PatchWorm .177-Cal Gun-cleaning, Image 1
PatchWorm .177-Cal Gun-cleaning, Image 1

PatchWorm .177-Cal Gun-cleaning Kit

5.018 reviews


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.20 - .50cal


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Cleaning your .177-cal. airguns and firearms has never been easier, thanks to the PatchWorm Pocket Field Kit for .177-cal bores.

While many gun-cleaning kits use metal rods to push cleaning patches through the barrel and others consist of reusable, caliber-specific, rope-like pull-throughs, the PatchWorm kit consists of a flexible polymer “rod” that uses fresh cleaning patches every time. Employing a .177-cal (4.5mm) cleaning head, along with the flexible rod that can be coiled for easy storage, the PatchWorm Pocket Field Kit packs down small enough to fit into a shirt pocket, making it the perfect portable gun-cleaning option.

The best gun-cleaning kits are those that are simple to use and easy to carry. With the simple-to-use, easy to carry PatchWorm Pocket Field Kit, you’ll never have an excuse for a grimy gun, whether in the field or at home.

PatchWorm .177-Cal Gun-cleaning Kit

  • Uses flexible polymer "rod" that coils up for compact transport
  • Includes 12 7/8" dry cleaning patches in plastic, flip-top container
  • Rods are 34" from tip to head, plus a little extra length for easy extraction, and coil up for compact storage


0.15 lbs

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10 of 18 PatchWorm .177-Cal Gun-cleaning Reviews

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Light weight and convenient to use and carry in my range bag. Does a great job cleaning all my airguns


Get one for home and your range bag

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Thicker pads, just a tad bit thicker.

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It is very convenient and easy to use. The plastic will not damage the bore, muzzle, or breach.

Include more patches. Make the patches a little bigger in diameter.

The patches are a little small in diameter and because of such they don't have a lot of resistance when pulling through. I had to double up on some. Also not a lot of patches are included. When I ran out I tried cutting some cotton patches but the string just pulled straight through.

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Non marring, easy to snake through small breaches


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Simple and easy to use cleaning solution for air rifles. Made in the USA. The little patch container makes it easy to carry a few to the field with you. the entire kit is very compact and light. The small portion of increased diameter that holds the patch works well.

Maybe include a few more patches with the kit for the price, or a nice little cheap carrying pouch to keep it in.

Buy extra patches when you purchase this item. You will need them.

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I have been using the Patch worm kits for years. Started when shooting rimfire competitions in the nineties. Back then we made them from weed eater line. These are much more refined, and the .177 kits in particular are helpful that they have the "tail" so that if you get too much resistance you have something with which to pull it back out. I do not remove my moderator on my air guns, rather I simply put a drinking straw in it guide the line through the baffles. Always work from breech to muzzle.

Include more patches with the product.

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Simple and easy to use

more patches

buy one

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The products simplicity, although, & in regard to this simplicity, it seems a little expensive.

Things I would change has nothing to do with this product, but moreso the company's questionable business practices. What I speak of hear is 2 problems which have been reported 3 times by me with no results, & obviously a real good sign that people may want to be careful before doing Any business with this company. It's my feeling that if you can't do what you say you're going to, you're not of much value! To make sure the gun I ordered didn't wind up in the wrong hands, I paid an additional $13.97 for shipping to make sure I would have to sign for it upon delivery. Well not only was MY signature not given (BY ME!), the delivery person put the package leaning up against my front door (for all to see) & tried signing my name to make it look like I had signed for the package, which is a Federal crime & is being investigated by Fed X right now. Btw, shipping should have been free, but I was charged the $13.97 re special handling & getting a signature. See next box below-----

Upon looking over things before calling Pyramyd to discuss this, I also noticed that the person taking the order had made a mistake in adding things up & I was overcharged $3 on my order.
So I called Pyramid explained all this & was told I would be getting an immediate $16.97 credit issued to my credit card. I was never issued this credit after calling back & being told this was going to happen 3 TIMES, & have been waiting about a month (or more)!
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't like being played with.
BUT, seeing that I don't really need this gun, just saw it & decided to buy myself a Christmas present, there's a good chance I'll be sending it all back for a refund. & if they want to continue playing & not issue my refund, I have my credit card company & the Federal government that will be taking the lead on this.
I thought this was reputable company. But maybe now I can save others from any grief & aggravation. I bought in good faith & got a good slap!
My time is of value

Paul May 09, 2022

WOW what are you talking about it's a cleaning kit for gosh sake. shipping is only free for orders over $150.00.

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Great way to clean a .177 caliber break-barrel air rifle.


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