TenPoint Nitro 505 Crossbow Package
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- Cocking Device: ACUslide Cocking and De-Cocking System
- Crossbow Arrows: Six Evo-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon Crossbow Arrows (.001 straightness)
- Quiver: 6-Arrow Tech Quiver
- Noise Dampening: Integrated String Stop System
- Optics: EVO-X Marksman Elite Variable Speed Scope with External Adjustment Turrets
The TenPoint Nitro 505 Crossbow delivers reliable and groundbreaking speed and power, with up to 505 FPS and 227 FPE. It also offers enhancements to long-distance accuracy compared to prior designs. It features the EVO-X Marksman Elite variable speed scope with 2-8x optics and red or green illuminated aim points for improved accuracy and convenient hunting performance.
Despite the amazing power and speed of this crossbow, it only takes 5 pounds of force to operate because of the ACUslide crank cocking and de-cocking system. This industry-exclusive system allows the user to easily maintain control while de-cocking, and to safely stop at any point in the process. TenPoint is famous for producing some of the most reliable crossbows available, and the two-stage S1 trigger has a steady 3.5 pound pull and sharp break, so step up to top hunting performance with the TenPoint Nitro 505 Crossbow at Pyramyd AIR today.
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- Learn all about crossbow hunting
TenPoint Nitro 505 Crossbow w/ EVO-X Elite Scope
- Up to 505 feet per second
- Up to 227 foot pounds of energy
- Veil Alpine Camo or Black stock
- Includes EVO-X Marksman Elite variable speed scope
- Built-in ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system
- 20 -inch Micro-Trac barrel
- Integrated noise dampening string stop system
- Reverse draw with new RX8 cam system
- Two-stage S1 trigger
- Length (excluding stirrup): 30.5"
- Width: 6.5" axle to axle (cocked), 12" axle to axle (uncocked)
- Weight: 7.9 lbs.
- Power stroke: 17"
- Draw weight: 300 lbs.
- Includes 6-arrow Tech quiver, 6 EVO-X CenterPunch Premium Carbon arrows
- Made in America
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 157 TenPoint Crossbows Nitro 505 EVO-X Reviews

Extremely powerful, accurate and easy to use. Extremely good performance when shooting at a target at 120 yards.

I purchased my first crossbow which is a 10-point Nitro I like it little on a heavy side but very nice easy to shoot

Think more than twice before buying a 10 Point bow.

Extremely accurate, and super fast. I'd recommend this crossbow to anyone.

505 is the best crossbow I have ever had it’s blazing fast.the scope is great.

I'm still getting use to the new crossbow I have an older 10 point love and wouldn't shot anything but a 10 point

After a few years of not hunting, my nephew talked me into getting out there again. He shoots a compound bow but due to some past injuries I just cant pull and hold the draw that long. He told me how good Tenpoint crossbows were, and boy was he right. My new Nitro 505 is hitting bullseyes right out of the box. I love the easy crank to cock and de-cock this thing. It is silent and you can let go of the crank handle and it does move an inch. This is a well built piece of equipment. Thank you Tenpoint for building such a quality product!

This crossbow is so accurate and fun to shoot and hunt with. I have complete confidence in its ability to make perfect shots every time. The scope has excellent clarity and is great in low light conditions with the lighted reticle. Best crossbow ever!

Hard hitting and well balanced. The EVO X scope itself could use a little bit of improvement. A bit blurry around the putter half of the sight picture. However I am still able to get 4” groups at 60 yards. Overall satisfied.
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Dec 28, 2024
By Michael
Thie Accuslife IS amazing, great stock toshoulder fit, great balance,, good trigger. FAST and powerful.
Things I Would Have Changedoffer an add on scope rail support kit.
What Others Should KnowBow fits and balances wwell.Accuslide system is a dream. Bow shoots fast- mine chronographs at 515 fps with 400 grain Know that you will need to have a sufficient target to stop these arrows as it will blow through lesser targets. Accuracy is good. Not all broadheads will work well with the speed of this bow (do your research). Has enough power for ANY game with correct braodhead and marksmanship. This bow generates more energy than a .380 handgun and almost. as much as a..38 special, all whilst launching a razor sharp broadhead! I opted.for the Evo X scope option and am satisfied with it. Overall highly recommend! IYes, it's pricey but worth it.