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Powered by two 12-gram CO2 cartridges that slip into a compartment neatly concealed by the slide-out buttpad, this rifle will deliver lots of powerful shots from its 8-shot rotary clip.
If looks were all that it took to make airgunners happy, this rifle would do the trick. The rich hardwood stock and forearm are combined with high-quality, blued steel components. But, its beauty isn't just skin deep! They used metal in areas where other manufacturers would use plastic. They even included the metal saddle ring found on the 1894.
Then, there's the super-accurate barrel. It delivers 10-shot groups of 5/8" (center-to-center) at 10 meters. The sights are adjustable, too. The front is adjustable for windage, and the rear is adjustable for elevation. You can even scope the Walther Lever Action with a special base.
The weight, the feel, the size, the way it sits naturally in your hands while you work the lever just like Chuck Connors on The Rifleman...you're gonna kick yourself for not getting this gun sooner!
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10 of 14 Walther WALTHER LEVER Reviews
I'm biased but I really love this lever action rifle ( I grew up watching westerns on Tv and loved this type of rifle). It is very solid, fast, easy to use, has beautiful workmanship and balance and for someone who isn't particularly experienced at shooting air rifles, pretty accurate. If i were a better shooter this rifle would be too.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the front and rear sights out of metal--the rest of the rifle is, as far as I can tell.
What Others Should KnowIf you like lever action rifles, do yourself a favor and buy this rifle. You'll never regret it. You'll get tons of enjoyment out of it and just love holding it and looking at it. It really makes me smile. Money very well spent.
Aesthetics good. Very little plastic. Decent wood. No hitches in the action. Advertised fps is 633. Distributor chrony says the best was 597 on mine, but it's only halfway through the breakin period. I'll test it myself after 125 more rds. Accuracy is better than advertised. Using an old retro fitted Ransom Rest with a zero positive lockdown, the rifle fired consistent one hole groups of .257 to .312 inches at 20 yards. That's right,...20 yards. 60 feet. Offhand or off of a rest, the rifle is so accurate it's almost boring to shoot. I'm down to using pennies as targets. Paper is simply no challenge. As with all good guns, ammo is the key. I'm still working on that. Look for snug fit on these cylinders. They are precise and much of the generic common ammo is not. While I have had no jams with any, accuracy is deffinately affected. My first two choices so far are Beeman hollow pts. and Daisy Avantis. Snug fit. I have other ammo to try and some I have already ruled out. If you're an "old west" fan this is the gun for you. Nice lines, matt receiver, blued barrel, smooth action. I'll probably buy the scope mount and a scope for it although I don't know why. It surely isn't needed for accuracy and it would spoil the "old west" looks of the gun. Buy extra cylinders. Makes for more shootin' time. You'll need at least 8. This is a very nice airgun. Another fine job from Umarex.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe buttplate. It's plastic and ill fitting to the stock. It's also the co2 charging port so I can understand some of it. It's really not a big deal but it could have been better designed.
What Others Should KnowBe prepared to shoot. A lot. This gun holds 2 co2 cartridges and Umarex says not to store the gun without discharging the cylinders. I don't know what the shooting capacity of the co2 is. I dump mine after 64 rounds and there is still plenty of life left in them. That's just me. No drop off from round 1 to round 64 at 60 feet...I do know that. All I'm say I guess is that this isn't your "get in 10 rounds before dinner" gun. When you charge it...be ready to shoot for a long time. It's a fine reproduction and it's deadly accurate.
I own many airguns. This is absolutely the finest airgun for the money that you can buy. This gun is nearly indistinguishable from my 44 Mag Winchester carbine. Excellent construction, great sights, beautiful wood stock and foregrip, hard hitting. Buy it...I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake a 22 cal version maybe?
Quality construction from Walther - feels just like the real firearm. Lever action and trigger pull are precise. Accuracy was right on from approx 30 feet in our indoor range using just the front and rear sights and no scope. Did not fire it outdoors. This is a fun rifle for shooting paper targets and soda cans.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing
What Others Should KnowThis is a quality rifle that feels like the real firearm. Buy extra magazines. I used the RWS hobby pellets that come in the green tin and did not experience any jams.
This gun is suh-weet!!!!! Excellent selection for my collection. Very solid construction. No plastic except for the sights, barrel bands and butt plate. I like the trigger very much. It's metal. There is no travel in it. You pull it it fires. Doesn't take much pressure to pull either. Sorry, I have no pull gauge. Very realistic replica of the 1894. Cocking the rifle is smooth and solid like the firearm, which is what I was looking for in a lever action. Replacing the CO2 is very easy but hard to tell when they are pierced. I can get 80-90 shots easily but accuracy starts dropping off after 60-70 then poi drops significantly (inches) for the next 10-20 shots . Sorry, I don't have a chrony. One is on my list, however.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe only thing I don't like is the front sight. It's just a friction fit. You merely slide it where you want it. No screws, no clicks. The globe must be removed first but it just clips on and off in a groove. It has to be pried off with a flat blade so take care you don't break it.
What Others Should KnowIf you're looking for a realistic lever action in both looks and operation this is the gun!
Very Similar Replica. Great Weight and Feel to this Rifle. Super easy and smooth lever action. Accuracy is very good!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing...
What Others Should KnowBy far, one of the best CO2 Rifles out there.
Looks Balance Feel Power Action Accuracy Shots per CO2
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING! Imight have gone with the Wells Fargo edition had it been available when I bought this, just because it's a little prettier, but make no mistake... This gun looks AND shoots AWSOME!
What Others Should KnowAWESOME... AWESOME... AWESOME... PERIOD!
I have many pellet guns, probably too many! lol
Shin Sung Career 707 Ultra 9mm
Sam Yang 909s
Evanix Hunting master AR6 (Pistol)
Gamo R-77 6" Classic
EAA Skiff
Crosman 1077
And a few others, but THIS IS my FAVORITE plinker!
It simply a blast too shoot!
Iwish it were a little cheaper, but after shooting it, I think it's well worth the price.
A MUST have for any collector, or anyone who wants an excellent replica.
I purchased my Walther lever action about three-years ago. I've taken it to the range three times. This is one hard hitting gas gun. It's very accurate. The material used in its construction is high quality and the workmanship is wonderful. The consumer gets his or her monies worth with this airgun
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowRefer to Pyramyd's suggestions for amoo to use in this gun.
Everything. Nice feel and the sights are very good. Very accurate, and a yowser with PBAs or RWS sabots!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing when I finally learned "the secret"!
What Others Should KnowTHE SECRET IS PELLOIL!!! So maybe I'm not too bright, but nowhere in any co2 rifle or pistol manual have I ever seen the word. I was on "hold" with Pyramid Air and heard the guy talking about it. Upon ordering my 3rd co2 cartridge holder I now add a drop of it in the bottom of each cylinder sleeve and the o-rings work the way they should. Also , make sure your cartridges are the same diameter and "smooth" on the end as the Walther's this mechanism was designed for or you will eventually tear up the o-rings and get a lousy seal. PELLOIL... And I was using spit!
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Oct 22, 2010
By Anthony
Everything about this rifle is great, workmanship, balance, accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe magazine chamber.If a pellet gets jambed in the chamber more than likley the magazine will be ruined. I ruined two magazines trying to free a pellet