Beeman Ram Jet Silhouette .20 Cal, 11.7 Grains, Domed, 200ct
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The Ram Jet was designed for Silhouette and Field Target use, but has found an equal home with plinkers and hunters alike. The round nose allows for minimal forward air resistance, which aids in the designs lack of yaw and drift, even in unstable air. The design could be termed semi wadcutter. The heavy nose adds to it's knock down power. The semi-wadcutter edge will catch and knock down a target, even with a glancing blow, and the heavily weighted nose adds to the knock-down power.
Many ballistic experts select the Ram Jet as the "pellet of choice" in .20 caliber.
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4 of 4 Beeman Ram Jet Silhouette .20 Reviews
These are inexpensive, accurate and there are plenty of pellets in the tin for a full day of plinking with a couple of kids.
Things I Would Have ChangedEveryone prefers a screw on, or snap on lid.
What Others Should KnowGreat little pellet whether you are shooting with 3 pumps or 10 pumps. IMO these are the pellet you should start with as a baseline when you test what works best in your air rifle. Worst case you'll have fun.
I find the .20 Ram Jet to be a great all purpose pellet for use in my Beeman R7 Rifle. I have not yet tried it at distances other than 10 meters and 25 yards. It is very accurate, has great knock down power, and works well on targets or in backyard plinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing on the pellet, but It would be nice if the lids on Beeman tins did not pop open so easily.
What Others Should KnowI have also fed the Ram Jet to my Beeman P-1 at 10 meters and 25 yards with very decent results--especially for plinking.
I bought the pellet because of the comment that it was the "pellet of choice" in 20 cal, and have not been disappointed. I am shooting it out of a Beeman R7 and it is extremely accurate. The pellets are consistently shaped and have a little ring around the front of the pellet so that if you catch even a glancing blow, it will still expand on target.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowMy R7 loves them, they're a great all around pellet
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Aug 19, 2008
By Buck
Shot these out of my Sheridan F series CO2 rifle with a 4X32 scope at 33 feet. 3 shots went right through the same hole. Very accurate. Can't wait to try them at 25 yds.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
What Others Should KnowFor a good all around pellet with a good ballistic coefficent, that is accurate, you normally shouldn't go wrong with .20 cal. Ram Jets.