Renowned for their quality, performance, and innovation, TenPoint is one of the leading manufacturers of premium crossbows and archery equipment. Their commitment to excellence has earned them an outstanding reputation among hunters and target shooters. With their wide range of models and accessories, they have something for every level of user.
Their bows are built to last and can take a beating in the field. They also use high-quality components that ensure accuracy and performance over time. With these features, it's easy to see why TenPoint crossbows are some of the best on the market. Investing in a TenPoint is sure to bring you success and satisfaction with each shot.
When picking products to feature, we rely on the deep expertise and hands-on experience of our expert Insyders, who continuously test and use the products out in the field. Our recommendations are a combination of carefully curated top sellers, best reviewed and hand-picked products that our experts want to highlight. Drawing on more than 20 years of expertise, we understand the features that matter - from performance metrics to crucial model-specific nuances. When we recommend a product, you can trust that these picks come from experts who have extensive product knowledge and understand the equipment inside and out.
The Siege RS410 is a powerful and compact crossbow that provides amazing accuracy and power. It is perfect for hunters who need to take down large game, such as deer, elk, and other animals. The crossbow is built from quality materials and is a great choice for any hunter looking for a reliable and accurate crossbow.
The reverse draw style gives it a better balance so the front is not heavy like a forward draw crossbow - feeling great in the hands. That balanced weight makes it easier to hold steady, so you don't feel rushed while you're aiming and the two-stage trigger gives it better accuracy. At 26.5" long, the compact size makes it more maneuverable out in the woods.
Shorter bows aren't for everyone and they can be challenging to work on. Changing the string requires a bowpress and you might need to take it to a pro shop for maintenance and tuning.
The Nitro 505 is an excellent choice for the hunter who wants a lightweight, easy-to-maneuver crossbow. This crossbow features a sleek composite stock that houses a high-performance trigger that is easy and comfortable to use. It's capable of firing arrows up to 505fps, giving you plenty of power to take down large game animals. It is also equipped with an anti-dry fire mechanism and is one of the most reliable crossbows on the market.
Arrows shot out of this crossbow have very little drop out to 40 yards, making it ideal for hunting. Fast flight with a flat trajectory, the arrow will hit the game before they even know you've fired. For target shooters, that flat trajectory means less arc for you, too. You'll be able to accurately hit the target more consistently with less wind interference out to 100+ yards. The reverse draw is well-balanced, so there's no need for a rest, and is easy to handle so you can take your time lining up the perfect shot. The built-in cocking and decocking system is easy to use relieving you of the hard work most crossbow users have to deal with.
It is a little pricey, but in line with the features it comes with. It can be challenging to maintain and it might be better to take it to a pro shop for service and maintenance, but it's a very powerful bow. It provides up to 227 FPE, which could mean a lot of lost arrows due to passthrough after it hits game. You may want to stock up on lighted nocks that could help you keep better track of your arrows.
The Titan is a lightweight crossbow built for accuracy and durability. Narrower and more maneuverable than previous versions, it's comfortable and easy to use in the field. With noise and vibration reduction, it has even quieter shots. The Titan is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable and powerful crossbow.
It can easily be wielded by smaller-framed people due to its lighter weight. You can either use a rope cocker or have a built-in cocking device for ease of use. We like how the single-stage trigger is crisp and breaks clean.
The axle width is a bit wider at 14" than many when uncocked, so it might get hung up if you aren't careful. You might consider using a rest to aid in steady firing since the longer 32.5 inch and front-heavy frame may be harder to keep steady by hand.
TenPoint offers a number of accessories that can enhance your crossbow shooting experience. Add them to your collection to help you get the most out of your crossbow.
Neoprene is a durable and flexible material, making it perfect for carrying heavy equipment. TenPoint's neoprene crossbow sling is designed to fit most of their models and is adjustable so you can find the most comfortable fit. The wide, padded shoulder straps distribute the weight of your bow and reduce the strain on your shoulders and back. The sling has a quick-release buckle for easy removal. It's the perfect way to keep your crossbow secure and ready to use.
The Alpha-Brite lighted nock offers you a bright dependable light for your crossbow that can be seen in any lighting situation. It's a great addition to your crossbow and will ensure that you never lose sight of your arrows.
EVO-X broadheads are among the most advanced broadheads available. The unique design of the blades creates a devastatingly accurate and effective hunting head that delivers maximum penetration and extreme flight stability. The cut-on-contact tip slices through the toughest hide and produces a wound channel that kills quickly.
EVO-X arrows are the perfect arrow for hunting with TenPoint crossbows. This specialized arrow is designed for incredible speed and accuracy. It's made to help hunters take the perfect shot with the utmost confidence. The arrow is sure to help you take your hunting game to the next level.
TenPoint has an excellent reputation for quality and durability. Their crossbows are made in the USA and are considered to be top-of-the-line. They are built like tanks and thoroughly tested for drops, wear, and failure. They also come with a lifetime warranty, so there is no fear in ownership. Their customer service is rated among the best and they pride themselves on having happy customers. Each and every bow is thoroughly tested before it leaves the factory. So you can be sure you're getting a great product.
TenPoint crossbows shoot accurately beyond 100 yards. While there are a few target shooters that shoot 300 yards, the majority of users keep it around 60. For < ahref="/crossbow-hunting">crossbow hunters, it's recommended to keep your aim around 40 yards for ethical kills, out to 60 yards is pushing it. Beyond 60 yards, the animal has a lot of time to evade the shot before the arrow reaches it.
All TenPoint crossbows have a limited lifetime warranty that guarantees them to be free of defects in materials and workmanship that adversely affect the operation of the crossbow for the lifetime of the original owner. The bow limbs, scope, and cocking devices are warranted for 5 years from the date of purchase. The strings and cables are not covered by the warranty.
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Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.
If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.
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