Piston Seal, Fits, Image 1
Piston Seal, Fits, Image 1

Piston Seal, Fits Walther Falcon Hunter, Walther Talon Magnum & Hatsan 125

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  • Piston seal
  • Fits Walther Falcon Hunter, Walther Talon Magnum and Hatsan 125 and Benjamin Trail NP XL
  • For professional installation only.

Spare part for select Walther and Hatsan spring-piston air rifles. Sometimes, guns blow seals or the seals are cut due to becoming dislodged. This is the correct replacement part for your air gun.


0.15 lbs

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9 of 9 Piston Seal, Fits Walther Falcon Reviews

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looks to be 1st quality ,installed in my benjamin trail npxl .22 cal works well ! would buy again if needed

im gonna beat the dead horse here --- seal was a touch pricey, but im a miser anyway , cant cost more than a few cents to make --- but -- it does fit my application

prompt shipping and handling , accurate description from seller easy checkout process

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This is a hard to find part but PA had it in stock thankfully. This is for a Hatsan MOD 125, .25 cal. The original spring was not comfortable at all to shot and accuracy was lacking. They (Hatsan) offered to change it over to a Vortex (125.00 + shipping) I took them up on it. The piston gave out but 'Ive always wanted to break a rifle down so I ordered this and the silicone lube and fabricated a spring compressor. Once I reviewed the YouTube video on how to do it It only took and hour to take apart, clean thoroughly and replace the seal. What I found is Hatsan did not clean the spring chamber very well and used the standard grease. This caused of course poor performance. Once everything was cleaned properly with the new seal lubed as they talk about here with just a few drop and then making sure the chamber is lubed and things move well I went to test it and WOW. Smooth is a great feeling and the accuracy went up 1/4 inch at 30 yards consistently

I hope that there will be other seals and springs/gas pistons available now that I have done this it would be nice to clean up the rest of my rifles.

Take your time, take pictures of each step in disassembly to help if you get lost or distracted.

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Perfect fit for my brand new Hatsan 125TH. Bought this to replace a defective factory seal, and the performance now exceeds factory specs. I bought my brother the same gun, and it's velocity is deteriorating just like mine. I'll be getting another one of these and replacing the factory seal on his gun as well.

It would be nice if Hatsan had better quality control so bad seals were not installed on the pistons.

This seal change requires tearing down the entire gun. This is NOT your simple DIY project, and requires extensive knowledge and tools most people do not have. Know what you are getting into before attempting this project!

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Fit perfect and seems tough Tuned my gun to a much more accurate shooter. It say's to be installed by a professional. Well I guess the factory should try that and it wouldn't need replacing.

Nothing worked fine

Check your gun, this will improve accuracy a lot.

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Good quality material


Perfect for Hatsan 125 series. The factory seal blew at about 200 shots on mine and when I pulled the piston it seemed to be undersized a tad. This one fits tighter. I soaked it in warm water for a few minutes and it popped right on, no tools used

christopher Jan 21, 2016

how did you change the piston seal??

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This is a quality product and I would buy it again


This is a perfect fit for Hatsan 125 sniper vortex

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Available here ,kinda hard to find elsewhere.

Make a multi- pack discount.

Google the various diy seal installation tools online. I made one from a caulking gun tube end. Slips the seals right on the piston. Other wise its harder than it looks.

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Better fit in the compression tube, much better material. I would recommend to anyone that has the know how to rebuild their Walther Air rifle.

not a thing

After doing a tune on my Walther Talon Magnum .22 and replacing the piston seal, my WTM has a significant increase in power. doing the phonebook penetration test, I picked up around 100 pages average more penetration. So my WTM is shooting the better then half a phonebook with cheap daisy pellets.

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The seal is made of very good materal. Very good for to the bore.

Fits the Hatsan 125's. Will not fit the Hatsan 135

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