Presslug Press with .22 cal Die, Size .216 (5.49mm)
Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)
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Experience greater downrange consistency by making airgun projectiles with the Presslug Pellet Press. This press produces slugs of a consistent size and weight, one at a time from the comfort of your home. Available in .177, .22, .25, .30, and .357 calibers they outperform mass-produced pellets with greater accuracy and velocity, nearly every time.
Operating the press is easy once it’s attached to a sturdy surface. Insert the small lead cylinder, pull the lever, and retrieve the newly minted slug. Upon inspection, you'll see a perfectly formed projectile with a smooth surface and consistent weight.
The strong CNC-machined 7075 aluminum body weighs over 17 lbs. It is 15” tall, 7” wide, and 7.28” long. It is tough, built to last, and the company backs it up with a lifetime warranty. You can rest assured that even if you do somehow break it, you're covered.
The included die is constructed out of TOOLOX 44 Steel and acts as a mold where your slugs are formed. We sell extra slug dies, so if you buy a .22 now, but need a .25 later, you're good to go.
It’s a great idea to start making your own projectiles to extract the best possible performance out of your airgun. Buy your Presslug Pellet Press today from Pyramyd Air.
Presslug Press with .22 cal Die, Size .216 (5.49mm)
- Manual pellet press
- Body: EN AW 7075 aluminum alloy
- CNC Machined
- Black anodized finish
- Controlled by a single lever
- Pellet die: TOOLOX 44 Steel
- Actual Die Size: .216 Cal. / 5.49mm
- Lifetime warranty
- Length: 7.28”
- Width: 7”
- Height: 15”
- Weight: 17.6lbs
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3 of 3 Presslug Press with .22 cal Reviews
Purchasing the Presslug machine was a great investment! I am thrilled with its simple operation using a single lever, making it easy to produce my own airgun pellets and slugs. This manual press is robust and reliable, ensuring long-lasting performance. I am extremely satisfied with the product and highly recommend it to any airgun enthusiast.
Things I Would Have Changedno
The best product I bought It’s worth every penny
Things I Would Have ChangedNo comment
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Jun 24, 2024
By Harper
During my testing of the Presslug machine, I had the chance to see how it impacts the production of my own slugs for my FX Airguns Panthera. The Presslug proved to be an excellent tool, allowing me to achieve high precision and consistency in my ammunition production. The machine is robust and easy to operate, which allowed me to quickly learn how to properly change dies and customize slugs according to my needs. The resulting slugs were very high quality and accurate, which positively impacted my shooting. The speed and efficiency of production pleasantly surprised meI was able to produce a large quantity of slugs in a short amount of time, ideal for intensive training and competitive shooting. When comparing slugs made on the Presslug to those from manufacturers like FX or Nielson, I see several key differences. Commercially available slugs from FX and Nielson are undoubtedly high-quality and for shooters who want simplicity and reliability without further investment in equipment,
What Others Should Know-High-quality production
-Customization options for slugs
-Fast and efficient production
-Higher initial cost