Wicked Ridge Invader X4, Warrior UL Crossbow Cables
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The Wicked Ridge Invader X4 and Warrior UL Crossbow Cables are the manufacturer's official replacement cables for compatible crossbows. They are designed for optimum velocity and accuracy and should be replaced according to the recommended schedule.
Wicked Ridge Invader X4, Warrior UL Crossbow Cables
- Durable design and D-75 material
- Compatible with the Wicked Ridge Invader X4 and Warrior UL crossbows
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10 of 13 Wicked Ridge Invader X4, Warrior Reviews

Thought they were a little pricey but the quality made up for the price. Very happy with them, shipping time was very short

Cables fit well and corrected my cam timing issue.

I ordered cables for my Wicked Ridge Fury. They shipped in a timely matter and are holding up to the test. I definitely recommend using these cables, as they are designed for this specific crossbow.

The string and cables were exactly the same as the originals and my RDX400 is still in time and shooting great.

Overall a great crossbow. The Acu-draw makes it a breeze to set.
My one concern is the cables. I have already had to replace the main cable as it started fraying.
The two bottom cables are also starting to wear. I am concerned because I have shot it right at 100 times. I keep the rail lubed and the strings waxed.
The bottom strings have an angle that causes them to rub when cocking.
I did have one limb split down the center, that 10 point replaced for free besides labor.
If the string issue could be fixed I’d give it a five. Shoots great, hope this helps.

Thank you for the marvelous customer support ! My hunt in Colorado was a success , thanks to you !

The overall construction of the cables is quite good. Have had the cables replaced since the purchase of the bow last November due to fairly extensive shooting. The serving on the cable ends tend to seperate after approximately 75 shots. I feel it needs to be made more durable.

Boxed and were ready to install. The same color as the old ones.

I own an older Wicked Ridge crossbow where strings and cables are harder to source. Ten point Tech was able to fill the order and mail it to me in just a few days. Exactly what I needed to start my white tail deer season here in NC.
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Jun 04, 2024
By Boomer Range Ron
I thought they were well made and compared to another set I'd purchased I liked the TenPoint, Wicked Ridge Cables better. I opted to purchase the plastic cable savor guard guide and I'm hoping that this solves the string wear issue I'd had previously.