Birchwood Casey Dirty Bird Battle at Sea Target, 12"x18", 8ct
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- Battle at Sea paper target
- 12"x18"
- Each shot puts a white halo at the point of impact
- 8ct
A great way to compete! Sink your opponent's ships before he sinks yours. For air rifles, air pistols, airsoft guns and firearms.
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4 of 4 Birchwood Casey Dirty Bird Battle Reviews
Love this game, just finished beating my son. Harder than you think it will be, if you are using anything other than a target pistol those circle get pretty small past about 20 feet'
Things I Would Have ChangedThe green dots are much harder to see than the red maybe yellow would stand out better against the blue background the green is too cos to the blue wish the count was 12 instead of 8
What Others Should Knowmake sure you have a bright light on the target to see the green better
Fun targets.
Things I Would Have ChangedDelivered folded up, you need a target base to hold the target flat.
What Others Should KnowMakes a fun game if you have a shooting partner.
I love this target. It inspires competition. My son and I use it regularly for friendly matches. The "splatter" effect makes bb and pellet holes easy to see from a distance.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, it is my favorite target.
What Others Should KnowAfter you have shot all of the red and green dots you can continue using the target by then shooting the black dots. After the black dots then go for the blue squares. You will get your moneys worth and more.
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Feb 28, 2017
By Charles
We really like this target, had lots of fun using our BB guns like the Red Rider and my new Lil Duke. We started in close say 2 yards and everytime you sank an enemy ship you backed up two feet to increase the difficulty all the way out to 5 meters for the last ship. Hitting those little dots at 5 meters with Red Rider like bb guns with regularity is a challenge to say the least. We played it that you had to call your shot as any accidental hits on an unintended dots didn't count.(just to increase the difficulty)
Things I Would Have ChangedI agree that the lower ships should have used a higher visibility/higher contrast color dots like yellow or even neon green would have been better than the darker green currently being used. Especially difficult to distinguish them from the blue background squares at 5 meter using open sights.
What Others Should KnowPerhaps if using them outdoor with natural lighting would make the green dots easier to see, if you try to use some sort of flood lamp to brighten it can cause glare on the target if its too powerful or too close.....