M1 Carbine, CO2, .177 magazine
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Springfield Armory M1 Carbine, .177 cal. CO2 Magazine
- Full metal
- Realistic size and weight
- Houses (1) 12 gram CO2 cartridge
- Holds up to 15, .177 cal BBs
- New and improved BB follower
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10 of 48 M1 Carbine, CO2, .177 Reviews
The magazine is heavy and looks very realistic. It fits well into the rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe channel for the follower spring is too short!! It's very difficult to get the follower all the way down, far enough to clear the little hole for loading the BBs. The magazine that came on the rifle was barely OK, but the spare I ordered wouldn't work at all. Somebody else had ordered it and returned it. Not good.
What Others Should KnowAfter I gave up on the returns page on the website and talked to a tech rep, the problem was solved in no time. He sent me a replacement which arrived the next day! As long as Pyramid continues to stand by their goods this way, I will continue to order from them.
Nice looking magazine
Things I Would Have ChangedBe able to change O-ring In magazine when they go bad!
it is great to have extra magazines so as not have to stop to reload them , it takes a little time to reload
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe the could put two magazines with the gun
What Others Should Knowinjoy and use with respect
love the looks
Things I Would Have Changedmake it easy to replace the o-ring between the c02 and the magazine
What Others Should Knowmagazine o-ring sucks. gone threw 2 magazines since owning the gun and now ordering my third. no direction on how to replace o-ring. sometime it shoot far and other it shoots 50'
So far, so good... I bought an extra mag. The little catch to allow you to load BBs is great....mag says 15 BBs... works best with 12.... be careful with the loading spring... take your time and it should be OK. Mine have both functioned as advertised, but a lot of people seem to be having trouble... I haven't.....yet!
Things I Would Have ChangedDevise a tool that will tighten CO2 cartridges that isn't a big, old allen wrench... and figure a place to store it... maybe a buttstock compartment.
What Others Should KnowJust take your time loading and be careful with the spring follower... don't snap the follower and you should be OK. I've only had mine for a short while so it is difficult to make a full assessment, but I am putting trust and confidence in Pyramid that they will back their product.
Works great
Things I Would Have ChangedCan’t think of anything
What Others Should KnowCompany is great to deal with.
Well-constructed. Functions nicely.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a reloader to the package.
Well-made, durable.
Things I Would Have ChangedProvide BB loader.
Heavy; steel, shoots well.
Things I Would Have ChangedLighten up spring. Until I used this a bit, I could hardly managed to pull back the keeper to the provided notch.
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Dec 21, 2024
By Stephen
I receive this Springfield M1 Carbine 0.177 BB magazine in place of the one came with a broken follower stem. This is sent by PyramidAIR.com customer service. This perfected the transaction. It is indeed a WOW experience beyond the value for money.
What Others Should KnowEven though the Springfield M1 Carbine 0.177 BB magazine looks handsomely strong, it is advisable to check for any defect upon receipt and notify PyramidAIR.com timely. Their customer service is superb !