Air Venturi MK5, Image 1
Air Venturi MK5, Image 1

Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Hill Hand Pump, Up to 4500 PSI

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The Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Hill features a completely redesigned interior that more easily generates the higher pressures needed for some of today's newer PCP airguns. Capable of producing pressure up to 4500 PSI/310 BAR with less effort than the previous model, this new version retains the top quality and ease of use for which Hill is legendary.

Many experienced airgunners agree that Hill pumps are the most durable and consistent hand pumps on the market. They're easy to use and maintain, and they're very reliable.

For a top-quality hand pump that gives more pressure with less effort, get the Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Hill today at Pyramyd AIR.

Air Venturi MK5 Hand Pump by Hill, 4500 PSI

  • New design requires less effort than previous design
  • 3-stage pump
  • Up to 4500 PSI/310 BAR
  • Field-strip in 5 minutes for maintenance
  • Includes 17.5" hose with 1/8" BSPP female threaded end
  • Does not include female foster fitting
  • Nickel plated finish offers enhanced wear and moisture resistance
  • Manufactured in England
  • Some assembly required
  • Each unit 100% tested by Hill before packaging and shipping
  • 5-year limited warranty
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6.8 lbs

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10 of 18 Air Venturi MK5 Pump by Reviews

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Very easy to pump my Air Venturi Avenger to full psi. Easy to fill while hunting or plinking

If it where to come with the female adapter already instead of having to look and buy one.

If your going to buy this hand pump make sure to also buy a 1/8 BSPP female quick- Disconnet Connector adapter in order to pump your PCP.

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What can I say? It does the job it was intended for very well.

nothing so far

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Works as it should, very well made.

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Pumps fairly easily up to 4000psi. Haven't gone over that yet. Works better than my Benjamin hand pump.

Make a better moisture trap. I made one that the desiccant filter can be unscrewed and replaced with a standard filter. Design the pump to dissipate heat better.

It's a little workout filling up to 4000psi, but still works better than the Benjamin hand pump. Go ahead and get a pump kit or at least get some of the little o rings. I've got some really abrasion resistant ones ordered. Regular ones won't last as long as it takes to replace them.

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Longer hose, handle seems sturdy.

Collar that secures foot to pump could be metal.

New to PCP's. Only high pressure pump I've used and it fills my Marauder without strenuous effort using slow and steady 10 pump repeats.

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How do I send this garbage back!!!!!!!??????? Item arrived about a week ago. I assembled it about an hour ago. Tried topping off my talon p with it was losing airAND GREASE faster than I was putting any air in! After tightening almost everything on it, I tried again. No use. Still losing air as one where. I have an original Axsor that's at least 30 years old. After all these years it's in need of a reseal kit and, probably the little brass valve. Instead of fixing what has proven to be an excellent pump, I fork out a couple hundred bucks for this junk. I own several English made air guns that are leagues above this thing in fit and finish. Makes me wonder if it was made in China and assembled in Sheffield or wherever. It was even blowing grease out of the topside of the brass fitting at the base of the outer shaft housing. It was loose as a goose. And why so much grease to begin with!!!??? I just want my money back. No replacement junk. Sorry I ever ordered this thing right off!

I'd try to implement some degree of quality control into the manufacturing process, first of all. Beyond that, I don't even know what to say right now.

Yeah sure. If you buy this, be prepared to spend money and time repairing it to the point whereupon it becomes a functional device. How much time or money that will entail, will ALWAYS be a mystery to me. I'm not going down that rabbit hole.

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Beautifully made.

Add/include quick disconect fittings. Needs longer hose to keep gun out of dirt

Way too hard to pump. I was going to return it BUT return shipping was ATROCIOUS ---$45 from Calif back to Ohio. P A does not pay return shipping

JAKE Jul 07, 2022

Lol I completely agree with you Dow. I'll never understand that either, everything about the merchandise is in the description to the very last detail!! And wouldn't you know!!? If people just took 30 seconds to READ they would gather all the information they need before pressing that "Place your order" button. It seems like some people just have nothing better to do than complain and/or place blame on anyone or anything other than themselves.

Dow May 23, 2022

Why the low rating, when the complaints are your own fault? It states right in the ad description, hose length is 17.5 inches. Also states NO female foster fitting. Hard to pump???? My 10 year old grand daughter can reach 2000 psi with this pump. And her 12 year old brother can get to 3000 psi. I myself, being a disabled senior citizen, with torn ligament in shoulder and two crushed discs in lower back...can pump my avengers to 4350 psi with the Hill hand pump. As far as the cost of return shipping? Well, PA shipped it to you for free. Since there is nothing wrong with the pump, I don't see why they should pay return shipping.

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Beautifully made.

Add/include quick disconect fittings. Needs longer hose to keep gun out of dirt

Way too hard to pump

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Solid and well built. Pushes air in on both direction. But still a lot of work.

I would've incorporated a filter on the line instead of buying the overpriced one.

Instead of buying the Air Venturi filter for $45, I cut a strip of charcoal air filter and wrapped it around the tube around the air inlet. Just starting on this Air Rifle Hobby and trying not to spend too much too soon.

Guy Jan 12, 2023

I went to the local Harbor Freight store and bought two desiccant filters. Then a trip to Lowe's and got some fittings. Maybe had 20-25 bucks total.

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Not paying for a compressor. Works. Effort, but it works.

Somewhat expensive for a pump? Extend the hose length. Very short.

You can use this. For kids, it may be difficult, but if you can be directly over the pump, it wasnt that bad. These dont work by how fast you pump, rather it will fill and then as you are pushing down, compress the air to about 3 inches that you must push completely down. Feels like two NORTH magnets resisting each other and you have to make them touch.

Never let your rifle go completely empty. Let fill get down to 1000 psi then pump back up to 3000.

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