Send arrows screaming downrange at 380 fps with this 6.9-pound crossbow. The TS380 features a CNC machined aluminum flight track, anti-vibration foot stirrup, and pre-installed string dampeners for stealthy accuracy.
An adjustable buttstock allows for customized length of pull, while the pass-through foregrip keeps weight to a minimum for comfortable shouldering on any shooter. The Soft-Lok floating bristle arrow retainer, anti-dry fire system, and TriggerTech Frictionless Release Technology all provide peace of mind and safe performance.
Helpful resources:
- Learn all about crossbow hunting
Barnett TS 380 Crossbow
- Up to 380 Feet Per Second
- Overall Length of 32.375”
- 3 Arrow Quiver
- Width: 16.75” Axle to Axle (Cocked), 18.75” Axle to Axle (Uncocked)
- Weight: 6.9 lbs.
- Power Stroke: 12.6”
- Available in Digital Gray Camo
- Cocking Aid: Rope
- Package Includes: 4x32mm multi-reticle scope, side-mount quiver, 2 arrows, rope cocking device, lubrication wax
- CCD Crank Includes: 4x32mm multi-reticle scope, side-mount quiver, 2 arrows, integrated crank cocking device, lubrication wax
Overall Rating
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10 of 16 Barnett TS380 Reviews

The bow is a quality product with a money saving pricetag.
Adjustable stock
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter scope

Great bow. Shoots solid! Performs well! I purchased this bow for my wife and she loves it.

Shot my bow less than 20 times. Rope cocker came apart at almost full draw causing a dry fire and one if the string dampners to explode hitting me with plastic shrapnel. They are replacing the rope cocker but with the poor quality of the first one I will probably not use it. Don't want to test my luck and lose an eye or one of my kids get hurt next time. It will still be the same cheap rope cocker that I got with the bow. Next time I'll get a 10 point.

Worth every penny. Accurate, fast, just awesome!

This is my first cross bow and I already love it, right out of the box it was sighted at 20 yards, the Manuel is a little confusing on how to put the bow together but I had watched videos prior and it made the assembly easier, but all together I think this now is great, can’t wait to try it out when the season rolls around

I did a lot of research at this price point and decided to go with the TS380. I upgraded from an old Horton Summit HD150 so this was a big step up for me. It's well made, compact, has lots of nice appointments like an adjustable stock and finger guards. I'm shooting PileDrivers with RAGE Hypodermic Crossbow NC broadheads and it's dead accurate. I can't say enough about how happy I am with this crossbow. The consensus on the scope from other reviewers seems to be that it isn't very good and I may upgrade it next year to an illuminated scope but as for now it suits me just fine.

I used this crossbow straight out of the box. Spent only 3 hours sighting in the scope and testing number of clicks per range. Shot a doe first day out at ~80 yards from a 20 foot tree stand in the sitting position. Got a double lung shot and the bolt went straight through the deer, threading between the ribs! This is my first crossbow, and after many failed long distance compound bow shots, I'm extremely happy with its ease of use and accuracy. I'd be confident shooting up to ~120 yards with this crossbow, although I cannot speak much on its durability as I've only used it for one season.

This bow is great looking and feels good to the feel. It just wouldn't group. One would be high one would be low. Changed scope same problem. Returned it and picked up the XP380. The Explorer XP380 was solid out of the box. It was Lighter and could group well. 70 yard 3" groups.40 yard 1" groups. Couldn't believe it was cheaper then the TS380 and out performed it in every way! Maybe I got a bad one but for that only one star for me.
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If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.
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Mar 03, 2023
By riplip
Can't wait to extend my season and my first successful hunt