Air Venturi Crazy Eights Reset Airgun Target
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The ultimate practice target! Hit any of the 8 hanging paddles and they swing up and out of the way, coming to rest on the reset bar. Once you've shot all 8 paddles onto the reset bar, send a pellet into the reset paddle and watch all the paddles swing back into view! Not only will you see the paddles swing when hit, but you hear it too! The satisfying sound will keep you coming back time and time again.
This innovative design features a locking mechanism on the kickstand legs that leaves the Crazy Eights still standing when other targets would fall over after a direct hit or two.
Air Venturi Crazy Eights Target
- Shoot to reset target gallery
- Nine 1.75" twist-designed target paddles (including reset paddle) for a lifetime of fun
- Long-lasting, heavy-duty steel construction
- Sturdy legs will keep the target upright, even on hard surfaces
- Kickstand legs lock into place to prevent falling over
- Easy setup - no tools required
- For .177-, .20- and .22-caliber lead pellets
- Minimum distance: 10 yards
- Maximum muzzle energy: 22 ft/lbs
- Caliber guide: .177-caliber/1,000 fps, .20-caliber/800 fps, .22-caliber/800 fps
- Dimensions: 19.75" W X 11.5" H X 8" D
- Paddles are 1/8" thick
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10 of 55 Air Venturi Crazy Eights Reset Reviews
Great fun for little funds! Target works great and operates as it should.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Great target!!! Works perfectly.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowGreat target for the money.
Very easy to set up and use. Functions as advertised. Good value for the money and great fun to use.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing as it works as you would want it to right now.
What Others Should KnowNothing else.
Fast shipping time and great quality
Works as it should. Love the shooting reset, who wants to walk! Get a can of spray paint for when to decals go and have fun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Fun for a 9 year old to shoot at.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowEasy to use.
It actually worked like its supposed to. @ 30-35yds with a Fusion2&JSB they flung around and came to a rest on the bar and they all stayed there until I shot the reset. I even hit it 2-3 times with 25cal Avenger and still looks good.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake a few of them smaller. AND start making your targets able to handle 25cal. Its becoming a more common caliber. I'm sick of the only other option being AR500 plates. Too much $$
What Others Should KnowI was thinking if I epoxied a washer(same diam) to the back, it probably wouldn't have a problem gettin smacked around by the 25cal. Might have to add weight to the reset bar somehow. Idk?
the third type of one of these targets I own. It works. for an 8 target, this one is the best value for the buck so far.
Things I Would Have Changed(wish it was made of 24k gold for $19.99) "Nothing."
Works well with my .177 air rifle. The reset target is very nice so you don't have to walk downrange to reset the targets.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI put a piece of rubber tubing on the reset bar so the targets would not bounce off after they flip up.
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Oct 22, 2023
By David
Cheap Price and well built for little money. Good design.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the legs longer.
What Others Should KnowDoesn't handle higher powered air guns very well. Works good with lower power air rifles. Aim higher up on the metal targets to get the plates to stay up after hitting them.