UTG Special Operations Universal Tactical Black Leg Holster, Left Handed
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Deluxe non-slip holster pad, and non-slip, fully adjustable and removable leg strap - for maximum comfort and provide additional retention for your handgun during extreme operations, rappelling, swimming and jumping.
Extra mag pouch.
Thumb break security.
Universal design - for most medium to large frame pistols.
Adjustable closure - for a tight pistol barrel fit.
Length: 7"
Width: 3.5" - 2"
For the best fit, we recommend pistols with a width that is less than or equal to the width of the holster (from the bottom of the trigger guard up to the barrel) and a length that is greater than or equal to the length of the holster.
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10 of 12 UTG Special Operations Universal Tactical Reviews
1. Completely adjustable for all my hand guns. 2. Extremely lightweight and tough. 3. Comfortable to wear.
Things I Would Have ChangedDon't really need the clasp connector cinch strap
Easily attached to my harness. Quality of material and craftsmanship is Top Notch. Ease of draw of pistol is great while securely holding it when not in use. I like the extra space for mags or gas cartridges.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!
What Others Should KnowIf you're a Lefty like me, and need a great quality holster, Get This One!
Fits great. works well and with comfort.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowtake your time to figure out how to wear it.
Mobility, comfort
Things I Would Have ChangedNeeds more room for the rail attachment
What Others Should KnowOffer more colors for left handed shooters
Things I Would Have ChangedZilch.
What Others Should KnowNothing but SAFETY!.
Adjusts to size, very comfortable, strong material
What Others Should KnowThis is a great product for the money.
Great value, works terrific with my MP 9MM.
Great holster! I have three of them, one in Woodland, ACU and Black. The adjustable drop strap helps you get the rig right where you need it and you'll really like having your pistol right at arm's length. With the combination of the adjustable holster strap, leg padding, and adjustable leg straps you can run, low crawl, or combat roll and the harness stays put. Finally, right on the front of the holster is a magazine pocket witth velcro closure so you have somewhere to keep that extra magazine when you need to run and gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, great holster - the only good holster I have found for lefties.
What Others Should KnowSpend some time adjusting the rig to your preferences, invest in a good lanyard for your pistol, if you take the pistol strap off it makes a great quick draw holster.
Holds a 9mm perfect. Sits on the leg nice. Quick draw.
Things I Would Have ChangedLittle more padding
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Nov 24, 2017
By mario
I like the adjustability of the drop down belt webbing. Once adjusted the rog feels secure. The deep pocket of tthe holster also securely hold tje pistol yet allows foe easy draw.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like a pouch especally fit for the rotary mag used with the walther cp pistol and a pouch for extra co2.