by B.B. Pelletier
I will be leaving for the Roanoke Airgun Expo on Wednesday morning and will not be back until the following Tuesday. I’m asking all you old-timers to step in and answer questions for me while I’m on the road. There are 951 different blog reports as of today, and I get questions on all of them, so while the most recent two or three days always look busy, I have to answer questions that arise from reports I wrote as far back as March of 2005. I don’t expect you to even know those questions have been asked, but any help you can give me with the current reports frees up a lot of time for me. Thank you.
And this is a final reminder for all of you about the Roanoke show. I’m driving 1,200 miles one way to be there, and Tim McMurray flies in from California. Many years we have visitors from England and Europe, and there have been more than a few Hawaiians – so don’t cry about the price of gas. If you want to be immersed in airguns, this is the best possible place to do it.
One last note. Dennis Quackenbush opened his order book for big bore air rifles this past Saturday and filled it in two hours. That’s 50 orders. He anticipates deliveries starting in December of this year.
On to today’s blog!
Many of you are sitting on the sidelines wondering if the world of precharged airguns is for you. Some of you have begun saving for a PCP and are still researching the best deal. And many are looking to buy used, as I did with my first Daystate Huntsman. You want a top-quality rifle and one that hopefully has all the bugs shaken out, but you don’t mind buying a generation or two older model to get what you want at a good price. That’s the same path I followed on several purchases, and I think it’s a solid one.
Reader Volvo has most recently taken this path and bought a 2-shot Webley Raider, a rifle that was available several years ago. He bought the rifle without any way to fill it, so his first challenge was to find a way to do that.
When his report is finished, I’ll post my observation of his experiences. You fence-sitters will do well to read what he says, because he’s doing the same things you’re now contemplating. Here’s Volvo’s report….
My first PCP
by Volvo
This is for Kevin because he wants to know; for Wayne because he’s my major justification. Yeah, honey, I buy a lot of airguns, but nothing compared to this Wayne guy; and last but not least, for B.B., as I’ll need his advice.
PCP No. 1, day 1 – Monday
A late appointment meant I did not get home until about 8:00 pm. I saw the box still on the front stoop. The wife and kids have learned the long boxes are for dad, so they seldom bother to bring one in, much to my chagrin.
After dinner, I opened it up, my wife commented it was different and she liked the looks of it. My youngest said I better not be spending their Christmas present money. (No, I’m not).

BG_Farmer, I would guess you would not approve. It has gold on the triggerguard and fill plug. Also, Webley Raider in gold on the side. I’m guessing that’s what attracted the wife to it. I prefer blued, but I ordered it sight-unseen for $395.
An attached 2-shot magazine means you can’t check to see if a pellet is loaded, so I fired it to make sure is was empty. “Dad, that’s too loud. Go downstairs.”
In the confines of the basement, it was even louder. So, a PCP with no shroud means getting the hearing protection out of your range bag. This rifle won’t work like the spring guns for late night shooting or suburban backyard critter protection. I guess the Benjamin Discovery would sound the same–very, very loud.

Pyramyd AIR carries the Tibet Almond stick that I apply to the stocks of used guns. A heavy application hides most scratches. I put it on the entire stock and let it sit overnight. The rifle has nice blue/black on the metal and a wide, flat forearm similar to a centerfire varmint rig. Little over 7 lbs. without a scope and 37″ long. Other then “new old stock” this Webley is no longer available. PA is sold out. Best I can tell it was offered for about 7 years.
PCP No. 1, day 2 – Tuesday
In the morning, I put a quick coat of wax on the stock. With the 2-shot magazine, I can’t run a couple patches down the barrel. I give it a generous rub down with Beeman MP-5 on the outside metal. A quick wipe with an old white t-shirt reveals no rust, so I’m happy. That evening, I decide to put a few shots over a Chrony.
The rifle has no fill gauge, which means one less part to fail, but it also means I have no clue how much air is in it. The Discovery has a gauge. The Webley manual says the maximum fill is 200 bar, but they recommend 190 bar. It really doesn’t matter, as I have no hand pump for it yet. You can get the Discovery with a pump included for less than what I paid for just this rifle.
I took a .22 pellet (14.5 grains according to my scale), and it averages 850 fps. My Chrony lacks the printer, so I just shoot a short string to get an idea of the charge in the rifle and its performance. The basement PC takes me to the energy calculator in the Pyramyd AIR articles, where I learned that the energy with this pellet is 23.27 foot-pounds.
I picked a 6-18x Bushnell Trophy scope that’s too long for most of my current spring rifles but will fit fine on the Webley. It was originally on a Beeman R1, and then moved to an RWS 850. My first shot at about 36′ misses the Gamo trap altogether, as does the second.
I go to plan “B”….an old, larger Beeman quiet trap at 24″. The round strikes low and left. I dial in as much up and right as I can. No use. It’s at the limit of its adjustable range. Maybe I owe the 850 an apology. It was late, so I’ll try again this evening.
Good morning B.B. Volvo, your Webbly Raider looks great and I for one of many am looking fwd to your next installment. Nice pictures by the way. Mr B.
Volvo your Radier looks fine. I have the single shot with the walnut Venom stock. Picked it up at the Roanoke show. BTW Dave R. makes a fill probe with an integrated Foster connector for under $30. He offers them from time to time on the yellow forum.
Great topic. Thanks. Is there an easy way to locate current questions on older blogs other than clicking through each and every comments section for each and every article dating back to 2005? Be safe on your long journey to Roanoke.
Thanks for your contribution. I see this is the first part so you’ve been busy putting your experience on paper for at least two parts. I’m really interested in the evolution of your trials and tribulations into the pcp world. Greatly appreciated.
Sounds like B.B. is taking an undeserved break from us needy airgunners. Why don’t we make a pact that from this Wednesday, October 22nd until next Wednesday October 29th that we will hold our questions?
I have a more powerful search tool than the readers, and even that cannot go through all the comments.
I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
I’m envious of your writing style. Keep it coming.
Sorry to bug again but i seem to have run in to a bit of a problem…
I took you advice and was all set to get a new main spring and guide from my Bsa meteor, but when I removed the gun from its stock it appeared like the spring and the guide were all ok, so I showed the gun to my farther who is an engineer, he got the gun to cock by turning it upside down and using a screwdriver to apply a bit of pressure on a metal piece which lies just above the actual trigger. The gun would not cock if it was kept in its normal firing position and the same pressure was applied using a screw driver from this he concluded that there was a spring missing between the trigger and that metal piece. The problem is the trigger assembly is housed in a metal piece that protrudes from the part of the gun that houses the main spring and hence it is not a separate part. I really have no idea what spare part i should asking for because this model of bsa meteor looks completely different from any of current bsa meteors…Once again, any ideas?
At this point it’s time to get the rifle overhauled by someone who knows what he is doing. There must be someone you can turn to?
What bipod (if any) would you recommend for a RWS 54?
Great job writing, you hooked me for the second one, for sure.. how many times did you reread and edit? After my attempt, I really got thankful to Tom and His wife for all they put into this blog, it’s a lot of work..
After accuracy and quality build, noise is top consideration for me.. I hope we can find an aftermarket source for shrouds for these used guns and new ones without shrouds.
There are some good deals out there on used PCPs, I got the BSA Lonestar and Air Arms 310 for under $400 also. I’ll compare them with the Evanix AR6 and my favorite, the Air Arms s410, for number of shots and noise level.. So we can have a look at some of the ones people can still get used or new..
Great idea, we can ask each other instead, and B.B. can tell us if we went wacko, when he gets back..
Thank you again for your hunting elk advice.. All you guys were great with your helpful comments..
I noticed in the “Elk Essentials” book that as of 1999, Colorado has the most elk with 220,000, and Oregon is second with 130,000. Idaho and Wyoming close behind with 118,000 and 110,000. These numbers have been in a steady climb over the last 60 years…
With all the fires we had 5 and 10 years ago, I’d bet Oregon is catching up with Colorado, there is so much food and cover for them at these lower elevations. There are so many elk around here that they come into the edge of town. Josh, Nate and I just made plans for Wed. at the “spring fed pond” spot, where we saw their signs..
How old is your BSA Meteor? My little .22 cal might need to be rebuilt as well, I’ll be interested how your project goes..
Safe travels… On our trade, I’m still looking for my first childhood gun… look for some nice Diana 22, 23 or 25s, also a 27 would be nice. I prefer .177, but .22 cal is alright.. The same gun in Hy-score or Win. is great too. I’m glad I’m not going, I would come back with too much stuff, and be out of money and space when I came back, and probably not have what I should have to be happy.. I’m way to impulsive for a place like that.. The only part I miss is the chance to meet you, Tim and a lot more great people in person..
Again, safe travels…
Ashland Air Rifle Range
I own a RWS Diana model 54. These are tricky to mount a bipod on. If you try to attache a bipod to the forearm screw you will jam the recoil absorbtion rail. Here’s a link to a sight to show you how another 54 owner made a bipod that works on the 54. Scroll down to almost the bottom of this site:
Wayne (old),
Re: “We can ask each other questions instead of B.B. while he’s gone”
How big of a mess do you think we’ll be in left to our own devices and advice amongst ourselves for a full week? God help us.
Are the elk still in rut in your part of the country?
You are aware that your bipod is most likely going to deleteriously affect your accuracy compared to the artillery hold when using the 54? It has to do with the harmonics.
What are you exactly hoping to achieve, and what pellet do you find works best? How many have you tried?
– Dr. G.
A big one for sure, but thanks what makes life fun, swimming in the muck of learning…and I agree, we need Gods’s always a good thing to ask..
In Oregon, the bow season get’s the rut, I think, I heard Josh say.. Bow season just ended, when center fire started for a week, then I think bow season again, with center fire for deer again…. or something like that.
If all else fails, we can talk about hunting, while B.B. is gone..
And welcome to “Waynew”, I’m wondering how the RWS 54 compares to the HW-77 or HW-97 for you guys.. I haven’t tried the 54 yet…
Wayne B.
(“old Wayne” is good too)
I’m that for sure..
I am looking for a Beeman forum to learn more about a air gun I just bought. The Beeman RS2 in .177. It has a 3×9 scope.
It’s hard to beat an older (Made in the UK) Webley Raider.
The Leapers Dragon Claw attached to a sling stud.
Wayne B.,
I really like the Diana 54. Very accurate, good (not great) trigger. I’ve got the recent trigger, TO5? It’s advertised as “recoiless” but not entirely true. You don’t feel recoil, and the gun is not hold sensitive but it’s hard on rings and mounts. B.B.’s new leaper mount is a must for this gun. This is also a heavy gun at 9 lbs. unscoped.
Never shot a HW-77 or HW-97 so I can’t offer a comparison.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. Day one and two were actually just lifted from the comment section of the blog. So very little effort or thought went into it. After B.B. asked for a guest blog is when the pressure was on, hopefully what follows is not too bad.
If Jack O’Conner was still with us I doubt he would be fearful of the competition. Perhaps Hemingway would be nervous : ).
Wayne – did you get a mainspring compressor? Please be very careful when you open your first spring rifle. Hate to have to nickname you Ol’ One Eye Wayne.
My thoughts are I certainly could make all my own paintings for my home, but that an artist will produce a better product. “Jack of all trades and a master of none” is the saying I believe.
Same with airgun tuning, folks like Paul Watts are artists that just don’t use canvas and paint.
I heart my HW97K. I get 934 fps with JSB Exact Express pellets. Shoots fast and hits hard, without being hold sensitive. It is the rifle I pick when I really want to hit something, guaranteed.
I’ve already found your report useful. While I’m keen on the recoiless nature of PCP’s, the noise and high pressure fill requirements are not things I want. I love the quiet, handy nature of my springers and keep coming to the conclusion that I ought to just enjoy what I have and shoot my .22LR (or bigger) when I need higher power and longer range. Next airgun project is a 10M setup in the barn; the wind and cold are coming.
PS: Nice bling — I didn’t realize the trigger guard was gold, too:).
Volvo give Van or Martin a call at 866-615-6284, or look them up at They’re good folks to deal with and Van can make any adapter you want done. Oh, yes we can help each other out while Tom is off to VA. We did it last year with B.B. joining us from time to time. Mr B.
BG –Farmer,
I guess the goldbrass was a special edition. It is growing on me, now
I just need “grills” for my teeth when I shoot it to compliment the look.
Mr. B,
Thanks – since they are a little controversial, I left that possibility out. It does have ½ twenty female threads that offer possibilities as you stated.
Noise in a pcp is one of my concerns as well. I know there are quiet pcp’s “out of the box”. I’m having a hard time justifying a pcp with all the fun and accuracy the springers afford without the gizmo’s.
Your comments about Paul Watts and your previous first hand experience in his tuning abilities are echoed throughout the internet. Can’t wait to get the fwb back from him that I sent for his advanced tune.
Have you had a chance to break-in your fwb after your tune?
I can’t give away the end of the story, but nothing wrong with Springers. I shot them exclusively for 30 years.
Yes, I’m a fan of Paul’s. Each rifle is an individual, but the change is usually nothing short of amazing. I found I prefer to own a 1/2 dozen or less tuned rifles then a dozen that are stock. The dollar investment is the same.
Each one is more enjoyable to shoot and gets more use, so I in turn am better with each rifle.
Just my opinion.
About the elk in Oregon… We had 100 acres in Oregon wine country (up west of Portland). It had a large pond down from the main house, and a large herd of Roosevelt elk came to it on a regular basis. I used to watch them through the Weaver V8 scope on my .264 Winchester. What kept me from pulling the trigger was that someone had given us a nice chunk of elk meat, and personally I found it unpalatable. Possibly it was those particular elk steaks, but I didn’t care for the dark meat flavor. Probably just me, as Jack O’Connor et al used to rave about the taste. Jack was known for his love of the .270, which was basically a .264 without the hype.
Joe B.
Mr. B.
I went to the Airhog site. Lots of extras for PCP’s. Think I misunderstood your other post. Thanks for the info!
Looking forward to your followup! How did you fill your Raider when you first got it, did I miss that? I had to go to the local paintball store to fill the RWS 850 after converting it to air. I finally bought a Benjamin hand pump.
.22 multi-shot
.22 Multi-shot,
It had air in it already. The seller must have taken pity on me.
The problem is around here in India most of the gun smiths have not seen this model of gun before and I don’t trust most of them as they really don’t seem to know what to do with this model of gun, So I was hoping I could do some thing to revive this old gun myself. If I was to send you pictures and all the information you need would it be possible for you to help me fix this gun? I am sure it is just a spring or some thing that is missing from the trigger assembly the only problem is I cannot find a proper exploded diagram of this gun to identify the missing part.
Well my Bsa meteor is also a .22 and its atleast 30-40 years old its age keeps changing depending on whom I ask, it was not my gun to begin with other wise it would never have ended up in this condition . It was my uncles gun he gave it to me some time ago.
You can also try the Yellow forum with a description of your problem and some pictures. If someone has a parts diagram, it sounds like your father and you could figure out what’s missing.
The trigger assembliy is perhaps held together by pins, either captive by the assembly or with clips. The pins go through both sides of the metal box and allow the components to pivot.
It sounds like a sear spring is missing…but I’m not that knowledgable about airguns in general or that model in particular.
Allow me to put you in touch with the people who can help. Go to this forum and ask your question. Be prepared to p[ost pictures, which they have the facilities for.
These guys are the most knowledgable airgun collectors in the world.
Thanks so much for all your help, I will go to the forum and post some pictures soon if you don’t mind I would like to use you as a reference, I will definitely post as many pictures as required or requested. Digital pictures should not be much of a problem because as I do a lot of rehabilitation work with wild life, and hence a lot of wild life photography.
the trigger seems to be composed of 2 metal pieces, the first 1 actually catches a part that is connected to the main spring in order to keep the gun cocked, the second 1 is the actual trigger blade and a protrusion which should make contact with the first metal piece in order to fire the gun. Both of these metal pieces are held together by rivets or pins that as you said “go through both sides of the metal box and allow the components to pivot” there are 3 such pins 1 for either piece, and 1 the metal piece that consists of the trigger blade seems to rotate around, i am still not sure where the sear spring comes in but I haven seen it yet, may be as you say it is the spring my father thinks is missing. I think i will give the forum B.B. suggested a try first. Thank you very much for the help.
Well, BB. I for one will be at the show. I’m bring a buddy who used to be an armorer for a Green Beret unit and he seems to know what he’s talking about except when it comes to air rifles. I’ll be shopping for replacement handles for an old Benjamin CO2 gun – the model 267 I think. It has Benjamin 77 Rocket stamped on the barrel.
Bring a couple of your R1 books with you if you still have them. I’ll buy one if you autograph it.
Thanks for your take on the diana 54, and Volvo, yours on the HW97. I only have the 77, but it’s right there with the TX200 for me on all counts except the stock on the TX is amazing..
I was thinking it was Shakespeare who was in trouble, we have the “Oregon Shakespeare Festival” in town, and since the timber economy is down we don’t need you stealing our thunder hear in Southern Oregon. Just tone it down a little, not quite so much suspense.
I thought I’d start out with a wood jaw clamp for a spring compressor, someone I bought a couple QBs from on Gunbroker, said I could start there with small guns. What do you suggest, especially for the larger ones, anyone?
Joe B.
I tasted elk a few times, recently, and it is very rich, I like that, especially smoked/dried… 25 years ago I had lunch every day for a few months with some great folks I was working for, we had deer, elk and salmon in that order day after day, all food they caught, stored and prepared themselves, at age 60 then, along with the produce from a 60’x180′ garden.. They had the rosiest cheeks, I’ve even seen. The way they prepared it, was the best red meat I ever tasted.. The deer was good, but drier, and not 1/2 as good to me….. Say, when do my helpers arrive?
It sounds like we have the same gun. Maybe I could take mine apart someday when I grow balls.. and you could see how my trigger is made. Who know when, If I fail on the rusty win 422, then I won’t feel like tearing into the BSA.. Balls grow slowly on me…I’m almost 60, and haven’t opened an air gun yet..
Ashland Air Rifle Range
Wayne-old (you and me too pal),
Where is the Ashland Air Rifle Range? I travel quite a bit in the US (not with air guns very often) and would love to visit and use your range. I assume you will rent me a gun.
Always enjoy your posts!
Al Pellet
"fan of Paul Watts" & "I prefer to own a half dozen or less tuned rifles than a dozen stock"
The more I read your comments the more I think we're alike with regard to airguns.
There sure are a lot of collectors out there. Especially in the vintage air gun sector and high end pcp sector. I understand and respect collecting. BUT, I'd rather have 6-9 guns, including some that must be tuned to reveal their potential, rather than 100 dust collectors. I want a gun that I can grab that will perform reliably and be accurate. I appreciate vintage air guns because of the attention to detail and by-gone era production standards. A well designed vintage air gun will probably have to be tuned/rebuilt immediately because of its' age and/or lack of "cutting edge" materials available today that were not in use when they were built, to perform at its' best. When a tune/rebuild is factored in, I think many older guns are a better value than what is being "belched" onto the market today.
Wayne & Joe B.
Eating elk.
With rare exception everyone I've fixed elk for liked it better than beef.
There are four secrets. The first is don't run your game before you shoot it. The second is when you shoot it don't gut shoot it. The third is in prepping the game. Cool it down as fast as possible and hang it/dry age it (like good beef). The fourth is in cooking. Unlike beef, elk doesn't have any fat. It dries out quickly. Throwing an elk steak on the grill will result in a product good for making boots but bad for dinner. I love elk steaks better than beef if they're prepared correctly. My favorite elk is canned. We took all the roasts from elk and canned them with beef suet. If you're camping, you pop open a quart of canned elk, slice some potatoes and onions, fry it in a skillet and serve it with some sourdough. Simple. Gourmet.
If I hunted anymore and could win the elk lottery, I would try your canned elk stew recipe. Sounds tasty.
Send everyone some elk jerky (low shipping costs):).
I tried to order a spring compressor awhile back, but they are discontinued by the manufacture. (B-square)
I know plans on line exist to build your own.
I’ve never had elk, but I could almost taste it reading your recipe.
“Say, when do my helpers arrive?”
If you mean the naked coeds, it’s been awfully cold here of late, and we can’t get them out of their clothes (except for the hot tubbing). Besides, I thought you were setting up here on Maui.
Maui Joe
PS. If you want some fun, go see ‘Appaloosa’. It’s in the theaters.
Al Pellet,
We are right on I-5 in Southern Oregon, just 11 miles from the California border. Just a few miles south of the town of Ashland. We are not open to the public, but anyone who is reading can stop by and try out the test shooting booth that Josh and Nate just finished. We also just got the 8′ fence panels up and the 4’x4’x4′ peanut/sawdust bags to catch the pellets. We think they should be easy to get out of the shavings, just blow away the lighter material. So were ready for our first trials. When ever a few of you would come at one time we could set up an informal field target course along the creeks, just for fun.. NO CHARGE….well, maybe to look at the famous Air Arms S410 that gets 130 shots on a fill at over 775fps. And I might even find an air gun you could shoot.. But I’ll have to look into your eyes before you get to shoot the s410.. but your chances are pretty good..
Ashland Air Rifle Range
Thanks for the elk cooking ideas. I’m afraid we violated rule #4: throwing the elk steaks on a grill.
At the grand old age of 61, I believe I have discovered the perfect secret of a great stew: To the pot, add 1 can of coconut milk, 1 package of dry onion soup mix, 1 quarter salted sweet cream butter, and 1 can of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. Add 1 can of water and the meat of your choice (I like pork but everything I cook this way comes out soo tender, and Elk here on Maui are so seldom). Place with potatoes, carrots, onions and other veggies in a covered pot and bake at 350 degrees F for 2-3 hours (you can go as long as 4 or 5 hours but you should add the veggies an hour and a half before the end, and watch to be sure your liquid doesn’t dry out). Or you can boil it on a stove top for roughly the same amount of time. Tender and muy flavorful. Just thought I’d pass that along.
Joe B.
The range sounds inviting, but Maui Joe may have you beat. However, last time I was in Maui I stayed at the Grand Wailea – little pricey as I recall. I’d guess I could find a Motel 6 in Oregon?
Thanks for the preparing and cooking ideas… And Bg_farmer, I’ll be happy to give free elk to all, if I get one, but you’ll have to come here to get it…… Well, I don’t know, you guys helped me get into center fire, and pick the gun, and learn how to shoot it, and where to shoot it on the elk, and how to prepare it…
HHHMMM…. Ok, I’ll ship all of you elk jerky or canned elk, if we can figure out how to do it.. AND I GET ONE. But now that I have all your spirits asking for the elk who wants to be human, it’s a done deal!!
I don’t know how much better it could get, if we shoot the elk at the pond, we will be able to drive right up to it, and prepare it as you say. And he hopefully will be very calm when he dies. The last deer Josh shot, he and Nate had to carry it 1/2 mile back up a very steep hill, through thick brush, and it was a very big buck with a large rack, catching on the brush…. So he said it’s Karma, and I’m very lucky to get his share, if I get lucky…I agree!!
Maui Joe
I need the help to get things packed up. And they can’t be overburdened with clothes like the coeds around here at Southern Oregon U.. Tell them it’s much warmer here, without smiling.. and they can ski half naked for free on mt Ashland 20 miles away and when the snow is low enough, all the way back to the rifle range.. in 75 degree sunshine.. It’s true, it does happen..
Ashland Air Rifle Range
Maui Joe,
Make sure they bring that recipe, and a chefs hat… and a soup spoon.
Don’t worry Volvo, “Every thing will be aaallllriiiight” (I can’t make it sound like the Beach Boys on the blog, and lucky for you, you can’t hear me try either) can’t you see were bringing the best of Maui here to Southern Oregon, we have motel 3, 6, 8, 9, and pretty soon 13. all very affordable… Braxton is planting palm trees as we speak.. And you heard Joe, they don’t have elk over there.. We also have the casino 80 miles up the freeway.
Come on down, let’s have a party!!
I have learned so very much from this blog, I might actually take the time to submit a hole article to B.B. depending on how the hole project goes actually depending on how successful and expensive this hole affair is. And I just turned 20 so i got the hole young and wild thing going for me my only worry is that i might not be able to put the hole thing back together again, but hopefully my Farther will help me sort that out as he is really smart.
Go ahead and tell them I sent you, but that forum isn’t the kind where references are needed. They are open and very friendly, and will bend over backward to assist you.
I have found one R1 book to take to the airgun show.
The plans for a mainspring compressor are here:
I was doing a bit of research on another bunch of forums and guess I think i have found out exactly what I was looking for if you go to this link ” ” the diagram seems to describe my trigger assembly perfectly and from what i can see part cs150 seems to be missing, everything else looks right so i would assume that i have found the missing link. Thanks again for the help.
Didn’t mean to turn your forum into the Julia Child cooking show but…..
Joe B,
Your stew recipe sounds great. I like to cook and love to eat good food. Our motto is, “Never let your stomach know how poor you really are”. I agree with you. The secret to a good stew, whether it’s a poor mans irish stew or an elegant Boeuf a la Bourguignonne is braising. A good browning/carmelization (preferably in salt pork rendering) to the meat and then finishing it in the oven. I like a splash of good red wine or brandy (depending on the stew) at the end for richness and warmth. The camp stew with elk is just done in a skillet. Very good though especially if you’ve been walking up and down hills all day at 13,000 feet in elevation. After that everything tastes better.
When you get your elk I’d be happy to share the secrets of canning elk. Just know that you need a pressure canner and must be willing to trim all the silver skin. At the end of this process you won’t be so willing to give it away though.
Thanks again, you could be right, but I feel so grateful for your guys help, I’ll be sharing…. and thanks for the positive thinking!!
I’m glad you solved your problem. Good luck fixing the gun.
Thanks for that link, he has some good info on that site. BB suggested the Dragongclaw bipod, which mounts to a sling swivel.
Dr g,
I have had the best luck with JSB heavies and JSB Express (no difference) but I like the lites because of the flatter trajectory. CPs, work almost as well. I have tried a few others but I can consistently get dime size 5 shot groups at 25 yards (best group 0.22″ at 21 yards) resting the rifle stock directly on the shot bag as suggested by BB.
With the bipod, I hope to mount it to the stock (which should not upset the harmonics) so I can have a rest in the woods.
Thanks for your help,
Dr G is a wizard when it comes to the 54. Please search in the past couple of months of comments. Dr G posted a very good test of the 54 and pellet selection before and after tuning. Very well done by Dr G.
Glad you found the link helpful. Welcome to the forum and thanks for your contributions.