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5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
These shot as good as the regular jsb kings out of my at44-10s qe just out edged the regular king heavies that grouped right at an inch to where the mkll's were right at 5/8 of an inch at 42 yards.
Things I would have changed:15.99 maybe for a 300 stack vs the 350 you get with the 25.39 kings? Not a deal breaker for me though.
What others should know:The mkll's seem to have a slightly smaller head and skirt diameter to the regular king heavies.i can feel the difference in the rifling engagement between the 2. POI is the same for me other than the grouping size. And also 1 mil dot drop at 12x at 42 yards when sighted in with the 25.39 jsb. 42 is all I got before I start marching up the mountain side otherwise I'd certainly go out further. Curious to see how they'd do at 75 yards. Try a tin of each variant of the king heavies. Other hatsan owners seem to have similar luck with these pellets from what reviews I've read.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
JSB are always the most accurate pellets made anywhere!
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Great for PCP airguns, maybe a little heavy for springers.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
JSB are always the most accurate pellets made anywhere!
Things I would have changed:A padded tin so there are not so many deformed pellets from shipping.
What others should know:Good & heavy
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Performed excellent out of my Hatsan bull boss 25. I was getting 1" groups @ 50 yds with the regular 33.95 heavies and when I switched to the MKII's groups shrank to 5/8" @ 50 yds with consistentcy.
Things I would have changed:Price.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
These pellets, out of an FX Royale 500, are simply awesome. I am talking dime size groups at 75 yards under great conditions, without sorting the pellets. If I could ever get in to sorting, then the results would be that much better. No pellet I have shot, or heard about, comes close to these dudes.
Things I would have changed:Not much - make them more precise if that's possible? size/weight, etc... ? That's a stretch, but since you asked...
What others should know:Don't wait - get them while they are in stock. Notice they are not always in stock, so buy them when available.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
JSB manufactures a consistent, clean and precise pellet. Packaging contains a foam disc that helps with preserving the pellets from deformation. The OVERSIZE of this pellet makes it fit the oversize bore of my Hatsan M-136, and has made the rifle an accurate shooter.
Things I would have changed:Not the pellets! I would prefer a screw top lid for the large pellet tin. The snap lids can result in a spill of the contents when trying to open them.
What others should know:One will likely need a Pellet Seat Tool to set these into the breech given the oversize and the thickness of the skirt. Beeman no longer manufactures the old tool, but RAW, from Nashville, TN, makes a clone of the old standby and it comes on a lanyard! The ball end of the tool is all that is needed to set the skirt into the breech and prevent its deformation - particularly on break barrel breaches. This also has the happy consequences of starting the pellet in the rifling and saving the power plant energy for accelerating the pellet rather than driving it into the rifling.
By lance from USA on 2020-03-30 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
JSB makes a clean and precision product. This is one more of them. The increased head diameter has FINALLY turned my Hatsan M-135 .25 into an accurate shooter. The over-size bore in the Hatsan was "fixed" by the larger head diameter of the Exact King Heavy pellets. Other quality pellets tended to be erratic from the rifle.
Things I would have changed:Nothing needs to be changed in this product, as I see it. Indeed, given the bore size issues with the Hatsan M-135, I hope that NO changes are made to the dimensions of this pellet.
What others should know:A pellet seat tool may be necessary with this pellet. I use my venerable Beeman Pellet Seat tool, the ball end, to "click" these into the breech. The Beeman tool is no longer available, but RAW makes a clone of that pellet seat. Given the thick skirt of the Exact King Heavy, such a tool will likely be quite necessary.
By frederick from USA on 2017-04-28 |
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
very accurate
Things I would have changed:Screw on lid would be nice
What others should know:haven't used them for hunting yet but I bet they wont disappoint me.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Grouped well in my Cricket 25 at 910 fps
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
My .25 modified MRod loves these. Best in the wind and rain. Hit like a ton of bricks, 44 FPE. Haven't missed a rat yet at 20, 30, 35 yards. These pellets are clean, with very few deformed skirts.
Things I would have changed:More to a tin, and a screw-on lid would be nice for us arthritic old geezers.
What others should know:These really are the most accurate with my MRod, and I have tried everything. JSB 25.39 Grain are the other favorite. The MK II's have the edge in bad weather. Got 4/6 ants at 68 feet the other day using a Sightron 10-50 x 60. Light rain, 4-8 MPH cross wind, no correction required , except leading on a moving target.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
My .25 Airforce Condor shoots best with these pellets. The lighter JSB's are not as accurate for my gun so I stick with what works. At 75 yards, I can get dime size groups with ease even in windy conditions. At 100 yards, quarter and sometimes smaller groups. Although the weight of these pellets are not precise from pellet to pellet, I still think that a missing grain or two does not have a great effect. When you have a 3 or 5 grain difference, then you might. So far, the Heavies are within two grains of each other. These pellets are a bit bigger than most. Makes it easier to pick up and load into my Condor. Accuracy with these pellets are excellent.
Things I would have changed:A bigger count? A 500 tin would be nice. Seeing how these are the only ones I use, even a 1000 box would be great.
What others should know:I shoot at the lowest setting on the AirForce Condor. I am still getting 875-900 feet per second with these pellets. Sure is nice having such a punch at such low settings.......I get at least 120 shots from an air fill up. These pellets devastate chipmunks. They almost explode. English Sparrows are just a puff of feathers.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Precision made
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:If your looking for precision made pellets these are them
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Accurate and hard-hitting. Turns starlings inside out at 25 yards.
Things I would have changed:More pellets, less money. Include a $50 bill in every third tin. ;-)
What others should know:An excellent heavy pellet in my Benjamin Trail NP XL. Hits like a ton of bricks and is more accurate in my gun than the Eunjin heavies.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
very accurate
Things I would have changed:flatter head design for better expansion.
What others should know:they work perfect in a fx bobcat mk2.
By James-M. from USA on 2018-06-02 |
5.0 5.0
3.0 3.0
5.0 5.0
I like how accurate the pellets are consistent in size and weight I shoot a 25 caliber FX wildcat I have a few fly aways I shoot dime size targets About 35 yards away with the these pellets I can put them through the same hole consistently.
Things I would have changed:More pellets in the TiN screw on top
What others should know:Try these pellets hit like a sledgehammer you would not be disapproving
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
My FX Wildcat loves these 34 grain MKII pellets, and I like the way they buck the wind much better than the 25.4g Exact Kings. I also like the uniformity in size, shape, and weight.
Things I would have changed:I would change the cans to ones with screw on lids...but nothing else.
What others should know:My fellow airgunners should know that I clean my pellets with Acetone to remove any graphite, wax, or other lubricants used during the manufacturing process. After letting them air dry I lubricate them with a light spray of Napier Pellet Lube. My very best group was on Mothers Day when I shot a four shot group that measured 1/2" at 100 yards. The Markham Park range master and several other range officers witnessed me shooting that group and many others like it that morning. None of my other 100 yard groups were larger than 3/4" that day. It was a flat calm, about 89 degrees, and 85% humidity here in South Florida at sea level. The bottom line? If you have the right airgun, clean and lube your pellets, and know how to do your part, these JSB MKII pellets will do their part every time. Because of the accuracy of my rifle and these pellets, I sold all my other air rifles and got rid of all other pellets. Would I recommend these to a friend? Not if he was going to be competing against me.
By CHARLES PEFFLEY from USA on 2016-07-16 |
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Hard Hitting, Accurate enough to Consistently hit paintballs on golf tees at 50 yards and beyond in my shooting. Packed with foam in can to prevent pellet damage during shipment. Pre-lubed.
Things I would have changed:Would like to see better consistency can to can which is pretty much a universal issue across all pellet brands (these are better than most others). Price could be better. Watch for discounts and sales then stock up.
What others should know:If you are a .25 Airgunner then you already know about this pellet and it's attributes. If not then you have probably been living under a rock.
I have 25+ cans on hand which speaks volumes about my like of this pellet.
Perfect for larger birds and small game.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I like that this is an improved pellet, the result of JSB listening to the cry of the people, they fixed the Standard King Heavy that some guns hard a problem feeding and came up with the MKII, every bit as good as the great King Heavy.
Things I would have changed:With the pellet nothing, but I would pay a dollar more a tin to get a screw off lid.
What others should know:Maybe it is just my rifle but the 25.39 gr. Exact King shoots to the same point of aim as the 33.95 gr. at 25 yds.
By byron from USA on 2017-01-23 |
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By bzizzi
Accuracy ! Energy !
Things I would have changed:Put more in a tin
What others should know:These pellets are shooting 840 FPS out of my FX Crown and at 100 yards are just incredible. Seem to retain energy and buck the wind better than the 25.4