SW 1911, Image 1
SW 1911, Image 1

SW 1911

4.511 reviews


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4.511 reviews


Features include: low profile three dot sights, functional extended beavertail grip safety, and extended combat thumb safety. The checkered stock panels and mainspring housing helps improve your grip and feel. The magazine holds 12 BBs. The internal spin-up system enhances velocity and BB accuracy.
This unique high powered single action spring gun is an enhanced version of the classic 1911 Auto, complete with full Smith & Wesson trademarks. The highly realistic replica is the actual size of a 1911 gun. The SW1911 does not only look real, but the heavy metal parts make it feel heavy and very realistic. It was manufactured with ULTRA GRADE Heavy Weight Construction - featuring mostly metal parts and antishock ABS. No other airgun can compete with SW1911's realistic appearance and feel.

Our tests showed the following velocities: 230 fps with .20g BBs and 300 fps with .12g BBs. We recommend .20g BBs for this gun.

Actual size of a 1911 gun
Magazine capacity: 12 pellets
Material: ULTRA GRADE Heavy Weight Construction - High Percentage Metal Parts and Antishock ABS
Bag of 6mm BBs Included
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Max Velocity
288 fps
1.74 lbs
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Smooth bore
Overall Length
12 round(s)
Body Type
Metal/ABS plastic

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10 of 11 Smith & Wesson SW1911 Reviews

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Likes really cool and have nice weight.

Should hold more ammo. and make it full metal for real. SHould come with a box. It is not a cheap pistol for a springer. Even $20 pistol has a box.

I brought this b/c thought it is full metal, but actually not full metal, the main body made by abs plastic. Most small parts including trigger, safety, hop-up... and interal are metal.

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The realistic look and feel, and the weight of the gun seems just about perfect. The sights are very good, and the clip loads fast & easy.

The trigger needs an adjust for travel, and is a little to heavy, plus greater magazine capacity in needed.

Front sight is super glued in place be carefull mine has come loose with barely a tap......

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good feel & good looks easy to load clip slide locks to indicate empty clip

would prefer higher capacity clip would make clips light weight (way too heavy) would increase velocity for .2s & .25s (no one cares about .12s any more)

I believe the velocity for .2s is way over rated. Literature which accompanies gun says .2s go at 188 fps, not 288 fps. My shooting comparisons (eye to target) with other airsoft guns seem to confirm literature values -- so I don't believe the 288 fps value for .2s cited in this catalog.

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Heavy and quite a bit of metal, Don't see how an extra pound or two really makes a difference in a better built gun. Cocking is good and has some extra safety features. Only have had 2 airsoft guns but this one seems like the FPS is much higher than what they rate here. Looks very mean.

The gun can still be cocked without realizing it when the rear safetly flap is up causing scuffing of the gun. Accuracy isn't the greatest. Clip doesn't hold much ammo but very easy to load.

Bought this with a Taurus 24/7 and even though the Taurus is rated 30 fps higher it doesn't shoot as hard as this gun although it is much more accurate. It is still a very nice gun and I am glad I bought it but it is a little pricey.

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Good accuracy and great velocity. Works the best with .2 gram bbs. It is full metal

make the clips hold more bbs.t he clips are heavy and don't hold many bbs. you run out really quick

dont use .12 gram bbs with the gun. they just fly straight up

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i got this as my first gun, 2 years ago, and it still works fine. it cocks back easily, has a good feeling grip and has INSANE aiming

take out the hammer lol, it doesnt do anything

this is a great springer, its a great addition to a collection

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My name is raja. The first thing noticeable, is the real feel and look. It is heavy and metal. It shot pretty hard even with 20 grams (recommended). Accuracy wise, it also does well, at about 35-40 ft i could easily hit a 2 inch wide target.

Maybe its a little too heavy...Also, it could have a lower price tag, but then again you are getting a very realistic airgun.

It is a good spring and will out gun any other spring pistols hands down.

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Fit and finish is excellent Slide operates smoothly and is easy to cock Looks like the real thing (albeit that's not a prime purchase consideration) The internal components seem well made and assembled

Weight ... counter t most opinions, I don't feel it's necessary to add weight or make components out of metal just to add additional weight to the gun. The clip is unnecessarily heavy and could be made substantially lighter and just as durable with the proper design and material choices.

All in all a nice airsoft gun ... but it's pricey. I will compare it against a Tokyo Marui M1911 springer when I receive it. The two guns from a build standpoint are the antithesis of each other. We'll see ...

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Everything about this gun is perfect - the detail is crazy, its also the fastest and most accurate gun I have seen.

The slide is a little hard to pull back, but gets better with time, and this is needed to get the bb going fast

If you have the money, buy this gun! its worth the investment

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weight is realistic velocity is highest I've ever seen in a springer accuracy -- most accurate springer I've ever shot

Trifle pricy for a springer

I got this gun as a practice piece for the real thing. I don't play airsoft games. I hoped for a gun that would allow meaningful practice in such things as trigger control, grip, target acquisition, sight picture, etc. This fills the bill. It is sturdy, fairly heavy, accurate and powerful. In fact, errant bb's (my fault, I think) have chipped the plastic target holder with .20 bb's. I'm satisfied

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