Tanfoglio Witness 1911 CO2 BB Pistol, Black Grips
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10 of 12 Tanfoglio Witness 1911 CO2 BB Pistol, Black Grips Reviews
The price was what first attracted me.
Things I Would Have ChangedOverall design, this is a one piece. The sites are fixed and not adjustable or very accurate, I was getting low left groups. Also I too got through about 6 tubes before I was hearing leaks and then the tab broke.
What Others Should KnowThis is a entry level very basic model that had I seen in the store I would not have purchased. Since Pyramid Air offers a 30day guarantee I am going to look into sending it back if I can.
Bargain price.
Things I Would Have ChangedSites not lined up properly and not adjustable. Shot low and to the left consistently. Same thing with a friend who bought it and he is a championship marksman. Get the metal.
I love the look and feel of the gun!
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it blowback, I realize there is a full metal version it's just 3x the price! Also change the co2 mechanism, mine broke after the 3rd co2 cartridge and had to use a nail to tighten the seal!
What Others Should KnowMy gun broke after about a month, this gun was fun while it lasted but now the CO2 leaks and won't shoot! This gun isn't high quality but fairly cheap anyways! I do like the look and feel and will be buying the full metal version!
I have purchased 2 of these guns and have had good luck with both .1 leaked co2 but was quicky replaced by pyramyd air. fun to shoot for a fair price good per shot value have averaged 80 shots at 25 ft per co2 cartridge will try to increase distance as time goes on have only had gun about 1 month
Things I Would Have Changedbetter co2 knob access but if you tighten with pliers carefully you will get more than 80 shots but I am happy with 80 (4 magazines)
What Others Should Knowyou will enjoy shooting this airgun at targets even setup target in garage with solid backstop.ENJOY!
The engineering in this gun is great. The detachable magazine is theoretically fantastic.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe quick-out-the-door manufacturing put to shame any "great" engineering. It took probably 20 minutes before I was finally able to shoot this gun: 1, A bb fell out of the magazine and got jammed in the magazine well. 2, The gas cartridge screw was extremely difficult to seat. 3, Constant misfires I remedied 1 and 3 by disassemling the magazine, streching the bb retaining spring slightly, deburring the bb retainer with a file, and reassembling the magazine. While I was at it, I filed the 2 notches meant to hold the magazine open while loading. Number 2 I used a pair of pliers to tighten the gas cartridge screw. After these fixes I could get through a whole magazine with only one of two misfires which I attribute to the bb quality.
What Others Should KnowThis gun is fun, I hit 10 inch stainless steel dog dishes from 20 yards no problem. The gun looks as though it will fit a 1911 with a rail holster.
On the other hand, I am glad the Colt defender came in before this one. It was money well spent.
The look and the feel
Things I Would Have ChangedI would make it work, which since I had received the semi-auto it has only fired one shot at a time before you have to drop magazine. Which I believe is the real issue and it would be to big of a hassle not cost effective to return.
What Others Should KnowCheap yes, but is it worth it no.
The fit and the feel of it in my hand. I like the way it shoots.
Things I Would Have ChangedRear adjustable sights would be quite an improvement. With the fixed sights it shoots low and to the left. Got to use kentucky windage to hit the broad side of a barn.
What Others Should KnowGet a laser or dot sight to improve accuracy.
Fits my hand very well, good balance and feel, good sights, very good fps. Fun to shoot. Above average accuracy for a BB pistol. Clip is easy to load.
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds a better screw key for the CO2 cartridge due to having a difficult time piercing the cartridge, used pliers to help turn the screw. Change clip feeding mechanism/system, inconsistent BB feeding.
What Others Should KnowThe guns shoots very well when the BB's feed correctly. I got almost 5 clips of shooting out of the CO2 cartridge at 75 degrees. Worth considering for your BB pistol collection due to its low cost.
It has a realistic look, fires at a decent 400fps, and has great accuracy.It's easy to pull the trigger and it has a two stage trigger, allowing you to pull it part way back, adjust your aim, then pull it all the way. It has a 18 round clip which is nice, but i've had better.
Things I Would Have ChangedClip sometimes does not feed correctly, allowing BB's to not enter the chamber. The enclose CO2 canister is a good idea, but is a little difficult to open, I would suggest they change it to something like the drop out clip like the one in the Heckler & Koch USP CO2 pistol.
What Others Should KnowPretty easy gun to use, although it can be a little difficult to load sometimes.
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Apr 18, 2014
By CM Donn
The price drew in but... Actually for my son it is fine but for daddy I want more!
Things I Would Have ChangedBlow back, maybe some "moving" parts. This is a one pice casted plastic design which reminds me of the old crossman 1911 spring bb-gun that was all metal.
What Others Should KnowThe brand name is known to be quality but this one is not. Online reviews talk about it winning awards but I think it was for a more deluxe model? We