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Education / Training Beretta CX-4 Storm – Part 4

Beretta CX-4 Storm – Part 4

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Today, I’ll look at the Beretta CX-4 Storm with a Walther PS22 dot sight mounted. Before we get to the report, let’s dispell an urban myth.

Urban myth
When I installed a new AirSource cartridge for this test, the cartridge leaked within a minute. This was a fast leak that could not be fixed with Crosman Pellgunoil. I ordered a replacement rifle from Pyramyd AIR and was told by the sales manager that another customer told her that only Walther CO2 88-gram cartridges will work in this gun. That sounded too strange, so I decided to test it. Pyramyd AIR supplied some promotional Walther cartridges they had, and I resolved to use them if the next gun leaked with a Crosman AirSource cartridge. But it didn’t.

The new gun held perfectly when the new AirSource was installed and was still holding several days later when I started shooting. There is no hint of the leaking that the customer mentioned. While there are visible differences in the threaded portions of the two cartridges held side by side, they both work in the same airguns. In retrospect, it would be a poor marketing maneuver for Umarex to build a gun that could take only one proprietary CO2 cartridge, because they cannot control all the markets in which their airguns are sold. So, this incompatibility is an urban myth.

Though the threaded portion looks somewhat different, the Crosman AirSource cartridges (right) fit the Beretta CX-4 perfectly. Walther 88-gram cartridge on left.

Walther PS22 electronic point sight
The Walther PS22 electronic point sight comes with the correct high-lift mount to clear the open sights on the CX-4. Though the profile from the side looks slender and almost willowy, this is a wide chunk of aluminum that will not flex. It also compliments the look of the gun nicely. The sight adjusts for windage and elevation as well as having 11 levels of brightness for the dot. The dimmer the dot, the smaller it appears, which means you can aim with greater precision. So, use the dot on the lowest level that works. And, don’t forget to turn it off (turn to zero on the dial) when you finish shooting.

Beefy cantilever sight base is rugged and good-looking.

I tried the gun with RWS Hobbys, which proved the most accurate in the first test, and also RWS Super Mags, which are 9.3-grain wadcutters. I found that the best accuracy came when the pellets were sealed deeply in the plastic carriers, so all the pellets were pushed deep with a thin metal probe.

I also discovered that this gun prefers to be fired rapidly. When I squeezed off five shots in less than 10 seconds, my groups improved noticeably over more deliberate aiming. That no doubt has something to do with the heavy trigger pull, which measures the same 8.5 lbs. on this new gun as the trigger on the first gun. At any rate, I scaled the distance back to 25 feet and shot many groups.

Slow, deliberate shooting gave open groups at 25 feet. RWS Super Mags. These 10-meter rifle target bulls are smaller than the 50-foot slow-fire rimfire targets I used for the last accuracy test.

Shooting rapid-fire tightened the groups. Five RWS Super Mags.

I am intrigued with this little carbine, so I will scope it and return for a final look.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

32 thoughts on “Beretta CX-4 Storm – Part 4”

  1. Okay,

    I hate to kick off the comments with an off topic, but I don’t know who else to ask.
    What happened to the Logun Penetrators in .177 and .22?
    I see that they are still available here (and elsewhere) in .20 caliber, but I cannot find a U.S. retailer of them at all.
    There is even an old link (that should be removed, btw) on PA that shows the .22 version of the Penetrators, but the sales rep I spoke to on the phone confirmed that the ,22 Penetrators are no longer available.
    So, since apparently PA no longer sees fit to sell the .177 and .22 Penetrators and it wouldn’t be taking away a sale from them, does anyone know where to get them now?

  2. Scott,

    The price on Logun Penetrators went through the roof, and the pellets simply did not sell that well. If there weren’t other pellets like JSBs and Kodiaks to compete with them, people would probably pay almost anything for Penetrators, but the fact is, there are. Penetrators are too costly for U.S. dealers to stock, given the low demand.

    Now, for those who have a rifle that shoots best with them, this is not good news. Some will go to the trouble of ordering from outside the U.S. and, who knows if a dealer may decide to stock them again, some day.

    That’s the story.


  3. I like the looks of the Walther PS22 dot sight. Do dot sights have the potential to suffer from parallex like scopes? If so, are there some that suffer less? I am assuming that they are best used for shortrange (20-25 yard max)?

  4. Dot sights suffer from the same parallax as scopes. At close range, the problem is the worst, though the amount missed by is also smallest. 35-50 yards is about the worst area of all, unless you are shooting field target. But you can’t shoot FT with a dot sight, so that doesn’t matter.


  5. BB and scott,

    i will enjoy my stash of Logun Penetrators while it last! I have them but i just ran out of jsbs! The pellet that my new gun is set for and the one that it shoots best with. Pyramyd air does NOT have them in .22 16g. I think i will have to order more than 3 tins at a time. if only they were CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN. Ok that was cheezee but i had to say it. After all, each shot from my 22-250 is 2$.


  6. B.B. (Off Topic): After reading your comments, I ordered the CO2 adapter and tank (20 oz) from Pyramyd. Is there a way to get some Pelgun Oil in the system even though the unit is shipped as one (tank/adapter)? This would be for my Talon SS.

  7. Sumo,

    I’m with BB on this one.
    The only way that I even approach $2 a shot with my .30-06 is if I handload the more expensive premium bullets, such as the Barnes MRX, which sell locally for about $1.25 each, although I see them advertised on Midsouth, Midway, and Cabela’s for around $1 or a bit less.
    If I use standard Sierra, Speer, Hornady, or Nosler bullets, my price hovers around a quarter apiece.
    If you don’t handload already, you really need to, especially with the pressure the Iraq/Afghanistan deployments have put on loaded ammo, although the price of all handloading components has gone up a bit as well.
    As BB said, using bulk Speer bullets in .22-250, you probably could realize something on the order of $0.14 per round.
    And, as long as you properly handle, load, and size your brass, you can expect to get about 10 uses out of each case.


  8. bb and scott,

    Look at federal premiums. my 22-250 is an Ed Brown bull barrel with a Swarovski on it. His premium grade gun. So i should shoot the best ammo. I dont know exactly how much each round cost. I should start hand loading, for the precision.

    I have an ar15 that i spend like 10c a round on. With its 40 round clip i can make that into foldn money. I have another 223 that i use good stuff in and use it in the ar if im huntn but not when im sprayn.

    The cheapest ammo i have is for my old 1944 mossin nigant. its like 4c per round!

  9. B.B.,
    i was wondering if you new the ballistic coefficient of a .177 pellet like a gamo hunter. I know that the BC of a .22 caliber 14.3 gr CP is .026. would the BC generally be less or greater for a smaller .177 pellet.

    thanks scopestop

  10. Anonymous,

    you say

    hmmm i cant quite work out if your a rich gun fan, or a nutter?”

    Ok i laugh out loud at that but then see that you want an answer. Well i could be both a nutter and a rich gun fan. I dont know what defines rich or what would classify me as a nutter.

    Its not bad to be either one. Not that i am either one. I dont think you mean any of this in a bad way and i dont take it in a bad way. I am wondering who said that. I think its “nate in mass” but im not sure. If it is… im good. Tell me if i got it. I thought it was funny.


  11. It shoots a 4 inch group at 50 yards for sure. It could do very well i bet but i have not tested it like that. I did a shootm up at 50 yards with it NOT a bench test. I got it for 140$. It shoots flames out about 5 feet and it is my loudest gun. The 4c ammo is prob why. The bayonet is very dangerous because the wounds do NOT heal. Its the shape of it. Its a fun gun!

  12. sumo,
    i did not post the comment you thought i did. must have been someone else. i was kinda wondering the same thing though. haha. your very lucky to have the money and provisions for such guns.

    Nate in Mass

  13. Trapshooter,

    You might want to exercise more discretion with your language.
    Your post will likely get removed by BB, as he tries hard to keep this blog clean.
    He usually doesn’t have problems with an occasional “dam” or “hell,” but that’s about the extent of what is acceptable on here.

    Just trying to lend advice,


  14. Scopestop,

    Here is a link to useful info and calculators. The database has info about BC and calculators info about wind drift and sighting and other ballistic info. Gamo hunters is listed ad BC of 0.02. Hope this helps.


  15. Regarding the CX-4, I suggest that potential buyers stay away. Since writing my “review” in Part 3 in early August (it is still posted and may be helpful if you are interested in this toy) my CX-4 also blew some kind of seal and was rendered useless.
    However, since I thought the rifle was basically useless before, as it shot inaccurately and had a really horrible feeling trigger (plastice rubbing against bending plastic is what it feels like, like a toy plastic revolver except harder to pull), I decided to avoid the hassle of returning it. Instead, I will try to use the barrel on my Drozd BB gun and see if there can be some use there.
    – Dr. G.

  16. Sorry bb and contributors
    I was very annoyed that they could charge so much here in this particular shop when pyramyd air has it for such a good price

    I am sorry for my comments

  17. Trapshooter and Scott,

    Yes, I did remove that post. I understand the anger, but I do try to keep this blog as cordial as I can.

    Trapshooter, you have my sympathy, because when the shipping to New Zealand is added, the Pyramyd price will increase a lot, too.


  18. Scopestop and everyone,

    Regarding ballistic coefficients, the NUMBERS you read are theoretical, unless proven by emperical testing. There are numerous formulae out there that will calculate whatever variables are fed into them and come out with a number, but until that number is verified by actual velocity testing at different ranges, it’s only a best guess.

    The ballistic coefficient is a function of mass, diameter and drag coefficient; and our discussion of supersonic, transsonic and subsonic flight has taught us that the drag coefficient changes with velocity.

    And the ballistic coefficient also CHANGES as velocity changes! It is not a constant! Look at this Wiki discussion where a .50 lathe-turned monolithic solid bullet is measured by doppler radar:


    The reason airgunners treat the BC as a constant is because they shoot at relatively short distances.


  19. I have tested many pellets, I while the Logun Penetrator is a very good pellet, you may want to try the Beeman Crow Magnum.
    It was surprisingly close to the Logun at about 10 yards for penetration, although being a hollow point, I’m betting that at long distances, it won’t hold the accuracy that the Logun will.

    I haven’t hunted with either, but I’m betting that at close to medium distances, the Crow Magnum would be a beast.

    (BTW… Testing was done with my Mendoza RM 2000)

    Back the the CX4…

    Wow… I was dead set on the CX4 being my next gun, but from what I’m getting here, I’m thinking that this isn’t much better than my EAA Skiff A-3000 🙁

    Man… What does a guy have to do, to get a high capacity, powerful, accurate, semi-auto pellet gun?

    To B.B. PLEASE HELP! lol

    – The Big Bore Addict –

  20. Big Bore Addict,

    One reasonable solution is to have a Crosman 600 turned into a Buntline Special by Dave Gunter.

    You end up with a bulk-fill 600 that will shoot about 100 times between fills, get over 500 f.p.s. with 14.5-grain pellets and is dead-nuts accurate. You will pay some money for this setup, but it’s the best way to go.

    Contact Dave at:

    Dave Gunter http://www.ados.net/~dgunter/ (503) 556-1439

    I can be reached through my website at:


  21. I took my cx4 and centerpoint cp394aorg (3×9-40 – 13 inches long) to the local gunshop thinking everyone would laugh at me, but instead, everyone dropped what they were doing and gathered round.

    They installed this neato “riser” that fastneded onto the exisiting rails and jacked me up an inch so the scope fit on there just fine.

    I don’t know if this issue was adressed already or not, but the fun began.

    I doubt the cx4 can outshoot the scope in any way, but hey, when im not plinking i can see who all has a big screen tv in my neighborhood.. or the next… or the next.

    thanks for your blog and everyone who posts to it!

  22. Are accessories for the real Beretta CX4 Storm compatible with the air rifle version? I am planning on purchasing the CX4 air rifle with the Walther red dot site. The tactical version has been on backorder for months. I was wondering if I could mount the side and bottom picatinny rails for the actual firearm on the Co2 powered CX4. Thanks.

  23. The Beretta CX4 Storm CO2 rifle is mostly plastic. The Weaver rails made for it are drilled so the screws go through the holes cast into the frame of the gun. If you can locate and drill holes accurately on a firearm rail, yes, it could be attached to the rifle.


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