Uzi CO2 BB Submachine Gun
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A realistic replica of an Uzi submachine gun, this thing is a blast to shoot!
Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.
Uzi Submachine Gun
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Two firing modes: Full-Auto and Semi-Auto
- Blowback
- 25rd BB magazine (.177 caliber)
- Realistic recoil
- 71-yd range
- Folding shoulder stock
- Open sights
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10 of 113 Uzi CO2 BB Submachine Gun Reviews
Not working after 1st meg blow the O ring
Things I Would Have ChangedAll
I like everything about this bb gun. The bb uzi shoots well on single and automatic fire. The realistic Blowback feature is super cool too.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it compatible for bigger tanks.
What Others Should KnowYou can only get 2 magazine loads per co2 tank, then you have to switch out the co2 tank. The Blowback feature really eats up a co2.
Fresh out the box and wont chamber a bb to save its life. Wont buy again.
The feel is perfect, sound is perfect and acuracy is good. Love the product.
Things I Would Have ChangedN/A
What Others Should KnowN/A
Realistic feel
Things I Would Have ChangedJams, leaks in magazine
What Others Should KnowGet the 92a1 much better...the uzi is great to hang on the wall, too much use and you will have all types of issues
This gun is a total thrill to shoot. On par with favorite airgun in my collection- the Umarex Legends MP40 full auto. That gun is totally awesome, but much much heavier than this little Uzi. For the price, it is awesome fun. Just make sure you buy an adaptor for the magazine that allows hookup to external tank, unless you wanna buy a crate of the small CO2 tubes- as many other reviewers stated, this thing eats CO2. Things I like- - full auto shooting experience -the solid construction - realistic blowback operation - folding stock
Things I Would Have ChangedSome of the things that I would change -include magazine with adaptor integrated with foster connection for hookup to external tank, being that this thing uses up C02 so quickly. The experience is somewhat ruined when you have to change C02 after 1 magazine. - include a hold-down/catch for the spring follower. This is inexcusable when a manufacturer does not include a hold down for spring follower...it is just a PITA trying to hold spring while loading BBs. -would be nice to have a Picatinny/Weaver rail for installing red dot sight.
What Others Should KnowMake your experience better and buy an Advanced Novelty Tech (ANT) adaptor kit and connect the Uzi to a 20oz or bigger CO2 tank. This is what I did and could not be happier. Only $5 to refill the 20oz tanks, and no ripping thru tons of small CO2 tubes. Just wish the CO2 was separate from the magazine, that way could buy bunch of mags and preload with ammo. Still a pain to stop and reload BBs after blowing thru them in 2 seconds flat in full-auto.
It is made to look like the real thing. I also like the blowback action. The full auto mode blew my mind at first and I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face since.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like it if some accessories where offered i.e. shoulder strap or rifled barrel and maybe a special case to store it in.
What Others Should KnowYou will need more co2 and bb's then this kit offers. It is an absolute blast.
the uzi bb gun is a winner
Things I Would Have Changedeliminate the blowback feature to save co2
What Others Should Knownext best thing to the real machine pistol
It was decently packaged .overall looked an felt real. Thats why i am giving it a star understand i am very disappointed from here on
Things I Would Have ChangedFirst the guns stock extended is fine but folded its in the way it just feels cheap if the back folde up under it self would be good. Also loading mag pain in my ass also i never had anytime to enjoy it from here on it malfunctioned an is being returnedso
What Others Should KnowSo far i still havent a opinion other then quality control on this product
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Jan 18, 2025
By Mario
I like the look and feel of this airgun, unfortunately because of my disability I can't pull back the charging handle but that's OK I purchased it so I can spend time with my grandson when he comes to visit,. It's 5 star overall, Thank you