Beeman H&N Match .177 Cal, 8.18 Grains, Wadcutter, 300ct
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- .177 caliber
- 8.18 grains
- Wadcutter
- 300 pellets
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10 of 35 Beeman H&N Match .177 Cal Reviews
Shoots well.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNo
group i got with these.
Things I Would Have Changedprice and tin
What Others Should Knowthis is gonna be one of my top ten pellets, at 25 yards groups were tight within 1/2 inch.
see below
Things I Would Have ChangedThe Steyr LP10 was chosen for this test to enable these pellet to shoot their best. It is a world class PCP air pistol that will out shoot most rifles listed on this site. However, at $2,000 plus... is unreasonable for most peoples budgets. I tested several different pellets through this purpose built, 10M pistol, and here's what I came up with... With the LP10 gingerly clamped in a vise, I found that overall, target arms prefer the heavier pellets to produce the best accuracy. I this case 8.13 grain projectiles. You'll have to test pellet diameter through your individual gun. All measurements are average group size from edge to edge. Should you so desire, by subtracting .177 from these numbers, you will have center to center (C/C) group size. All shot at 10M, cleaned between 20 shot groups, 5 shots per string yadda yadda...... Hands down best... H&N Finale Match .232,...that’s less than ten thousandths of an inch group size C/C. Second, Beeman brand H&N Match .270 RWS R10 .280 Champions choice brand .348 RWS Hobby .351 RWS Meisterkugeln .361 H&N Excite Econ .401 Crosman Competitions .492 RWS Diabolo Basic .572 Gamo target .579 It really seems to ring true...You get what you pay for!
What Others Should KnowMind you all of these pellets, except for the Gamo and the Basic, will hold the 10 ring on a 10M pistol target...all day long. Incidentally, I have a good supply of Hobby's for practice and just ordered a few thousand H&N Excite ECON's. For game day, I ordered a supply of the Finale Match.
Now, I have been a competitive shooter for many years, and expanded great deals of time, money and gray hair developing my opinions. I'm not a firm believer in theory that “you must test all projectiles in your gun to see what it likes best”. I have had much greater success matching the chosen weapon with the correct TYPE of ammo for the velocity you will be shooting...in this case under 600fps. I have also found that in terms of accuracy, projectile DIAMETER is most crucial, followed closely by weight, then profile. Expecting the above target grade pellets to give results like these in your 15,521 fps gas piston break barrel is bemusing at best! Domed, or pointy, heavy hunting rounds will serve you better as the wadcutter becomes unstable at higher speeds. (look at the picture of the H&N pellet tins, They have rating that will give an Idea of which KIND of pellet to buy, regardless of brand)
Keep in mind...If your intentions are to turn some pesky varmint into a cloud of red vapor...these are NOT the pellets or launch platform for you! If you must have extreme accuracy AND cataclysmic affect, you may need to buy TWO rifles...and I'm sure Pyramyd Air would be happy to assist you!
Good stuff, well made, no defects.
Good groups for a cheap gun.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowDon't waste money & time on the cheap Daisy pellets.
Shooting ten of these pellets off the bench, at 10 meters, with my Baikal 46M pistol these pellets made one one hole slightly larger then the bore size. You can't ask for more then that.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
the skirts are very uniform and no dings
Things I Would Have Changed500 to a box instead of 300
What Others Should Knowpyramid air has great service
Very consistent
Things I Would Have ChangedGo back to the tin's of 500
What Others Should KnowI have been shooting these pellets exclusively since 1991 in a pair of RWS air rifles. These have proven to be the most accurate and consistent pellets in both rifles. The wadcutter profile cuts through paper targets cleanly and has been very effective for field use. In the match rifle these pellets will go in the exact same hole at 10 meters. My only complaint is that these used to come in a tin of 500, now they only come 300 to a tin.
These pellets are very accurate in my RWS Diana 34P, right after AA Diabolo Field and Beeman Crow Magnums. They have solid, thick skirt and the weight distribution is very uniform. I also like the wadcutter style for paper targets, becaues they cut clean holes.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. These are good pellets
What Others Should KnowWait with looking for "the best pellet" for your springer until you have at least 1000 shots through your rifle. It is amazing how the POI, accuracy and pellet preference change as the gun breaks-in.
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Sep 08, 2015
By Buzz
Beautiful finish, no deformed pellets, very accurate in my hands.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowWhen comparing, these pellets are 300 to a tin. Most other pellets seem to be 500 per tin.
My Walther LG300 loves these pellets.