Walkers Recon Professional, Image 1
Walkers Recon Professional, Image 1

Walkers Recon Professional Grade, Black

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Introducing Walker's new low-profile Recon Digital Electronic Muffs. Designed with lightning-fast Sound Activated Compression (SAC) at their core, these muffs boast a noise reduction rating (NRR) of 26 capable of keeping wearers' hearing protected in any arena. Working in tandem with SAC is digital amplification technology that bolsters low-level environmental sounds to ensure you hear what you should when you should, as well as an integrated digital amp for improved sound clarity. Ideal for use by hunting and shooting enthusiasts, as well as those working in various commercial applications where communication is key, these muffs also feature an advanced digital audio circuit and full dynamic range HD speakers for clear, balanced sound. Their sleek, highly packable design includes sound-dampening composite housing and bonded rubber coating, adjustable 2, 4, and 6-hour auto shutoff, and a 3.5mm audio jack for connecting smartphones, computers, and other electronic media devices. Users will also enjoy communicating with friends and family on the range or in the field via the all-new Recon Hybrid Communicator Walkie-Talkie for hands-free communication from as far as 3 miles away.
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0.5 lbs
Noise Reduction Rating
26 db

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10 of 13 Walkers Recon Professional Grade Reviews

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I purchased my Walker Ear Muffs about 5 years ago and they are still going strong. I knew when I bought them that they were the best on the market, which is why I bought them. I liked the Walker Ear Protection and use them, almost every week when I go to the range. This is the best on the market and you will like the quality that goes into every Walker Protection device.

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Excellent earmuffs for shooting or any type of event top end

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Very comfortable. Great high sound suppression. My only issue is high signal to noise ratio. The higher the volume the greater the unwanted noise.

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Excellent ear pro. Better fit then my other walkers. Bought a second pair for my other range bag.

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Use these daily as a Range Safty Officer. Other walkers I have used indoors amplify the AC system blowers to a point u can't clearly hear a person talking. This Recon unit has a superior ability to no amplify thise sounds but still increase the volume of the spoken word. Happy with that. The major knock is the lack of ability to easily replace or upgrade the ear pads with gel. You have to cut the original pads off to do so and the plate they are mounted to is fixed, so u have to use pads the have self adhesive. That is what keeps the Recon from being 5 star.

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Good price for a great product. I have 4 pairs and I love them

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My first Walker and I'm sold on the Recon. Tried it at the range and surprised at how well it muffled the shots yet I could hear the ambient sound around me so clearly.

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This is the first set of muffs I've ever purchased. My wife and I, (me because I found an excuse to grab em) were tired and uncomfortable with reusable earplugs. The extra ambient noise these things pick up is crazy good. Very comfortable and very much worth purchasing! I would recommend these to regular consumers because I can't speak on the behalf of duty users.

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You probably want the straight up so here it is…Walkers Recon muffs and comms are the Shiznit! Don’t think, you’ll just freak out! Buy them, train with them and evolve…

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I bought a pair of these when they first released. Nowhere in the manual did it mention how to use the adjustable auto shutoff feature. I even call the help line after 2 emails went without a response. The person I spoke with looked for about 20 minutes to see if there was anything she could find out but was unable to find the info either. So I'm not sure if they even have the feature that is in the description.

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