Benjamin Discovery Rifle & Pump
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
This version of the Discovery includes the gun and the Benjamin 3-stage hand pump with an attached hose that has a female Foster quick-disconnect fitting on the end. Connect the Foster fitting on the end of the hose to the air reservoir on the rifle.
To exhaust air or CO2 from the rifle, you need to purchase the degasser tool.
Please Note: The gun is warrantied for 5 years, but the hand pump has a 90-day warranty.
Get into precharged guns at an unheard-of price and also get the accuracy of an expensive European rifle!
Benjamin has bridged the gap and taken the pain out of PCP guns. Not only is this as low a price as you'll ever find on a PCP/hand pump combo, but it's so easy to pump up that a wispy teenager could do it!
If you prefer to use a scuba tank instead of the hand pump, you'll need a scuba tank adapter with hose and a female quick-disconnect with male threads. The last item already comes with this kit. The adapter fits tanks with a K valve. The air reservoir has a male Foster fitting.
The Discovery has raised the bar for PCP guns because it uses only 2000 psi of air. While the European companies race toward higher and higher air pressures, Benjamin is going the opposite direction and making it easier than ever to use a hand pump. If you want to use a scuba tank or carbon fiber tank, you can do that, too, and get the benefit of many more fills than you would from a gun that operates with 3000 psi. The Discovery gives you a choice! The air reservoir is 135cc.
The gun comes with a hardwood stock (14" length of pull), Williams fiber optic front and rear sights, and a built-in air pressure gauge. Included in the package is a hand pump that's easy to use and very clear on showing you when you've reached maximum operating pressure.
When you open your box, you'll see easy-to-follow and easy-to-understand instructions that'll lead you step-by-step. If you're an experienced PCP user, you'll soon see that the Discovery is the easiest PCP you've ever used. If you're new to PCPs, you'll become a pro in just a few short steps.
If you want to switch to CO2, that's easy to do. A degasser tool lets you quickly and safely exhaust all the high-pressure air (or you can just shoot the air out). Attach the optional CO2 adapter, connect it to a standard paintball CO2 tank and fill 'er up! Now, commence to shootin'!
With high-pressure air, you'll get up to 25 powerful shots before you need to pump up again. On CO2, you'll get a lot more shots per fill.

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10 of 221 Benjamin Discovery Rifle & Pump Reviews
This is my first PCP rifle. I love the accuracy! I am a fan of trigger update mods so I immediately ordered the $49 upgrade from Alliance Hobby. With the brass trigger and adjustment screw it is now a smooth and easy release. The hand pump works well and seems to fill to 2000lbs with about 80 compressions. I think its an excellent rifle for the money.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing yet.
It has a pressure guage. Its lite weight. It is accurate. It is not difficult to pump up. It shoots hard and straight. It has a wood stock.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would carve the stock a bit more. It is pretty blocky through the pistol grip and forearm. I would not put the dark stain on the stock which is almost like paint. Cant see the wood grain, I like wood grain. I will likely sand it down later. Its a good gun, can't really knock it too much. It is kinda loud but some of the reviews make it sound worse than it is. Its not an indoor gun but out in the country where it live doesn't seem too much at all.
What Others Should KnowThis is my first PCP. Shot pellet guns for years and some pretty good quality ones too, BUT this one is a pleasure too shoot. It is fun and accurate, Basic gun, No frills. I shoot it (pressure) in the mid-green section of air guage and get 10-15 shots that are practically same whole. Highest green into high yellow doesnt do much good, those 5-6 shots do not group good. If you get down to low green into top of lower yellow and want to shoot another shot just hold an inch high, but its time to air up at that point. The sound changes and starts to squeek a little at low air, you will know it is time to pump up. If you have varmits as we do the gun really knocks them down. I have mostly shot Crossman Premier 14.3 gr. so far. I have mostly shot 25 to 40yards and it does it well. Loading is a little tight with a scope but you will get use to rolling the pellet into the bolt face. Wife likes it too. It is not a toy, requires adult supervision.
For somebody that didn't really want to get into PCPs, it's a great intro rifle for the price. Lightweight and pretty balanced, love the enhanced sights, very accurate right out of the box shooting Premiers
Things I Would Have ChangedAgain being my first PCP, some of these may just be part of owning a PCP. Biggest would be the charging via the hand pump. A longer charging line would be nice so you don't have to lay the rifle on the ground while pumping, less strokes for a charge or easier strokes. Possibly a larger breech for people with fat fingers and a better quality rear site. There is an elevation screw but mine didn't even touch the barrel until the screw almost fell out so I loosened the mounting screw and shimmed it. Not very professional but works for now.
What Others Should KnowI've owned plenty of gas charge, springers, CO2 and pumps but this is my First PCP. If It wasn't for the limited shots between charges, this would jump to the front of my favorites.
Nice quality and lightweight. Fairly accurate for a low end rifle. Easy to use.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd and extra barrel band from the factory. Larger air reservoir for more shots per fill.
What Others Should KnowThe hand pump takes some work. You only get 16-18 useable shots per fill.
This is in regard to the .22 caliber model. Great value, consistent accuracy, very consistent velocity for a non-regulated valve, ease of re-filling air, size-weight and balance is great. It has ample power for small game, target shooting at longer range and inter-active target shooting where some "oomph" is required to make the target do it's thing. The included pump has been easy to use and trouble free for over 2 years of regular use.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe loading port is small and requires careful loading. It becomes somewhat more difficult with a scope mounted.
What Others Should KnowWe ran our .22 over a chronograph with Crosman Premier HP pellets (the most accurate of all the pellets we tried). The first 4 shots at 2000 psi are averaging 798 fps. After that the velocity jumps to 812 fps (1850 psi) and hangs in there for about 5 shots. Shot 10 or 11 will always show a slight dip in velocity to the mid 700's, but the accuracy and point of impact on the 25 yard target remains consistent until about shot 16 where the POI starts to drop. We have a Leupold Vari X-III 3.5-10X scope on this rifle. The scope may be over-kill for this set-up but we had it lying around with no other use. Accuracy is phenomenal. 25 yard 10-shot groups are less than a Dime in size. With no wind (or indoors) we've squeezed out 6 shot 1-hole groups. This is also with the scope on 10X. The trigger is a little mushy and takes some getting used to, but at this pricepoint it's hard to complain. We shot 44 red squirrels last season. Shots were from 20 -45 yards, mostly head shots.
The discovery was my first pcp and still is my favorite. I will start off by saying I really enjoy the more traditional look of a wood stock. The fit and finish is very nice for the price point. I love that the rifle has a smaller resovoir so that it is pump friendly, but also I get a crazy amount of fills off my small carbon fiber bottle!! The discovery is also very light even with a scope mounted. I have found it a pleasure carrying it in the woods. The bolt action is very smooth and placing a pellet is no problem. I have other airguns but is the one I will never part with. It has taken many squirrels rabbits and even raccoons. The gun is very accurate. Mine seems to like many .22 pellets, but my go to have been the H&N Barracuda hunters.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe things I would have changed I did. They include a tko muzzle brake. This takes the loud report to a whisper. I added a brass aftermarket trigger from baker airguns. I good upgrade for trigger feel. An extra barrel band to really hold the barrel still. I think this made an accurate rifle into a really accurate one. One could hope for a multi-shot, but I find the single shot causes me to slow down and enjoy my rifle more.
What Others Should KnowI would suggest a tko muzzle brake as a must. It just makes the rifle so quiet. I would not hesitate on purchasing this one. If something ever happened to mine I would purchase another in a heartbeat. Who knows it might become your favorite too!!!
The Benjamin Discovery is a solid, accurate, air rifle at a good price. This pump does a good job filling the rifle and is simple to use. Most people will have no problem pumping the rifle from the lower end of the cylinder capacity to the maximum recommended pressure. That means that one can have a good PCP air rifle without buying an expensive compressor or having access to a compressor. With a suppressor, one can very comfortably shoot the rifle indoors without ear protection. Shooting outdoors without a suppressor or ear protection may be okay, but most will prefer having one or the other. Many other accessories are available for these rifles from various aftermarket dealers. Benjamin may not always approve, but these accessories can be nice options. For someone wanting to get into PCP shooting on a budget, the Discovery remains a great choice.
Things I Would Have ChangedOne company makes an excellent aftermarket suppressor, but the valve cover doesn't fit with the compressor installed. Benjamin should accept that many people want a suppressor and change the design of the valve cover to accommodate the suppressor. I can imagine a cover with three semi-circular depressions at 120 degrees from one another looking good without the suppressor and both looking good and functioning well with the suppressor. A slightly longer hose on the pump might be nice. Getting the rifle in a good position for pumping can be awkward at times.
What Others Should KnowThe bolt will be stiff for the first dozen or so shots, but the bolt will be pretty smooth within a short time.
I've heard that someone makes a "stripper clip" loading system. This device doesn't turn the rifle completely into a bolt-action repeater, but the device does help position pellets for faster feeding from shot to shot. I haven't taken the time and money to get one of these, but many people will enjoy their rifle more with this addition.
Price, accuracy, the looks of the gun (its simple)
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe a better trigger. I realize this would affect the low price so Im kind of on the fence.
What Others Should KnowThe stock gun comes with only one barrel band so the end of the barrel can be moved if you hit it on something. Supposedly this doesnt affect the accuracy but I knew it would bug me so I ordered a second barrel band and now its secure. Not mandatory by any means but I like the barrel to have a secure feeling.
It feels great and is nice to handle. Pumps up and loads easy. I really like shooting it when I have time to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedReally there isn't anything I would change.
What Others Should KnowMine has no power like I thank it should, shot a squirrel at 15ft and he flipped around a time or two then run off. I haven't found any one in my area that works on air rifles.
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Aug 05, 2024
By Lloyd
Accurate gun to start with. Sensitive to the ammo selection. It loves JSB 18gr. Groups tightened up considerably after getting the JSB pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedI installed the power screw and spring, Replaced the trigger with the brass one(my fingers are too fat) and did the trigger linkage mod. Have not crowned the barrel yet. Shot 3/8" groups at 70yds. I hear the barrel crown tightens things up even better.
What Others Should KnowIt was my entry pcp rifle. I couldn't have done any better. Awesome practice rifle.