Crosman Dual Spinning Targets, 2 Pack
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With two targets, you can set them up at different distances and shoot away! Have fun shooting all day with no need to stop and reset your targets.
Hone your skills with the Crosman reactive Dual Spinning Target set.
For use with .177- and .22-cal. air rifles firing lead pellets or low ricochet lead BBs only. Not for use with airsoft BBs or steel BBs, steel-tipped pellets or alloy pellets. Be sure to place targets at least 10 yards from the muzzle of the gun.
Crosman Dual Spinning Targets
- Durable all-metal construction
- Target diameter 2 inches
- 2 separate targets for engagement at different distances
- Includes extra set of stickers
- For use with .177 and .22 caliber lead pellets only
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8 of 8 Crosman Dual Spinning Targets, 2 Reviews
nice ring when you hit them, small target size makes for a good challenge. have been using my set for years. the stickers get shot up but the targets last and last...
Works well, pretty durable.
Things I Would Have ChangedIncluded target stickers didn't stay on after even 1-2 hits, I stuck them back on once or twice but they were shredded within a few more hits. Paint will work so not a big deal, but stronger adhesive on the stickers would help.
What Others Should Knowwebsite description indicates extra stickers included, but my package had only one set (2).
These are nice inexpensive targets that give a satisfying metallic ping when hit. They're really easy to jam into the top of a hay bail, or into soft dirt, with thick enough legs that they're not going to get knocked over by successive hits on the target. They take up almost no room in a range bag. The metal of the target discs is thick enough to withstand .22cal pellet hits in the 900-1000fps range just fine, with no distortion or warping of the target. As the product description says, I wouldn't try anything more powerful than that though.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe blue and white logo stickers with the red center dot, while nice, don't last. Any hit removes the sticker completely from the spot hit. That's not really very surprising. . . .it's just a sticker, after all. They provide a couple of replacements, but you'll end up just shooting at a blank black disc after just a few outings.
These are just the right size for me, and they give an easily heard sound and good movement when I hit them. They are much more satisfying than a paper target.
Things I Would Have ChangedSome additional stickers would be nice so after I have hit them many times I can refresh the surface.
Value & durability, & the ability to set targets at different distances & angles to practice combat drills. Can't beat that for the price!
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing.
What Others Should KnowEasy to stuff in a backpack & head out to the woods for some uninterrupted shooting fun !!!
Well made. Easy to put on target image and like that extras were included.
What Others Should KnowInstructions say not for use with BB guns due to risk of richocete.
I ordered two packs of the Crosman Dual Spinning Targets for a total of 4 spinners. I have them set out at 10 meters, 50 feet, 25 yards, and 30 yards as range makers. I'm shooting them with low power 177 CO2 rifles or an old Sheridan 20 cal Blue Streak. The targets are holding up well with no sign of deforming, even the 10M target with the 'Dan at 8 pumpts (just to see if it would damage the spinner). For the price, the spinners are an extremely good value.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI have not tried these spinners with a higher FPE PCP.
The paper wears off fairly quickly but I don't see that as a problem. I just occasionally add a dot of florescent acrylic paint to the center.
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Dec 24, 2024
Quality of the product and durability.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowUp to them if they found out the quality of this product.