AirForce TalonP PCP Air Pistol, Spin-Loc Tank
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Take small and medium quarry with this airgun at distances you'd never normally use with any other air pistol. However, power is nothing without accuracy, and the AirForce Lothar Walther barrels are known for being deadly accurate. The TalonP is equipped with the same 12" Lothar Walther barrel available for their hunting rifles, so you can expect to get the same small groups. This pistol can be fitted with other AirForce barrels in .20 or .22 caliber. However, you cannot mount a .177-caliber barrel as it will cause the reservoir to exhaust all the air.
The power wheel lets you adjust your velocity for whatever distance you shoot and for the type of critter you want to hunt.
With 43.2-grain pellets, you can expect a max velocity of 760 fps. With a 25-grain pellet, you can expect a max velocity of 850 fps.
Remember to buy a scope or dot sight. AirForce's rifle sights can be mounted on the pistol, but we strongly recommend against it since they're not suitable and won't be useful.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
- Airforce Airguns TalonP air pistol
- Precharged pneumatic
- Single-shot
- Bolt-action
- 11mm dovetail (no open sights)
- 12" barrel
- 2-stage trigger (adj. for position only)
- Textured grip
- 213cc tank
- 3000 psi max fill pressure
- Adjustable power wheel
- Up to 30 shots on low power & up to 12 shots on high power
- The TalonP is NOT silenced & does not have baffles
Thanks to the new Spin-Loc tank and collar, you don't have to remove the gun's air reservoir to fill it. Of course, if you want to, you can remove it easily and attach another one. Carrying an extra filled tank when shooting in the field is a lot easier than carrying a scuba or carbon fiber tank for refills.
Most dot sights have Weaver mounts. If you choose one of them, remember to pick up AirForce's 11mm-to-Weaver adapter listed in the accessories link.
The AirForce TalonP PCP pistol is heavier than most air pistols and cannot be comfortably held the way most pistols are held and still result in reliable, repeatable accuracy. A comfortable hold is with one hand on the pistol grip and the other holding the top of the scope. If you assume a sitting position, you can hold the grip with one hand and rest the gun's forearm on your off hand's forearm. These two positions will draw the pistol much closer to your eye, and you can mount a rifle scope on the TalonP air pistol. A pistol scope could also be mounted, but there are more choices among rifle scopes.

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10 of 77 AirForce TalonP Reviews
This is an extremely fun gun. Very accurate and powerful.
Things I Would Have ChangedI like it the way it is
What Others Should KnowGreat value
I ordered the Tallon P pistol in 25 caliber. It was one of the best decisions that I made in 2023. I read alot of reviews and did research before I made my purchase When the pistol arrived at my house I immediately unboxed it, and put it together, and mounted a scope on it. I then proceeded to connect it to my electric PCP pump. It took a minute to fill, because it was sent with an empty air tank. After filling it up. I wanted to see just how much power it had, so I shot an old tin chicken hopper, it went in one side. And out the other. Then I shot a fur 2x4 and it just about went all the way through it. I believe that it would have gone all the way through it if I would have had a full charge. The accuracy of this pistol is unparalleled compared to others that I have. It put pellets through the same hole at 25 yards. I would feel very safe carrying this through the hills at night, and this weapon would work for self defense. If you are contemplating on buying it, do it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish this was a repeater instead of a single shot. If it was it would be the only thing I would use.
What Others Should KnowAs I said in my review. If you are on the fence about buying it. Just do it. You will not be disappointed.
The TalonP. For the most part, I like it. It's a sleek straight forward efficient design and quality build. But I do have a couple issues with it: 1) The dovetail rails, and 2) The scope mount rail.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe scope mount rail is situated too high above the barrel. This will affect the depth of your alignment. If you align your sight at 30 yards, your gonna probably miss your precise shots at 5 or 10 yards and at 50 yards and beyond. The dovetail rail is sleek and low profile, I like this on this pistol. But .. try to find a laser sight for a dovetail rail. I searched for an hour and found only one. And it wasn't highly rated.
What Others Should KnowThe solution to one of these issues is easy: someone produce a small high quality low profile laser sight for the lower accessory dovetail rail, and with the power switch on the side.
The other issue would more complex. Change the cocking handle design so the scope rail would be flush with the barrel. But, that would make accessing the breach to load ammo more difficult. But that really should be resolved too, with an ammo cartridge.
Despite these two issues, I'm still keeping this thing. I like it. I really have no need for mounting an optical scope, that just adds more noticeable weight. I found this pistol is easily handled using one hand, provided I don't add weight to it with an optical scope. A scope really isn't necessary with a quality laser and red dot sight with a dovetail mount to keep it close to the barrel.
First of all, This air gun was well protected in the shipping box's thanks to Pyramyd Air. I received this package with the Talon P in .25 caliber within 3 days...I had targets made up earlier, and my hand pump ready to go. So, after getting more organized when the gun arrived, I was pretty much set to test this air gun out...With J.S.b. 25.39 grain pellets, I fired a few rounds just to make sure I hit paper, and it hit just a little bit left, and high, satisfied I was hitting paper at 20 yards, I was finished for the time being., I needed a shoulder stock for this Talon P, so I put alot of thought into this, and came up with a plan to create my own shoulder stock, and boy was I happy with my idea!..I got 12 inches of plastic pipe, and shimmed it with closed cell foam padding and then slid it over the air tank after wrapping it with black electrical tape.., then I made an end cap for it out of a plastic jar I cut with a hacksaw..perfect fit., I had room for a small survival kit .
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
What Others Should KnowThis is a great survival air gun, that fits in a backpack well., Accuracy and power is there.
Power. Compact Size. Lightness. Really really accurate!
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude the shoulder rest. So much better with the rest.
What Others Should KnowAs everyone says this gun is loud. The 9 inch Talon Tunes moderator really quiets the bark. I am new with testing the power adjustment, but it really appears to be best around the number 3 setting. As you go higher the amount of air consumed greatly increases.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowVery loud.I love the pistol.Accurate
Very simple few moving parts, accuracy is outstanding. The valve pin cap kit allows for precision tuning on all the pellets I have tried.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis gun has a lot of power match your pellet weight to the best fps. For your gun.
The power and accuracy are amazing. I ran a number of different pellets and it seems to do good with all of them. I also tried some slugs and the penetration was awesome. JSB King and King Heavy both gave me one hole groups. The King Heavy 1 is one of the best penetrating pellets I have found.
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude some sort of rest with the gun.
What Others Should KnowTo get the most versatility out of this air gun, you need to buy the ring lock kit. This will give you options to play with when working out your shot string and power settings.
Great hard hitting .25 Very well made and pinpoint accurate. Easy to modify. Short and maneuverable. Absolutely hits hard and consistently accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould include stock.
What Others Should KnowI added a 24 in barrel And an ATN 3x14 4K Pro and was throwing 36 grain Nielsen hollow points at over 1000 fps for 80+ fpe and very accurate.
I took out a nuisance possum at 15 yards with a head shot and it dropped immediately like a light switch turning off.
For what you get at this price, it is the best deal in airguns in my opinion.
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Dec 31, 2024
By Stephen
I thought about getting the Talon P for ab out a year and very happy I finally did! Accuracy is awesome! Had it sighted in within a few shots at 50 yards and cutting into the same shot hole on the next five shots! Impressed with the construction. It is powerful!
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knownothing I could think of right now but if your thinking of getting one, GET IT!