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5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Extreme accuracy out of almost any .177 rifle
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:I shoot competitively in a JROTC air rifle team and these are what we use. Form years of experience I say use these for accuracy. Out of our Daisy 887's and prone you can put the one in the same hole over and over from 10 meters. Fantastic pellet.
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
In my Hammerli 850 under CO2 these were spectacular performers. These and Supermags were dime-sized groups at 25 yards. The manufacturing is high quality as I found very few deformed pellets.
Things I would have changed:Having converted my 850 to HPA these are now horribly inconsistent. I can't get anywhere near the same grouping as before under CO2.
What others should know:If you have a high velocity rifle, I would consider a smaller (or RWS sampler) package of these before committing to buying 500. In the 700-800 fps range they were superb, getting closer to 1000 fps they lost their charm.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Best wadcutter pellet in regards to accuracy for my Gamo Whisper (GTIII Trigger and custom turbo tune by Gene). When I have a steady hand going, I can put these in the same hole one after another at 10 meters. Haven't tried them at further distances but 8.2 gr is a nice weight for around 25-25 yards.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:I know they're not the cheapest but the whole point of air guns is to be accurate so get what you pay for and get these.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Consistant weight, very accurate.
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:Most AG's like these pellets, being wadcutters I use them up to 25ydsmax. Seems to work better in med and higher power guns.
4.0 4.0
2.0 2.0
5.0 5.0
Solid RWS construction and consistency.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:I got these, the R-10 and the Diablo basics from RWS. I didnt see any difference in quality between them all (other than the obvious weights).
After shooting them, weighing them, and examining them, I dont see the added value in these or the R10 pellets. I'd stick to the Diablo basics as they're half the price as just as good.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
High quality. Very uniform. Perform well on both my Diana 46 Stutzen and my Webley Longbow (English version). Accurate but not as accurate as the JSB exact/express pellets.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:High quality pellet on some air rifles. You need to find out which pellet your rifle shoots best with.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very consistant skirt shape. A bargain for a match pellet. Came very well packaged by Pyramyd
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:Shot tight, consistant groups in both my IZH46M and friends Feinwerkbau 300s.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Incredibly precise and consistent.
Things I would have changed:Nothing.
What others should know:Very accurate.Soft lead that dumps energy on impact.Great short range pest pellet.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Very accurate and fit very tight in my new Ruger Air Hawk !! I had problems with pellets fitting loose in my breech and falling out when I closed the barrel so I bought the RWS Sampler pack and found these worked the best to ensure a tight fit .. I came back for more because they are very accurate and the right weight to give me about 910 fps.
Things I would have changed:I know people always complain about the lids falling off because of no threads on the tins but I just found a different container for them and have no problems.
What others should know:Pyramyd's new foam packaging for their pellets is the most excellent idea I have seen and not one scratch or dent on all four of my tins.
4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
Very accurate. Worked well with My Beeman P3
Things I would have changed:Screw top on container. Add one
What others should know:Nothing
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
By far the best, consistent shooting I've done (Group of 10, 1/4" @ 10yd). They look and feel sturdy, solid. This review is with an IZH-61. The pellets fit snug in the magazine but can be shaken out.
Things I would have changed:Nothing to change.
What others should know:I weigh my pellets and the weights I've measured are 8.2gr and 8.3gr. The majority in this tin being 8.3gr. This is excellent considering some other brands that have a .4gr spread. Also, these are not as dirty (dusty?) as most other brands, either.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Top quality, very acurate
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:Perfect for any target shoting.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
GREAT uniformity! Very well produced pellets... I think they've become my favorite all-around that I grab for.
Things I would have changed:Absolutely nothing. Good weight, definitely more accurate than most. These I consider to be "Elite".
What others should know:Get some, try em' out and you'll be able to tell the difference between your average run-of-the-mill pellets and something above and beyond! They're a little pricey but the quality you're getting is fabulous!
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Nicely formed clean pellet. Accurate too.
Things I would have changed:Lids.....
What others should know:Very accurate I believe. They seem to want to group very tightly at 25 yards in my CFX. It seems I always get 1 or 2 a bit off in a 5 shot group however. Typically I'll get 3 shots at around 3/8 or 1/2 and the other two opening the group to around an inch or so. I attribute it to a new gun? Not sure really. Could be operator trouble.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
I shot these exclusively when I was shooting running target competitively 20 years ago. I'm glad to see they are still available. Fired from my Walther LGR, they will produce one hole groups at 10 meters. At three times that distance, the group can still be covered with a dime. Top quality, uniform, precision ammunition every bit as good as I remember.
Things I would have changed:nothing
What others should know:These perform very well on paper targets and for general plinking. They also work very well on small, varmint animals such as the ground squirrels which (formerly) lived on my property. They may seem expensive by comparison, but are still just a fraction of the cost of an equivelent quantity of even cheap .22LR cartridges.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
They are uniform in size and weight. I use them in a Walther LGR .177 and have no problems in grouping size. I tried other pellets and the LGR does not like any of them.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:They are uniform in weight and size and have always held a close grouping for me at 25 yards.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
Accuracy. Second only to the R10s in my CZ631.
Things I would have changed:Nothing
What others should know:If you've been getting average groups, try these.
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0
The accuracy I can get hole in hole shooting. They're very uniform in size and shape.
Things I would have changed:Cheaper? also screw on lid.
What others should know:These are good for some pest control like starlings.
5.0 5.0
4.0 4.0
5.0 5.0
Uniform and extremely accurate.
Things I would have changed:Make price equal to Basics:).
What others should know:Smooth skirts, fairly wide.
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By Mark
Nice quality, smooth finish. Refined.
Things I would have changed:Nothing