Crosman M4-177 Multi-Pump, Image 1
Crosman M4-177 Multi-Pump, Image 1

Crosman M4-177 Multi-Pump Air Rifle, Adj. Stock

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Looks and feels like an M4 firearm. Shoots either BBs or pellets, so you can use whatever ammo you've got on hand. Since it's a multi-pump, you can pump it up to 10 times to get higher velocities or less if you'd like to do some easy all-day shooting.

When you shoot steel BBs, do not shoot at hard objects or water. The BBs will ricochet! No matter what ammo you're using, remember to wear safety glasses. Everyone in the vicinity of the range should wear safety glasses, even if they're not shooting. Remember to remove all pets from the range before you start shooting.

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Crosman M4-177 Multi-Pump Air Rifle, Adjustable Stock

  • Multi-pump pneumatic
  • 3-10 pumps (never exceed 10 pumps)
  • Bolt-action
  • 18-rd BB mag, 5-rd pellet mag
  • 350-rd BB reservoir
  • Aperture rear sight adjustable for windage
  • Post front sight adjustable for elevation
  • Both sights are removable
  • Weaver/Picatinny optics rails above the receiver, below the front sight fitting and on the underside of the forearm
  • Adjustable/telescoping stock (30.5" to 33.75")
  • Sling loops
  • Manual safety
  • Includes sight adjustment tool
  • 660 fps with steel BBs and 625 fps with pellets (velocities in the owner's manual are incorrect)


Cocking Effort:

  • 1st pump - 13 lbs
  • 3rd pump - 19 lbs
  • 5th pump - 23 lbs
  • 8th pump - 24 lbs
  • 10th pump - 25 lbs
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
660 fps
Muzzle Energy
4.93 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Multi-pump pneumatic
3.75 lbs
Front Sights
Adjustable for elevation
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage
Trigger Pull
4.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
18 round(s)
Cocking Effort
3-10 pumps
Body Type
Metal/ABS plastic

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 196 Crosman M4-177 Reviews

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Accurate, light, easy to pump for my 10 yr old. Realistic AR look. Easy to operate.

They changed the dry sight adjustment to a thumb screw, the tool is no longer needed but they left a space in the fake magazine for a tool. This space could have been a great place for the third pellet magazine they send... Also, it's very easy to lightly bump the fake magazine and knock it out of the gun, securing could have been much better. But for the price, thusbisban excellent choice!

I planned on sharing a picture of the grouping, but no option to do so. I shot a dozen bb's through it then about 10 pellets. I cleaned the barrel with two passes of a swab. Installed the red dot sight provided with the gun. First shot was three inches high, two inches left. Adjusted and shot a few more pellets about 1" left, adjusted and shot a hand full of pellets within a two inch group just above bullseye. Tried another bb and it shot slightly high and right, every bb seems to have a slight right curve to it. Good enough for my 10 year old! We'll be using JSB match diablo exact pellets.

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It looks very cool! I shoot from 15 yards with 5 pumps (pretty easy to pump) and a quarter will cover 5 (pellet) rounds. The adjustable stock allows my young grandson and myself to both feel comfortable holding and sighting the rifle.

Include 3 magazines

If ,when adjusting the rear sight, you hit the stop for drift left or right, trying reversing the mount of the rear sight. This gave me just enough travel to bring the gun right on.

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Accurate. Easy charging. Low price.

1) Add single pellet loading capability. 2) Include multiple clips (3 minimum) & advance pellets automatically with each shot. 3) Sight adjustment tool should not be made of plastic. 4) Add notch to dual-aperture sights. 1&2) Until air rifle arrived, no idea could not load single pellets, making clip use mandatory. Having to manually advance the single clip for every shot, plus removal and reload every five shots is incredibly tedious, so user should be able to load single pellets and manufacturer should include multiple clips.3) Screw to adjust rear-sight windage was fairly snug, causing soft plastic 'blade' on the included sight-adjustment tool to be torn when used, rendering it useless. It should be made of a strong resin or metal. 4) Both rear sight aperture openings produce a large amount of glare in artificial lighting, rendering them nearly and/or totally useless on occasion. Add notch-style option to assembly and use less reflective materials around apertures.

Trying to use with single included clip quickly takes the fun out of shooting it, so minimum of three to five should ship with the base package. Regardless of the number of clips, the rifle badly needs a single pellet loading capability. I'm not a fan of small-capacity clips (particularly not enough to be useful); five shots is too few to make the labor-intensive clip fun or practical. Especially dismayed to discover clips to be ridiculously expensive (~NINE dollars each) and all but impossible to find. Eventually, I took a chance on an Ebay supplier and ordered fifteen (making per-unit cost about three bucks), but haven't received them yet. ??? Also have trouble with aperture sights, as both small and large openings have serious glare problems in artificial light (will try mounting assembly backwards): I'd like to have a notched opening on the rear sight as well. For many serious airgun shooters, M4 similarities probably not enough to compensate for shortcomings. Good, but not great.

Bubba Oct 02, 2022

Ebay clips are great! Take advantage of 4, 8, 12 & 16 clip deals to lower the unit price (if these were 3D printed, it's a pro model; I see no differences). Crosman clip system works, but filling 15 clips with pellets every session is a drag, not to mention the time wasted in their use. I'd much rather load a pellet manually for every shot -- there'd be way more time for shooting, with no time wasted in advancing clip by hand for every shot, then pulling to exchange it after every five. The airgun shoots very well, so Crosman decision to use outdated tech designed for least expensive 760 smoothbore seems foolish -- it hasn't worked out well for me. I love the fine accuracy, but I can't use my M4-177 at all freehand, with the stock fully extended to my shoulder. I have to use a rest, push it all the way in, then squash my face WAY up to use even the largest aperture. Accuracy keeps it fun to shoot, but still quite close to sharp edge of being more trouble than it's worth to choose it.

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Good rifle. Easy to operate. Well made. Shoots well. Accurate. No problems.


Good products & service. Fast shipping. No problems. Highly recommend. Thanks.

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Shoots hard, nice looks.

Pumping handle very uncomfortable. Sights disappointing.

Would not buy again.

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I didn't like this gun at first. I bought it because I loved the way it looked, but I didn't put any thought into the fact that it is a variable pump airgun. So out the box, I immediately compared it to my dual co2 6 rd burst rifle. This was a very narrow-minded, short-sided, and needless to say, unfair first impression. I thought this airgun to be tedious and monotonous, having to re-pump and then reload before each shot. But the more I shot this airgun, the more I liked it. And now, I friggin LOVE the M4-177!!! Now that I compare it to other multi-pump airguns, it feels great, looks great, handles great, and, It's stupid accurate!! I've fired 20 different makes and styles of pellets and BB's with different weights, shapes and finishes and have seen impressive results on all but 1 of the brands/styles with this airgun.

I wasn't a huge fan of the pellet clip. But it has grown on me, or, I've at least gotten used to it. So I guess the one thing I'd change is have the packaging to include more pellet clips. Three, to be precise, since the mag can stow two, and the feeder can stow the third.

Spare pellet clips are hard to find. Scoop them up as soon as you come across one.

I added a dot sight/scope to my M4-177, but the included sights were very accurate, and didn't need to be replaced.

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For the price, it is a great value. Accurate (enough) replica. Proven power plant, rifled barrel, multi-shot clips. Fantastic accuracy to 25 yds with 7-10 pumps. 5 stars across the board for the important stuff.

At this price point, not a thing. Make the clips widely available via crosman vs eBay. Nothing that PA can help with.

If youre looking for a replica that has same weight and all functionality as the real thing, check your expectations. I have a bunch of magnum break barrel/under lever and a couple Co2 powered repeaters, but this pump action single shot w/mags stays close and gets used often. 3 inch gongs at 25 yds all day long, and perfectly adequate for squirrels and other such pests at same range with the accuracy it has. I never shoot anything but pellets through it. Crosman 7.4 gr gives great results. 7.9 CPHP arent bad either.

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Quality feel very similar to an M4 except weight is less. Solid construction. BB feed system is intuitive and convenient. Sight adjustment is easy. Pump is well designed and positioned. Great fun. Ideal for practice and training new and young shooters. The adjustable stock is sturdy, easy to use and looks great. Pricing is excellent. Value is over the top.

Five round pellet magazine is better than single feed but not much. System should hold ten rounds or more and auto feed. Trigger is smooth but not a positive feel. It should be two stage and feel like a latch. There is no feel or sound of reset on the trigger. That would aid in practice and training. Cocking could incorporate the operating handle. The storage compartment / magazine needs more positive retention. It often releases while handling the rifle.

Warn owners that at 33 ft, ten pumps is excessive and with bb's may damage the backstop. Start with three pumps and increase until accuracy stabilizes. I am an engineer and would enjoy collaborating on design improvements.

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The weight I think is balanced. Looks very cool.

the optics. Grew up as a ranch kid in middle California. Trained on open iron sights and dialed in scopes. The 'peep sight' is very limiting. It is also, very much by the mechanics, a single shot pellet rifle.

It's a good pellet rifle..
It is limited.
Looks cool.

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looks (appearance)

add full auto mode for bb's

Jake Jul 23, 2021

It would have to be a co2 or pcp to be fully automatic

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