Gamo Cone Pellet, Image 1
Gamo Cone Pellet, Image 1

Gamo Cone Pellet Trap, Collapsible, 100 Paper Targets

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  • Gamo cone pellet trap
  • Heavy steel construction
  • Collapsible
  • Accepts 5.5"x5.5" targets
  • 5.5"x5.75"x7.5"
  • 1.9 lbs.
  • Some assembly required
  • Includes 100 paper targets
  • Use only .177-caliber lead pellets with a muzzle velocity of 1,000 fps or less

Hone your shooting skills with Gamo's high-quality cone pellet trap. The trap can be used freestanding or hung on a wall. Recommended for use with lead airgun ammo only.

Do NOT use steel BBs when shooting at this trap. BBs can rebound and ricochet, causing permanent injury to the eyes. Everyone in the area should wear safety glasses when someone is shooting.

Do not leave the cone trap exposed to the outdoors. Take it inside when not in use. Have a suitable backstop in the event you miss the cone trap.

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10 of 96 Gamo Cone Pellet Trap, Collapsible Reviews

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Limited to low velocity.177 pellets. Thicker metal needed for .22 even with mild multi pumps.

Believe the limitas stated

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Inexpensive yet adequate. I like that it can easily be hung on a wall.

The steel is just a little thin. My crossman 362 with 3 pumps beat it like a ball peen hammer. I lined it with Jammit target backing both to protect the trap and to quieten it.

Buy it.

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Easy to put togethor, solid consruction(more on that later), easy to change paper targets. Easily attaches to post via a single 10 penny nail or other suitable hanger.

Maybe add a way to stake it directly on the ground so it doesn't spin a little on impact if not nailed to a post. A max fpe rating for the metal walls should be a convenience or qol type thing standard on all traps.

The wild paint chip fluttering away refract the sunlight like the wings of a bug should have been my first clue. This thing does not handle repeated blows to the same spot well as I discovered while sighting in my avenger with some heavier than advertised 13.43s, and as previously stated by many avengers tend to stack pellets with anything resembling a steady rest. Ended up with a pellet split in one side of the trap patched by the pellet thay made it. In short don't use this trap for anything that shoots fast, maybe just bbs only, or economy tuned pcps. Awesome little trap for the daisy eagle though.

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Excellent value. I use for both BBs and pellets.

The design of the deflector inside the trap. Repeated strikes by pellets caused it to deform, subsequently ejecting pellets and BB's back through the target.

Like one of the other reviewers, I had a problem with the deflector getting bent. I've had pellets and BBs exit the trap through the target . . and hit me! I solved the problem by putting some crumpled, heavy brown paper (like that from a grocery bag . . . or the packing that comes in the boxes from PyramydAir) inside the cone. I no longer get ricochets and find I just have to replace the crumple about every 75 rounds. Also, be careful where you are mounting this; if the wall behind the target is hard, your projectiles may still come back (especially the steel BBs).

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The targets are nice.

Attach the side plates that hold the front to the back with screws instead of the weak welds that they use, one side of mine arrived already detached, due to a shoddy weld and made the whole thing unusable. Also, it needs a sturdier back plate that the pellets hit.

As mentioned before, mine arrived broken, I did prop it up and took one shot into it to see how loud it would be, it wasn't bad, but that one shot (.177 with a 7.0 grain pellet at 550fps) hit the back a little to the side and visibly dented it. Even if it was in perfect condition, I doubt that it would last very long. I deemed it unsafe for further use. Thank You Pyramid Air for my prompt refund. Also, I wouldn't call this collapsible in a practical sense. as it takes several minutes to put it all together.
If they would beef up the weak points that myself and other reviews have mention and maybe charge a little more, they would have a winner, as it is now, I wouldn't recommend it.

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The way you put it together or take it apart makes it easy for storage.


Use only lead pellets!

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Inexpensive. Can be used outdoors or indoors. Works as designed but small in size (but does makes for easy portablity and setup). Feels constructed for lesser velocity 22/177 pellet airguns.

Larger size heavier metal for higher velocity outdoor air gun use

Spend a few dollars more and purchase the heavy duty 22 pellet trap. You will be happier long term.

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Nicely put together for the money

Nothing great value for the money

Works better than expected.

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Small so easy to store and collects spent pellets for convenient disposal.

Needs heavier back plate. I have a couple of very accurate, rebuilt, older target air rifles and set up a nominal ten meter range in an unfinished basement. I am a good shot and have been for decades. The range was for times I couldn't get to a local indoor handgun range to maintain my skill level. The problem with this pellet trap is that your shots all end up in the same location on the steel plate in the back of the trap and eventually start a bulge where all of the pellets strike it. This was the case even with the relatively low power of these two rifles and .177 pellets. I tried a reinforcing plate and eventually a new trap, but nothing worked. In the end a local Walmart decided to liquidate several Bullet Boxes and I bought one. Although probably not necessary the Bullet Box has tougher backing plates as it is designed for .22 long rifles and some .17 cartridge. Also the design allows you to move the targets around and so distribute the pellet strikes.

Buy a Bullet Box instead. Lots more expensive, but you only need one.

Ed Apr 12, 2022

Great advice!

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Yes.. its a bit smaller but built like a tank. Excellent for the Average Back Yard Plinker. Came with the Gamo Paper Targets which are great stock backing.

Design is fine. Needs various tables to elevate to the proper height for shooting at. I use an old TV Table.

Still waiting on my BB Loader replacement.

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