Air Venturi MK5 Pump Kit by Hill Hand Pump, Up to 4500 PSI
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The Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Hill features a completely redesigned interior that more easily generates the higher pressures needed for some of today's newer airguns. Capable of producing pressure up to 4500 PSI/310 BAR with less effort than the previous model, this new version retains the top quality and ease of use for which Hill is legendary.
Many experienced airgunners agree that Hill pumps are the most durable and consistent hand pumps on the market. They're easy to use and maintain, and they're very reliable.
This kit includes the Dry-Pac system, which removes up to 90% of the moisture from the air the pump takes in. It also includes an easy female quick-disconnect fitting for threading onto the end of the included hose that eliminates the need to purchase extra parts or thread on your fill probes when you want to fill.
For a top-quality hand pump that gives more pressure with less effort, get the Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Hill today at Pyramyd AIR.
Air Venturi MK5 Kit by Hill Hand Pump, Up to 4500 PSI
- New design requires less effort than previous design
- 3-stage pump
- Up to 4500 PSI/310 BAR
- Field-strip in 5 minutes for maintenance
- Included Dry-Pac system removes 90% of harmful moisture
- New color changing media for the Dry Pac (color changing moisture saturation indicator beads)
- Includes female quick-disconnect fitting
- Includes 17.5" hose
- Nickel plated finish offers enhanced wear and moisture resistance
- Manufactured in England
- Some assembly required
- Each unit 100% tested by Hill before packaging and shipping
- 5-year limited warranty

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10 of 64 Air Venturi MK5 Pump Kit Reviews
Pump is built well, and delivery was quick. However I haven't been able to use it yet (see below)
What Others Should KnowMy shipment contained neither the "new color changing media for the Dry Pac" (only the classic non-colored Dry Pac, the refill sachet did not contain a smaller bag inside) nor did it have the female quick-disconnect fitting.
most efficient pump I own.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowbuy it!
Easier to pump and more efficient. I went through a Hill MK. 1. Benjamin , Hill MK. 4. And finally bought this. Way faster filling than the three other mentioned pumps.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis is the pump to buy
It takes about 75 pumps to go from 2000 to 3000 on my Marauder. Beats the heck out of driving to the paintball store. i'm back on the target in less than 10 minutes with the pump, and its good exercise for a 74 year old man.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a longer hose
it is a well built air pump; the moisture filter has lasted quite a few refills.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like a bigger base for me to step on and have more control and balance; using this pump is a workout! But Once you get the rhythm, and proper balance, it is a fun workout; still, It is solid built.
Works well. Nice and smooth motion.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIt is a good workout to get the gun pumped up. I don't plan to use the gun that often so I couldn't' t justify an electric pump.
I bought this for my Crosman Marauder Pistol. I have owned a 4500 psi pump a long time ago. This one is smoother. At 5'5" and 144 lbs, I have no problems pumping this.
Things I Would Have Changednone
What Others Should KnowTheir customer service reps are experience with many of their products. I spoke with them extensively before choosing this pump.
I do have the mk5 Hill hand pump, but that I will only use in emergency or standby if my ReadyAir has issue. I I have only used it on my 25 caliber -1 Gauntlet-1. Too much to hand pump on my .22 & .25 caliber Gauntlet-2
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is what it is.
It would work fine if I was not 80 years old. I got an air compressor
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Feb 02, 2025
By shane
Very good HHP