TenPoint Siege RS410 Crossbow Package
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If quiet is the name of the game then the winning trophy goes to the Siege RS410. This compact bow is the quietest bow ever produced by TenPoint Crossbows. The king of stealth, the Siege RS410 measures just 7.5” axle-to-axle when cocked and reaches just 26.5” overall length.
The reverse draw design of the Siege RS410 allows for a super-short power stroke of just 13.5” and is capable of pushing the provided CenterPunch16 400 Grain carbon bolts at a neck-snapping 410 FPS. This premium Siege RS410 package also features a RangeMaster ProScope and TenPoints’ innovative Micro-Trac barrel reducing string to rail contact by 50% to ensure accuracy shot after shot. This package also includes a 6-Bolt Tech Quiver, the ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system, and an ultra-crisp two-stage S1 trigger.
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TenPoint Siege RS410
- Up to 410 Feet Per Second
- Up to 149 Foot Pounds of Energy
- Just 26.5” overall length without foot stirrup
- Two stage S1 Trigger breaks at 3.5 lbs
- Width: 7.5” Axle to Axle (Cocked), 12.3” Axle to Axle (Uncocked)
- Weight: 7.5 Lbs without accessories
- Power Stroke: 13.5”
- Available in Graphite or Veil Alpine finishes
- Draw Weight: 220 Lbs
- Safe and silent ACUslide Crank cocking and decocking system
- Package Includes: RangeMaster Pro Scope, ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system, 6-Bolt Tech Quiver, Six Evo-X CenterPunch16 premium carbon bolts
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10 of 389 TenPoint Crossbows Siege RS410 Reviews

Bow and arrows arrived in like new condition with no issues. Have only shot it a couple of times so far, but everything works like it should.

Takes some getting used too, when dealing with Accu-Slide . Its like casting & reeling-in a fishing line ! Still a quality high-end Crossbow.

Nothing but impressive from the ease of cocking/decocking to shooting. Extremely accurate further than I’d shoot.

Great bow fast accurate quiet price point is almost perfect great buy

Awesome...Tenpoint the only way to go...what can I say more!

Amazing bow! The ease of use far exceeds my expectations! It starts with the efficiency of the crank, then the smooth, quiet release of the trigger. I especially like that a dry fire is impossible.
The weight of the 410 is balanced and light, including very compact. I purchased a sling and carry my 410 over my shoulder to the stand. This was not possible with my previous crossbow as it would snag on anything as I walked through the brush.
If I had a complaint it would be the way the crank is held in place when not in use. I found it a bit difficult to remove and replace. My fix for this was to carry and hold in my pack.

Very nice bow. Quiet, fast and accurate. I am truly amazed.

My husband saw this bow and said it was the perfect size for me and daid I should buy it (I’m rather petite at less than 5 feet tall). I ordered it without ever seeing it in person. He was right, this bow is perfect for me. It’s lightweight and very small, but still very fast and accurate. I was lucky enough to shoot my best buck ever this past archery season with it.

Fantastic shooting machine will buy another one for my son
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If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.
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Mar 30, 2024
By Bob Ga
Super fast and accurate. Much more balanced to hold than a typical crossbow. The cocking and de-cocking works great. The only negative was I had to install the scope. It was so far off, I lost a bolt on the very first shot.