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10 of 16 RWS Diana P5 Reviews
Easy to cock once you get the hang of it. The plastic tip extends well past the barrel to give leverage.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nice if it had a place for a scope. It would be easy to add by the manufacturer. I don't know why they didn't. A bit too much plastic for my taste. If you remove the handle halves, the frame of the gun is also plastic.
What Others Should KnowThe handle on this make you hold it with your thumb in a specific position. I would rather hold it a different way. But, the pladtic thumb rest removes the option. If they were going for a good firm grip though, I guess they got it.
The gun is also huge. it feels like a small rifle. That's gotta be part of why it has decent accuracy for a pistol. 4/5 stars because I can't tell exactly how accurate it is without putting a scope on it.
From opening the box to putting the first few pellets down range all I can say is amazing! The 5G has a combination of good looks, quality construction and let’s not forget accuracy all at a hard to believe price. Rear sight assembly is a fine example of German engineering with fine "micro-detents" that give you positive feedback while adjusting. I found it rather easy to cock although others found this an issue. The weight and balance are good and the accuracy is excellent once I adjusted the rear sight to compensate for an off-center front sight post. Groups of an inch or under at 25 – 30 feet shooting Crosman Hollow Points. It is more accurate than I am.
Things I Would Have ChangedMost of the items were merely annoying and not function limiting. first I found the trigger adjustment challenging and I still don’t have the feel I like. There is a set screw that holds and releases an adjustable slotted collar (Pull Length) which contains another adjustment screw recessed inside that collar (Pull Weight). I can't stop the movement of the recessed screw whenever the collar is turned. If you need to tweak the pull length you’ll likely move the Pull Weight screw as well. Input from other users who found it “easy” to adjust would be helpful. The left side location of the safety is not easily accessible when on target and ready to shoot. The front sight post is mounted to a long plastic tube and held in place with two set screws, mine came from the factory loose and upon first break of the barrel caused it to twist off center. I also have a thing against some stamped parts like the hollow trigger. I would prefer a machined or even molded trigger. I imagine this helps to keep the cost down.
What Others Should KnowFor a pistol under $200.00 it far exceeded my expectations. An amazing value. I would make the purchase again in a heartbeat.
Great accuracy, excellent craftsmanship!
Things I Would Have ChangedElimiante the thumb rest stock. I am left handed and that thing gets in the way.
What Others Should KnowI bought this for my wife to improve her accuracy with her 9mm Ruger P95 and I definetly think it will help. The only problem is she can't cock it! I probably should have asked some questions on the forum first.
The price, quality, craftsmanship, engineering, hard hitting, straight shooting, and the sights are sweet.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it scope-able. But other than that , nothing. Sure it would be nice to have wood instead polymer, but for the money you can't beat this gun.
What Others Should KnowThis gun feels good and secure in my hand. I did not realize in the picture the grip had a place for your thumb to rest. It makes my aiming ability feel more secure. This gun is put together very well. It is easy to sight in. And at rest and 25' this gun is capable of driving tacks. This is the second day I have owned the gun and I am shooting 10 in 1.5" groups at 25'. NIIIIIIIIICE ! This gun is well worth the money and a lot of fun to shoot.
Power, accuracy and quality.
Things I Would Have ChangedI've owned a D 5 for about 15 years, very satisfied, but bought the P 5 for the additional power. RWS placed the safety on the left side of the trigger guard, rather than the right, as it is with the D 5. Much more difficult to release the safety with your trigger finger. Now it's a two hand job. I bought the D 5 with an RWS 1.5 Rasttatt scope. In the expectation of mounting a BSA 2.0 scope, I've already ordered one from Pyramid. Guess what...no place to mount it. I think the fiber optics sights are great, but difficult to use...for me. Pushing 70 and my eyes are not what they were.
What Others Should KnowSome complaints about the plastic grips, I think they're fine. Wood would look better, but probably no more functional. The D 5 came with plastic grips as well. They were medium brown and looked awful. I made my own grips out of walnut, fitted to my hand. Look good and work great.
Quality of manufacture. Blueing is good, moving parts are smooth and tight. Adjusting the trigger was easy.
Things I Would Have ChangedWood grips instead of plastic. Rear sight needs to be steel not plastic. Needs more elevation adjustment.
What Others Should KnowThis is yet another product that does what it is supposed to do. It's powerful, accurate and consistent. Expect nothing less from RWS. It can hit 1/2 inch groups at 10 yards (with rest). It's like a mini rifle!
The craftsmanship of this gun is excellent, Made in Germany...enough said. I do like the design and the adjustability it provides.
Things I Would Have ChangedI feel one of the main things I would design a little differently would be the area where the crook of your thumb sits...I would round that area off more to provide a better "pocket " for your thumb. I just purchased from Umarex another set of grips (Right and Left Hand), The right hand set I'm going to contour myself to fit my hand and the left hand set so I can replace just the L/H side grip and do away with the thumb rest altogether. I'll let you know.
What Others Should KnowOn my particular gun I'm having a REAL HARD time sighting it in. From stock it shot high and to the right. Now it shoots straight but it still shoots high...2 inches high. It does'nt matter where you set the rear sights height at ...all the way up or all the way down it still shoots 2 inches high. I've tried it at close range, 5 yards and at 25 yards...you guessed it..2 inches high.
Very accurate and powerful, well made,consistent 1" groups at 10 yds.The fibre optic sights are easy to adjust , hold their setting , easy to find your target.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI have shot about 250 rounds and the accuracy is still there. It kicks a little but doesn't affect the accuracy. A great pistol for the money.
Nice workmanship - seems like it shoots better the more you use it. Incredibly strong 'hits' even with the lighter pellets. Glad I beat the cost increase on this model.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a setscrew to keep the plastic cap on rear of gun, secured.
What Others Should KnowFired a mess of pellets and I thought I was missing the target - turns out I was keyholing! Nice!
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Jan 16, 2014
By Oxygun
Great pistol.Extremelly accurate provided that quality pellets are used with it, such as Diana Match or Diana High power or RWS Meisterkugeln. Reliable, accurate, works well straight from the box.
Things I Would Have ChangedOn Diana s site one can find a stronger spring that supes up power up to well over 12 Joules!!
What Others Should KnowMost P5 Magnums (Especially in the U.S. market) are
.177 cal. Well there is a also a P5 magnum .22 cal
Would suggest to any airgunner to try to buy this pistol in .22 cal
With the new spring ordered from Diana and a new stronger seals it has now muzzle energy approaching 14.5Joules!!