Winchester M14 CO2 Air Rifle
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Do not shoot steel BBs at hard objects or water. They will ricochet! Remember to wear safety glasses. In fact, everyone in the vicinity of the range should wear safety glasses, even if they're not shooting. Remember to remove all pets from the range before you start shooting.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Winchester M14 air rifle
- Semiauto
- Uses two 12-gram CO2 cartridges in removable CO2 clip
- 16rd removable BB or pellet mag
- Manual safety
- Fixed front sight
- Adjustable rear sight
- Sling swivels
- Rifled steel barrel
- Synthetic stock
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10 of 155 Winchester M14 CO2 Air Rifle Reviews
Things I Would Have Changedjunk
What Others Should KnowPiece of junk---went thru 3--1 exchanges & 1 repair & all quit working within 3 months !!!!!
It is a great deal for the money, and reminds me of of my original issue at Parris Island SC June 1965, its close as you can get to the real thing.
Excellent likeness to the real M14
Things I Would Have Changeddevelop a pellet clip that can hold more pellets.
light weight, looks like the real rifle
Things I Would Have Changedthe mag system they are long stick in the mag slot. would recommend a round style top load.
What Others Should KnowNot a fun air rifle, warrantied mine shipping to manf.. cost half the price of the rifle. My son does not use it much because it sucks up CO2, and misfires a lot.
It looks really close to the real thing, cool little gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would change where the CO2 is located, Id prefer if it were in the butt of the gun, and the stick mag kinda sucks.. Id also make it blow back.
What Others Should KnowBe careful, by extra double ended rotary mags because the cylinders that hold the pellets will break in a hairline manner leaving you to wonder why its dry firing.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish it would function
What Others Should KnowLasted about 30 shots. Then trigger/safety mechanism became non-functional.
Piece of junk.
Do not waste your money.
P.S. Fired one of these real ones in basic training in 1966. And shot the reall thing in local competition.
The weight distribution is good.
Things I Would Have ChangedPersonally, would get a higher FPS model. Not crazy about the "magazine"; works okay now, but I'm wondering how long it will last.
24 Sep 2018. Monday. I had to think for a long while to make up my mind on the ordering of this M14 look alike Daisy/Winchester branded CO2 .177 Pellet/BB rifle.. Interesting piece for sure. I was qualified on this (as the Real One) during my 21 Years of active duty days 1969 to 1990.. Of course this Pellet Rifle version is Much Lighter in Weight.. A real wood stock would be a plus and many reviewers say the same.. No matter to me, for the most part.. Fun to shoot. Was easy to zero the installed peep sights. Almost just like the Real M14.. Very accurate for an air rifle. No complaints there. I watched lots of YouTube reviews and most folks seemed to like how well it shot.. I did order the Optional OPTICS Mounting Kit at the same time as the Air Rifle's purchase.. I already had a spare air gun scope on hand in my pieces/parts stash, so did not order another scope. Also ordered a spare pellet magazine. Regards, Richard M.
Things I Would Have ChangedHave the builder work up a nice real wood stock for this piece.
What Others Should KnowNothing
I like that it looks a little like a m14 just light weight, you get a good bang for your buck
Things I Would Have Changedadd some weight to make it close to that of the real one, needs to have a installed strap
What Others Should Knownothing other then it shoots, and you can hit what you aim at
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Sep 21, 2019
By Don
Multi shot firing
Things I Would Have ChangedGive it a little more power
What Others Should KnowThe gun would not consistently fire pellets from the clip and was necessary to ship it for repairs. . .cost me 25.00 dollars for shipping. . .gun now works fine