Walkers Razor Patriot, Image 1
Walkers Razor Patriot, Image 1

Walkers Razor Patriot Series, OD Green

5.012 reviews


Color:OD Green

OD Green


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  • Low noise/frequency tuned for natural sound clarity
  • Sound activated compression 0.02 second reaction time
  • Sound dampening composite housing
  • Rubberized coating
  • Ultra low-profile ear cups
  • Compact folding design
  • Comfort headband with metal wire frame
  • Recessed volume control knob
  • Two hi-gain omnidirectional microphones
The Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Muff features advanced sound-activated compression technology, effectively reducing harmful noises like gunshots and loud machinery to safe levels, while still allowing you to hear important ambient sounds. With a noise reduction rating (NRR) of 23 dB, these earmuffs provide exceptional protection in even the loudest environments, ensuring your hearing stays safeguarded.

Say goodbye to muffled sounds and distorted frequencies. The built-in high-definition speakers of the Razor Slim Electronic Muff deliver clear, amplified audio directly to your ears. Whether youre at the range, communicating with your hunting buddy, or at the job site, you can enjoy crisp, natural sound quality without compromising your safety.


0.5 lbs
Noise Reduction Rating
23 db

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10 of 12 Walkers Razor Patriot Series, OD Reviews

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Just bought these on New Years Eve 2024. Best hearing protection that I have had so far. And as an Instructor, and prior military retired, I have a few different brands and types. These are the best, sound and comfort I have tried. Beats the others hands down. And with easier changing batteries and control and the audio jack plug in, I will be using these from now on.

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Bought this for range and working construction. Amazing that I can hear so much, when I put on double ear protection I can hear everything still.

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I use them in desert in buggy and at the range changed range days for the better , clear communication with all other shooter , bouugt second pair to make sure who ever goes to rang with me is on same page as me no more foam gum drops in the ears !!!

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These are the best hearing protection I've ever purchased. The were easy to set up, intuitive to use, fit well, are slim, block out gun noise very well, do a decent job of making conversation understandable while wearing them, and cost was reasonable. I paired these with a Walker's hearing protection case (model #GWP-REMSC), which seems as though it is made very well too and should protect them nicely when I am not using them.

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I bought these hoping for the best, less than2 hours total use the volume control doesn't work. Tried several new batteries still no luck. Guess I got a lemon pair!

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I got a pair of these for Christmas from my little brother (and range buddy). Big ups to him as these things are outstanding! Are they $1200 Peltor's? No... but you'll think you are wearing Peltor's because these are seriously comfy, top-notch, ear pro. I cannot recommend these enough, the noise cancelling effect is impressive and the overall protection is enough to protect your ears, but you still can hear a faint conversation. I even learned you can crank them all the way up and use them as hearing AMPLIFICATION to hear movement far away (approaching deer, fowl in the bush, enemy movement, etc.) but remain protected from the rifle report or other loud noises. 100% pleased, battery life seems legit too. I couldn't be happier with them, and for the price, I think they are superb compared to competitors ear pro. P.S. Just a note, but in the advertisement photos to the left of these reviews, I believe they have the American flag patch on incorrectly. The starfield should be facing forwards. Never in retreat. Just an observation, and in no way does it detract from what awesome ear-pro these things are. Buy them.

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I’ve had these for almost a year and they haven’t disappointed me yet (although wearing earmuffs in the summer sucks) I even had all my friends buy the same ones so we could be able to talk to each other without having to yell at each other, great muffs and I’ll only ever use these

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Works as advertised. Excellent sound attenuation, awesome mic amplifier, and doesn’t get in the way of a good stick weld when rifle shooting.

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I like the way the ear muffs fit me but I thought it would have come with a zippered bag to store the muffs in. Little disappointed about that. Haven't used in a range yet. All the reviews that I have seen mentions that they come with a bag so that is why I give it a 4 star rating.

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Great product, will NEVER go shooting without them

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