AirForce CO2 Adapter, Fits Condor, Talon & Escape PCPs
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AirForce CO2 Adapter, Fits Condor, Talon & Escape PCPs
- Fits PCP Utility Air Rifles by AirForce
- Over 1,000 shots per CO2 tank
- Ideal for shooting indoors
- Easy to switch back to air
- No handpump or scuba tank required
- Quieter operation
How to switch from high-pressure air to CO2:
- Unscrew your AirForce air tank from your rifle
- Screw in the CO2 adapter into your rifle
- Screw in the filled tank into the other end of the adapter
- Start shooting!
Compatible with:
- Condor
- CondorSS
- Escape
- EscapeSS
- EscapeUL
- Talon
- TalonSS
- TalonP
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10 of 21 AirForce CO2 Adapter, Fits Condor Reviews
Makes your gun even more versitile. Hook ya a tank in and shoot for hours, make sure you have a full tin and then some. Indoors outdoors, all day long plink, pop, bang till yur finger gets tired.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing it's an awsome piece of engineering.
What Others Should KnowGreat addition to your accessories. Making this platform even more fun. Would use the 18" barrel as have read power loss begins around that length and 24" definitely not gonna be slinging as fast if so.
I was anxious to start shooting my new Condor SS on CO2. I installed the adapter on a new 12 oz paintball tank and took 5 shots. I did not notice that the adapter was leaking out of the tip. The tank was empty the next morning. I am waiting for a replacement from Pyramyd Air. I hope the new replacement will be more reliable.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter quality control testing by Airforce Air.
On the Co2 adapter I received, the machine work is perfect, as is the finish, threads were perfect and it fit the spin lock threads of my Talon SS, as well as both of my 12oz Co2 bottles perfectly with no leaks or problems with the threads. It allows a lot of very quiet indoor wintertime shooting for 3.50$ per fill(local paintball shop price).
Things I Would Have Changedoffset the inlet/outlet, and offer a butt stock that is exactly like the one my talon came with except larger diameter clamping band to fit the 12oz Co2 bottle diameter.
What Others Should KnowUse the 12oz Co2 bottles, they are only slightly larger dia than the HPA tank your Airforce rifle comes with. the larger one offers more shots but is not very comfortable to shoot. I have no comfort problem with the stock tank or 12oz Co2 tank but I do with the 20oz tank. Shot count and velocity WILL vary with temp. I recommend running on low power settings,for way more shots and in my rifle its only like 20fps difference between settings 2 and 12 when its around 50-60 degrees inside my shop. I get 1 hole 10 shot groups at 20 yds with boring regularity in my shop and Also I have dispatched ALOT of Starlings with Crossman Premier HP pellets in my .22 cal Talon SS with the Co2 tank attatched on power level 4. It has plenty of power and is very quiet which is a huge bonus as Starlings get wise really quick.
tough as it can be. No worries on it ever failing. Fits perfectly.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'm not sure why it is so long. Could be a little shorter.
What Others Should KnowI am using this to adapt a paintball regulator and HPA tank to the condor. You have to use the condor valve for HPA and not the CO2 valve that comes with this unit. The pressure ratings are not the same.
i wouldnt know i cannot get it to work
Things I Would Have Changedtest them first
What Others Should Knowi pay almost $700 for a condor and this adapter and i have full paintball tanks ,, and im waiting on my scuba tank so i thought i could shoot it in the mean time but for some reason it seems the pin inside is not long enough to push the pin on either of my full paintball tanks
Not much; very disappointed. Got this as a free add-on when I bought my Condor along with a CO2 tank a free fill. Immediately when I screwed the tank on it started leaking thru the valve. Found troubleshooting in AF site and rapped the valve a few times as suggested. Seemed to stop the bleed. Loaded the gun (.25 cal) too one step to move to shooting position and the gun went off by itself when the valve opened again on it's own. I'm lucky nobody got killed.
Things I Would Have ChangedI can't ever trust this adapter after this experience
What Others Should KnowStay away from this thing
Not much to say. It fits on my Condor and my Talon and lets me shoot hundreds of rounds. Fantastic!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowThe velocity is not what you get from high-pressure air, but then again, you aren't refilling constantly.
The consistency of my condor on this and a 12oz co2 is better than anything I have ever seen
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice, does seem priced high
What Others Should KnowMost consistent pellet in my co2 conversion condor, power wheel 11, 10 shot string, high of 669fps low of 665fps, extreme spread 4.12fps using JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo .22 Cal, 15.9 Grains, Dome, 500ct
, group well out to about 50 yards, shoots with identical power to my hammerli 850 w/modified hammer spring, groups better though and much more consistent.
Nice relatively inexpensive way to shot using CO2 tank. Looks like a nice heavy duty piece of equipment. Made in the USA.
Things I Would Have ChangedI only used the adapter a few times before it stopped working which is disappointing given how expensive this item is. The adapter quit working after approximately 200 shots or so. I sent it back to Airforce and they are taking a very long time to respond. So far not to impressed with the customer service to-date but hopefully they will repair or replace the adapter shortly. I will update the review once they finally respond.
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Jan 23, 2019
By julio
Solid built. Works with hpa and co2 , also With my gauntlet 1900 psi output tank !!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe price
What Others Should KnowMost hpa paintball tanks are output 800 psi . You will need higher output if you want to use a 25. Just my suggestion.