BAM B-51 Air, Image 1
BAM B-51 Air, Image 1

BAM B-51 Air Rifle

4.52 reviews


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4.52 reviews


This is the first pre-charged pneumatic air rifle from China. This powerful rifle also features a pistol grip, thumbhole Monte Carlo buttstock, raised cheekpiece, recoil pad, manual safety and muzzlebrake (it is not a silencer). B51 is the thumbhole stock version of the B50.

Warning: DO NOT charge the B51 over 200 BAR, 3000 psi or 20 MPa!

This rifle comes with a male Foster quick-disconnect fitting and requires a female coupling to fill the gun with air. You can purchase the female coupling by itself, or you can buy the hose that it fits or you can purchase the coupling installed on the hose. The other end of the hose has a male-threaded 1/8 BSPP fitting that attaches directly to the base of an FX pump or FX electric compressor. Teflon tape should be wrapped around the threads of any air connection before it is screwed together.
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
850 fps
Suggested for
Pre-charged pneumatic
8.0 lbs
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage non-adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)

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2 of 2 BAM B-51 Air Rifle Reviews

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After tuning and tweaking, this is an incredibly accurate rifle. Loves crossman premier hollow point and H&N magnum sniper 19.6 gr. Keep it at 1500 psi for sweet spot. One holing at 20 yards.

A repeater, but for price and age obviously single shot is what I paid for.

Got mine second hand from close friend. Had a slow air leak that I had to fix.

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I can't believe there is no review so far! OK, so I will be the first! Great gun! I have it since almost a year now. I have been out hunting and I did kill several squirrels, rabbits and one Raccoon so far (headshots, all clean kills). Devastating power! Mine chronos 930fps with 16gr Raptor pellets. Getting consistent accuracy drove me almost crazy though. Gun is picky with pellets. I only get good grouping with the Raptor pellets. I shoot indoors, 10yards and I get normally a 4.5-5mm grouping with 5 shots (sitting). That is amazing taking into account that the pellet diameter is 5.5mm (.22cal). This is no toy gun. It is quality made and deadly. I have a 3-3 42mm scope on it! Great! I often take the air gun out hunting instead of my .22 rimfire, because there is no gun cleaning afterwards and the power is just great for long distance shots.

Worst think is that it is a single shot. For hunting you might want a second backup shot and this is kind of a hassle when when you are out in the field, especially taking into consideration that you have to load the pellet under the scope. Then the barrel diameter is only 1/2 inch. That is pretty thin for a .22cal. Gun is pretty loud also. Understandable at this power level. The muzzle break could be designed better for noise attenuation.

The first gun I got did not work! Absolutely no power!
I send it back and they gave me exactly what I had asked for. Power. For the first shots I used my standard Gamo pellet trap which worked fine using my Gamo CFX 1000fps .177cal so far. After a few shots I cleaned up and there was a hole on the metal. The pellets just went through. So make sure you have a good backstop!

Robert Aug 28, 2016

I have one of these. I originally bought it in .177 and later converted it to .22 with a stock breech and barrel assembly. Both barrels were very accurate after crowning. I believe the stock hammer spring was too strong even in ,22. It would start out shooting a very fast shot (1058 with .22 CPHPs) and continue with a very slow down ward slope in velocity, That of course meant it had a pretty efficient valve design. I have not modified the valve or transfer port in mine. With some adjustment and a little bit lighter hammer spring I get 26 shots with 30 FPS spread at well over 900FPS with .22 CPHP pellets. This from a lower fill pressure. If the pellets are hand picked you can shoot very well at over 100 yards. My best group was golf ball sized at 135 yards with no wind. Bob La Londe - Honesty in Airguns -

nikolaos Jul 27, 2014

i have the sister to this rifle...the bam 50 its the standard monte carlo stock model...i paid much less than this for mine and it was in great running condition, so much so i bought 2 more down the line...these rifles have some quirks and some tunning will probably be needed, the seals should also be replaced with better aqmerican seals before filling if possable........low power may be due to the hammer spring, ive seen more than a couple hammer sprinsg and none are the sme length or power...valve needs a powerful strike to produce alot of power and unfortunatly ive noticed that these guns come with inconsistant springs...the way i loock at it, if pyramid air had these in 22 caliber in the bam 50 model they could sell for 300 shipped all day and guys would just provide there own modification and tunes at the savings.......this gun can easily have the tune and performance of a high dollar European rifle if you add a regulator and a good tune

Jaymo Jan 10, 2011

Shame it's so hard to find this gun these days. I have the B50 in .22 and it's a hard hitter, though it did require some tuning to get it the way I like it.

brian Oct 29, 2010

Buy American.

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