Airburst MegaBoom Supersonic Target System (STS), Pressure Gauge
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If you like reactive targets, then the Airburst MegaBoom Supersonic Target System (STS) will deliver that in spades!
Attach a 1-liter or 2-liter plastic soda or water bottle to your STS platform, hook up a low-pressure bicycle hand pump to the input and pump up the bottle. Extensive directions are included with your system. Read all directions before using your STS.
The shooter and everyone in the general vicinity should wear safety glasses and hearing protection. Remember to remove all pets from the area to protect them from the supersonic boom, flying plastic shards and inhaling the misting BoomDust.
- Airburst MegaBoom Supersonic Target System (STS)
- Includes oil-filled air pressure gauge
- Attach plastic soda or water bottles for some shootin' fun!
- Shooter and all other people in the area should be at least 15 feet from the STS when the bottle is shot
- Directions included
- Up to 150 decibels of boom!
According to the manufacturer, lightweight pellets will penetrate the bottles and exhaust all the air but will not cause a supersonic boom (the bottle doesn't blow up). In .22 caliber, they told us that the lightest pellet that blows up the bottle and causes a boom weighs 14.3 grains. They have not provided a minimum-weight projectile for any other caliber. However, the manufacturer states that slingshot ammo will blow up the bottle (and cause a boom), which suggests that the weight of the projectile is more important than speed.
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4 of 4 Airburst MegaBoom Supersonic Target System Reviews
the device seems to be well made
Things I Would Have Changedthe grey clamp that holds the bottle onto the device is made from plastic I eventually will have to make a replacement from steel or aluminum
What Others Should Knowmy Air Arms extra fac s510 and my marauder are both .25 caliber and will not cause the pop bottles to explode. I emailed the company from their instruction sheet last week and they never got back with me. I think .25 s may be too slow, cause my .22 cal marauder did cause a hhalf liter bottle to explode. I will test it more tomorrow but I was disapointed to buy a 2 liter bottle of soda and shoot it and all it was discharge through the pellet entry and exit holes with a hiss. I mean the only way I can get soda bottles id to buy soda. so the bottles are not really too cheap.
A safe way to create a good blast.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish the system had a way where you can fill/maintain multiple airburst megaboom bottles all at once. Can only fill one at a time per system.
What Others Should KnowLots of fun.
I like that once you have it all it take is plastic bottles that I would normally put in recycling. They still get recycled, I just have some fun fist. Very load sonic boom. More than I thought it would be. I really like it as a long range target, really lets you know when you hit it. Glad something can be made in USA for a change. Having fun with it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much really, everything works as it should and have had no problems. I would like to see them as moving targets, Like a running boar target.
What Others Should KnowIf you pack something in it for the effect like the shipping popcorn be prepared to pick up alot of little pieces. These will be fun to hit but stick with flour as you get a nice mushroon cloud effect and it goes away the next time it rains
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Jan 11, 2015
By Mark
It works as advertised. I have shot 1 and 2 litter soda bottles and they all have exploded. I used a .22 Evanix with H&N Baracuda Hunter pellets (18.21 gr) & Eunjin 28.5 gr and both worked great. Also an Air Force .25 Condor SS with Eunjin 43.2 gr & H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme (28.4 gr) and both worked great. Today I used a Sam Yang .45 with a 200 gr bullet and it also worked fine. Next I'm going to go in the other direction and see how light of pellet will work.
Things I Would Have ChangedOver all, I would be generous and rate it fine but I wish there was no plastic involved at this price point. I understand investment cost with a limited market but for $120, it should all be steel.
What Others Should KnowI read the so-so reviews but still bought the system and really glad I did. I would definitely recommend the 2 litter bottles as the way to go, much louder. I also spent more for a good floor pump with its own gauge plus designed for higher pressures and really glad I did. The couple of plastic parts that are used seem fine and should work for years. If those were metal, I would definitely give this product a 5 star rating.