Trophy Ridge React One Pro Hunter Bracket Single Pin Sight, Right, .010
Grip Orientation:Right
Pin Diameter:.010
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Trophy Ridge React One Pro Hunter Bracket Single Pin Sight RH AS701R10
The React One Pro is one of the best selling sights from Trophy Ridge. This vertical single pin sight allows archers to push the limits and reach up to 100 yards. REACT TECHNOLOGY Mathematical precision of React Technology automatically adjusts all pins to the optimal location INNOVATIVE DESIGN Make easy corrections with advanced tool-less micro-click windage and elevation adjustments INNOVATIVE DESIGN Fiber optic yardage indicators compensate for various environmental conditions INCREASED ACCURACY Strengthen accuracy at severe angles over longer distances with third-axis leveling EVERYTHING YOU NEED Includes Trophy Ridge React One Pro sight, 10 custom sight tapes, and lens retainer ring (Accepts 1-5/8 lens size; lens not included)
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10 of 11 Trophy Ridge React One Pro Reviews

I've shot the many react sights on all my bows since 2012. Love the technology sight works awesome and have never had any issues with these sights very tough!

Great product very easy to set up and use extremely accurate at distance

I have had this site for a few years now and I still love it. Bear and Trophy Ridge are also super great to work with if you ever have any questions or concerns, you can physically call them and a person answers the phone, not easy to find these days. They also stay true to their word on the warranty. You cant go wrong.

I have this sight equipped on my bow and the thing I love most about the sight is the ease of sighting in and the ability to literally make adjustments on the shooting line to compensate for changes such as arrow weight or changes in peak draw weight poundage on the fly without the headaches. The adjustment knob the move the single pin is also retains great tension as it isn’t too hard too turn and you don’t have to worry about it moving free on. You when it isn’t supposed to. No need to struggle finding the right sight tape or have to constantly try to finesse non micro adjustable pins into place to the perfect position. The only improvement I’d like to see upon react technology is a listed FPS range on the about Info on packaging and website to let potential buyers know if arrow speed would be a limiting factor on if the sight would work with their particular bow set up. I cannot wait to see what Trophy Ridge comes up with next for bow sights. I’m Crossing my fingers that a sight like their React Trio Pro where all three pins remain in play will hopefully be in the works!

Intuitive design allows distance adjustments without the need for yardage tapes (you can use them if you choose). Design is functional, can easily make adjustments for broadheads or different weighted tips along with arrow changes to your quiver (again, without using tapes). The sight is also well constructed. Theoretically, after sighting for 20 and 30 yards, the sight should be dialed in for every pin thereafter. Once sighted in at 20 yards, moved back to 30, made slight adjustments and the sight was good out to 50 yards (only 2 adjustments, like advertised). Didn't attempt anything at a further distance, however those distances are not necessary for me. Would recommend.

I have three of these. Average sight in time until I'm comfortable to 60 yards under an hour. The technology is so amazing, I wish I was smart enough to do the math to give a better explanation.

The trophy ridge react technology is unbelievably accurate with this sight. Being left handed, my options are limited, however Trophy Ridge always seems to have the answer for me. I've used there products for the past dozen years now, with tremendous success. I've always looked for a single pin sight, as it's my preference. This sight can be fine tuned to match your needs. My only complaint would be the sight housing is a touch too small but after shooting the react one pro for awhile now, I've gotten used to it. I'd love to see this sight available with the dovetail bracket for us lefty's tho. All in all, highly recommended. Great built quality that will last and can take the abuse of the day to day shooter.

The React Technology on this sight is so cool. I sighted in a 20 yards and 40 yards and it was like magic. Everything lined right up. I thought the pin was more than bright enough, and the button for the sight light was a huge upgrade than those finicky rheostats that you have to twist. I guess the other thing that won me over with this sight is how little i needed to use a allen wrench to adjust for sighting in. The Lock and Twist set up on it is awesome and you can hear and audible "click" for each adjustment you make. Definitely worth every penny spent on this sight.

I installed my new Trophy Ridge React One, and had it sightened in within 20 minuits, i have never sighted in a sight that quick, awesome sight and just love having 1 pin.
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Oct 26, 2022
By Buzzman
I have this sight on my moose hunting setup (not very clear in photo). With approximately 10 arrows shot, my bow (and sight) were dialed in to 60 yards.