hollow points work very well I only had one misfeed out of 40 shots
2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
By DLD from USA on 2008-10-31 11:44:21
The automatic loader, when it works.
Things I would have changed:The automatic loader is unreliable, and time consuming to unjam.
What others should know:Not a high qulality gun.
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2.0 2.0
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
The automatic loader, when it works.
Things I would have changed:The automatic loader is unreliable, and time consuming to unjam.
What others should know:Not a high qulality gun.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Beautiful finished stock and bluing. The seven shot magazine is very convenient. Strong power plant. Rated for 825 fps on this site but the factory cert said mine was at 950 fps. This is a real hard hitter! The metal trigger guard is very robust. The double triger has a good feel to it. My wife and daughter enjoy shooting with it too. Good varmint rifle with the convience of the magazine good chance at second and third shots quickly.
Things I would have changed:Make the magazine loader spring stronger. The breach for the magazine jams easily if there are any deformities in the pellet and sometimes needs the loading assembly to be flicked to get pelet to load into the breach properly.
What others should know:Mendoza recommends their ammo only for use in the magazine. Unfortunately their ammo is inconsistant in shape and accuracy, and jams up the breach. At 13.5 grains, Mendoza hollow points don't seem to impart the power to the targett that is available from the power plant. I got much better results using RWS Superdomes though they occasionaly jam, probably from slight deformation and lead flaking on the pellets. The Superdomes at 14.5 grains grouped tighter and hit harder than the Mendoza pellets, however there is a slight shudder felt at release. The best results so far are using Crosman Premier Hollow Point ammo at 14.3 grains. With the Crosman Premier Hollow Point the groupings are the tightest and hits hard. Have not had any jamming problem with the Crosman Premiers yet.
4.0 4.0
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
Nice stock, decent aperture sight, easy to cock.
Things I would have changed:Nicer welds on the receiver or better yet, a bolt on application for the loader.
What others should know:Mendozas are designed to diesel which is what helps in the velocity (you're instructed to add oil to the oil hole every so often). I wasn't aware of this until I read the manual. In my opinion, this makes the gun very loud and difficult to maintain consistency. Even the higher dollar springers (non-Mendozas) aren't designed to utilize dieseling for velocity. During my break-in period I noticed the gun losing a little bit of velocity once the oil began to evaporate. Once all the oil was gone, the gun stopped dieseling and is now very accurate and consistent. It's also much quieter. I have not added oil to the compression chamber at all. After a proper break-in (about 700 rounds for me), this can be an accurate gun and the loader is very convenient. Make sure you count your shots though - it's easy to lose track and accidentally dry fire it. Along this price line, I'd highly recommend an RWS 34, or the Panther. Those are perfect out of box shooters, there's no oiling to worry about and they're very consistent.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
i really like the wooden stock, how it looks and the rubber recoil absorber, because it does have some recoil. Also the magazine is really convienient, rather than reaching in your pocket everytime you need to reload. The two stage trigger is very light and has no slack once you pull the second trigger. the gun is pretty accurate. at 15yrds i got pellet holes touching, at 25 yards i get a ..65'' spread, and 1'' at 35yrds with wadcutters in .22cal
Things I would have changed:the description says the barrel length 18 inches but the muzzle break covers up the wide opening at the end barrel it looks like they drilled into it about 3 inches so the front sights could be drilled in. so the barrel is really like 14 inches because they count the muzzle break in the barrel length too. if you buy the gun and look down the muzzle end of the barrel you can see what i am talking about. it still seems to be really accurate for a springer so i dont let it bother me
What others should know:the magazine spring could be a little too strong and push the pellets out when you cock the gun so you would probly want to tug on it all the way back and leave it sprung for a few days to weeken it.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
like the stock, and its finish...good accuracy, good, quick sights...full-size
Things I would have changed:the ugly welds holding the mag. tube to the barrel...
What others should know:Can't locate the Mendoza pellets...have been shooting single shot. Will try the RWS ammo suggested. Large rifle,...cheekpiece and stock fit me well. Outside of the welds mentioned,...I'm pleased with this purchase.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
EVERYTHING! Plain & simple! Awesome looking, sights, shooting, power & accuracy! This gun has it all!
Things I would have changed:More rounds in the clip, but then again even if it shot 50, I'd want 100! ;)
What others should know:If you are in the market for a .22 cal rifle, look no further!
BUY THIS ONE! You WILL love it!
Mike E. aka - The Big Bore Addict -
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Shoulders well, sights line up easy when shouldered. Sights are easy to see, I like the two circles and center the red dot. I really like the trigger, so smooth and easy. I really like the power and not having to pump, My friend has a sheridan blue streak, and his arm got so tired pumping, and he got off one shot to my four. With the 7 shot magazine, you just cock and shoot, (don't forget to watch and see if a pellet is in the drop down part, to be sure your not going to dry fire). I also like the balance, size and weight, it feels so solid. There is almost no recoil which seems amazing for all the power. The gun is finished well and built solid. If you plan to hunt small game, I can't see how you can beat this gun for the money. I like it so well that I ordered an Avenger 1100, $149 in 177 (which is made by Mendoza just like the 600, but $20 cheaper), I got a leapers 3x9 scope with this one because it is 1030 fps so I guess I can hunt at 50 to 100 yards, I got the high mounts so I could switch the scope to the rm-2000 and still use the magazine, hope it all works.
Things I would have changed:I don't see much to change at that price. Pyramyd Air could do better on shipping time, they said I would have it in 5 days, but it took 10 days, if you want it fast, pay the extra for quick shipment.
What others should know:I set it some hardwood 2x6 to test the sights and power, and at 25 yards the pellets sunk into the wood 1/4" to 3/8", great power, but it was shooting very high. I had to adjust it all the way down to get it down, left and right was spot on, but even adjusted all the way, I was still 1" high. I will see if I can remount the rear sight or something, but if I aim 1" low my grouping is 1" right on the target. And that is with the crossman premiere 14.3 which feed well in the magazine and are said to be too small dia. You have to load a H&N field and target one at a time, but they did shoot even straighter and with more power, I am going to try and get some of the fatter wasp pellets from england, it looks like they should fit in the magazine.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Power Accuracy Sights & sight adjustment. Trigger pull safety
Things I would have changed:Make it able to use a bigger selection of pellets in the clip.
What others should know:Beautiful gun, very well made,
By far the BEST break barrel repeater ever!
FYI... You CAN use the Crossman Premier in the cardboard box in the clip instead of the Mendoza flat skirk hollow points.
The Vrossmans are a much better pellet.
I've also heard the RWS Hobby pellets work too, but haven't tried them yet.
Just buy it! :)
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very nice gun accurate and powerfull I found that the rws super hollow points feed in the chamber perfectly
Things I would have changed:None
What others should know:The mendoza solid base hollow points that are recomended for the magazine can't be found,but the rws super hollow points work very well I only had one misfeed out of 40 shots
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
4.0 4.0
I like the" idea" of cocking the gun without loading a pellet every time, but this only works if you have the mendoza solid base pellets. I have owned the gun over a year and have not been able to purchase these pellets in .22 after many tries. Other pellets only work one at a time.
Things I would have changed:make solid base pellets available that work with this gun. the whole reason I bought this gun was for the automatic pellet feed. make it work with most pellets.
What others should know:This gun is gorgeous. beautiful craftsmanship, and quality gloss finish from the tip of the barrel to the end of the receiver. Love the metal trigger guard and refined trigger.
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By Timothy
This rifle is awesome. I first thoughts were accuracy. This gun's out of the box accuracy is not to be reckoned with. I've now shot over 400 pellets through it and accuracy only improved. I thought about scoping but decided the optic sights are sufficient. I've used Gamo Match .22 Cal, 14.2 Grains, Wadcutter pellets and its rating between 820-826 consistently depending on the temperature. The magazine has made this rifle even better and now I can spend more time shooting instead of loading. Even though I own several more air guns this one has become my favorite.
Things I would have changed:Offer one in a ..20 and 25 cal Repeater models