Hatsan Air Rifle Sling
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- Hatsan air rifle sling
- Fully adjustable
- Fits most shooters
- Nylon
- Black
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10 of 10 Hatsan Air Rifle Reviews
Looks Great on My Hatsan .25 Cal Air Rifle !!! Also Easy to Carry When i Need To !!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGreat to Have on those Long Hunting Trips
The stitching of the letters is not bad.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot very wide for support. Non existent padding. Mine has belt type straps to secure to sling swivels not the hooks as pictured. Very thin leather on these straps, not sure how well they will hold up!
What Others Should KnowReally Hatsan? Your rifles that have sling swivels are generally very heavy. A person would think if a company puts its "name" on an accessory piece they would make it of a quality to be able to carry their quality rifles. I will watch this piece very closely and be prepared to replace it with the one at Walmart for ten bucks which fits my other Hatsan rifle!
ok sling shld be included with all hatsan sling mount guns
Things I Would Have Changedoffer with airgun at no extra cost
What Others Should Knowok sling not the best but works
Looks good on Display.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould come free w/ M 135 and M 155.
price, color
Things I Would Have Changedclips don't work well
What Others Should KnowHad this sling on my Hatsan AT44QE and when I slung it over my shoulder the upper clip came loose resulting in the rifle falling to the ground which broke the barrel band. Fortunately no significant damage was done to the rifle but there is no way I'll ever trust these clips again. Take them off and use a strap connector or something that won't unclip by mistake.
Works well with my Uzi
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the clips a little easier to release you have to squeeze harder than normal to release the clips. Not a game changer though.
What Others Should KnowFor the price this sling is a good deal
i dont like it
Things I Would Have Changedthe clips make noise
What Others Should Knowcheep
Good promotional item. Sets off my Hatsan rifle when displayed
Things I Would Have ChangedI don't like the snap on attachment
What Others Should KnowDon't plan on using this sling in the field. The quality is just not there.
Nothing special is right
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them thicker and stronger it feels cheap and doesn't stand up to the Hatsan quality...
What Others Should KnowNot good strap for use maybe show but for not real use
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Jul 20, 2020
By Kimberly
See other sections. I am displeased because the sling you will receive is NOT the one fitting this product listing.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf it were the sling that is pictured, I would give this sling 5 stars, but what I received was a different sling with belt-buckle-style attachments rather than the pictured attachment clips.
What Others Should KnowThe picture and description are inaccurate. The attachment is a belt buckle not a quick connect clip.