Get the rifle that changed airgunning forever. Its popularity has made the Diana 34 a legend in its own time.
Our special package is a hunter's dream combo. It includes the UTG Drooper Scope Rail, Premium Rings and an unmounted 3-9x40 AO Rifle Scope with Mil-Dot reticle (scope may not look like the one in the picture). Get on target fast -- and stay there! Has the new T06 trigger!
The most popular rifle sold by Diana now comes in a black stock made from a durable, all-weather, injection-molded synthetic. This German rifle will keep you shooting accurately and powerfully for decades. While it doesn't have some of the frills that more expensive guns have, it goes head-to-head where it really counts!
The well-balanced stock makes it easy to hold and shoot the Diana Model 34. Quality is evident in other places, too: a two-stage adjustable T06 trigger, fiber optic front and rear sights, and a finely rifled barrel. No need to worry about cocking difficulty, as that's where this rifle really shines (just 33 lbs., although our own tests showed 30 lbs.). It's ideal for hunting small rodents, plinking, target shooting and popping cans. If you're a serious airgunner on a budget, the Diana 34 was made for you!
Diana is known for standing behind their guns, and their limited lifetime warranty has always been viewed as the best in the business.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Diana 34P Striker air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Fixed fiber optic front sight
- Fully adjustable fiber optic rear sight
- 11mm dovetail grooves
- 2-stage adjustable T06 trigger
- 3.30 lbs. trigger-pull
- Ambidextrous synthetic stock
- Twin raised cheekpieces
- 33 lbs. cocking effort
- Includes an unmounted 3-9x40 AO Rifle Scope with Mil-Dot reticle, UTG Drooper Scope Rail, and Leapers Premium Rings
- Diana Model 34P Striker Breakbarrel Air Rifle w/synthetic stock
- Mantis 3-9x40 AO rifle scope w/Mil-Dot reticle
- UTG Drooper scope rail
- Leapers Premium rings
- Owner's manual
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10 of 70 Diana 34P Striker Combo Reviews
A beautiful rifle with a solid feel. The synthetic stock will take a lot of rough handling and feels as solid as wood. I purchased blunt and pointed steel RWS brand pellets and it shoots as accurately as advertised. This will be great for target practice and hunting rodents.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish it was quieter but muzzlebrakes (silencers) in NJ are illegal on any weapon.
What Others Should KnowI ordered the service to mount the scope and test fire the rifle. It was well worth the money to have the rifle ready to go when it arrived. If selecting this option, PyramydAir automatically gives you a choice of case to purchase, since once the scope is mounted it won't fit back in the box for shipping.
I really like the fact that I could purchase a compensating mount made specifically for this rifle. This provided the basis for very easy bore sighting with the first shot two inches low and 1" left of POA. I was amazed at initial accuracy . I shot two three shot groups at 22 yards with five different pellets recommended for this rifle. Every group was less than .500". Best was RWS Meister Krugeln 8.2 gr. at .134" CC. I put Weavers six hole Tactical mounts on it and there has been no slippage or loose screws at 160 rounds. I mounter the Leaper's 3x9x40 AO scope Which should insure the rifle shoots up to its potential which is awesome..
Things I Would Have ChangedI would take the automatic engagement of the safety out and color code the safety image properly, e.g. no visable red is safe. I would also flatten the bottom of the butt portion of the stock so it rides my fingers better on the bench.
What Others Should KnowIf accuracy and inheirent dependability is essential to you there is no better value than the Dianna 34 Panther.
This is a classic must have break barrel air rifle. Super high quality, Very accurate and powerful.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt is heavy.
The rifle has a good balance, comfortable feel and soft report.
Things I Would Have ChangedImprove the droop. Using 15g pellets the droop is extreme even at 30 yards
What Others Should KnowDon't bother scoping this rifle as the optics cannot overcome the droop
Just rec'd my Diana 34P. Bought it for squirrel/rabbit hunting. I have shot about 100 target rounds now. I had it scoped in by Pyrymid to 10 yrds for $20. Well worth the cost. At 20 yrds it shoots high about 6 inches so have to readjust scope but compensating for this by aiming lower I can hit nickle size bullseye 10/10 using gunrest. Awesome rifle, will have to update this review in a few months
Things I Would Have ChangedI bought the synthetic (plastic) stock, feels kind of cheap. Thought it would have been more substantial/solid like my synthetic crossbow stock. Wish I had bought the wood stock. Live and learn.
What Others Should KnowI was very happy with purchasing through Pyrymid.
I don't have to worry about marking up the stock, given that it is synthetic. The rifle is pretty accurate at the distances at which I've been able to shoot it (7 to 10 meters).
Things I Would Have ChangedThe rifle was delivered with a broken rear sight. Pyramydair couldn't simply replace the sight. They wanted the whole rifle sent back (the boxes it came in were nearly destroyed in shipping). Thus I learned that they are not capable of supplying parts. One of their staff referred me to the supplier of the rifle, UMAREX, and I called them only to learn that they are also not much capable of supplying parts. After some looking at the UMAREX facility, one of their staff found a damaged rifle and was able to send me the rear sight from it. Now I've learned the flat the rear sight sits on is sloped to the right. Quality control in manufacturing and shipping and parts management at the supplier need more attention.
What Others Should Know.22 pellets at the ranges I was shooting (7 to 10 meters into a steel trap) are pretty much destroyed, not just flattened. They really come apart. This leads to lots of lead particles both inside the trap (a bolt together model rather than the welded together model) and outside of it. I think this speaks to the power of the rifle. I think I'm just as glad I didn't get a 900fps model.
excellent gun. great customer service
Things I Would Have Changednot a thing.
Overall, an excellent gun for the money. The gun was shooting about 2 inch groups at 30 yards right out of the box, and after about 500 shots, about 1 inch groups. .177 caliber drops squirrels and other small game with no problems. Have gone hunting with it numerous times, and was very satisfied.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe gun is fairly loud, and can be quite difficult to cock in the beggining. The safety is nice, but could use some adjustments. it requires nimble fingers and two fo them at that, to put the gun back to safe.
What Others Should KnowNot a toy.
Nice rifle, shoots great
Things I Would Have ChangedCan't use open sights with scope mounted, rifle sling options
What Others Should KnowMy first purchase from pyramid air, great rifle to shoot, accurate and quiet
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Feb 12, 2020
By Roger
The Diana 34P shoots extremely repeatably time after time and is very shooter friendly. That is, both on a bench rest, which is not guaranteed for a spring piston rifle, and freehand give very good, repeatable results. The same can be said for the several different pellets that I have tried so far. Although pellets of different types and weights will have different points of impact as expected, those of the same make will group together nicely.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing that comes to mind.
What Others Should KnowThe first scope that came in the combo had some problems. The turrets were very hard or impossible to turn for adjustment even when trying to turn them with the fingers from two hands at the same time, and I am neither slight or small. I was only able to get a few clicks on the elevation turret before finding that both turrets were essentially frozen and the crosshairs were way above the point of impact despite the properly installed drooper mount . Of course, Pyramydair responded with an RMA and, subsequently, a same model replacement which has shown none of the problems of the previous scope.