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Education / Training Crosman 1088 – Part 2

Crosman 1088 – Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Before I begin, here’s an update on the Career Infinity. I wanted to test velocity for you today, but when I picked up the rifle it had leaked off a little, so I topped it off with the scuba tank. When I bled the line to disconnect from the tank, the inlet valve stuck open and exhausted all the air again. This was the same problem the rifle had before and fixed in the last report.

I called Boris at Pyramyd AIR, and we talked about the problem a bit. Boris told me he has seen this happen a couple times. What’s happening is that the inlet valve isn’t returning to the exact spot it was before it opened, so a small passageway remains open for air to escape. The soft valve material allows that to occur. He thinks a Teflon valve may solve the problem because it would be lighter than the brass valve body that’s in the gun now, plus Teflon conforms to almost any surface with a minimum of fuss. He’s getting a new Teflon valve out to me. I will let you know how well it works when I get it installed.

Today, we’ll look at how the Crosman 1088 pistol performs for velocity. The temperature outside is 27 degrees F, but in my office it’s a toasty 70 degrees.

Load up!
The first discovery is that it’s best to remove both grip panels to load a CO2 cartridge. You need to gain access to the screw key, and the grip panels get in the way. Yes, I applied Crosman Pellgunoil before piercing the cartridge.

I think I discovered why owners are tightening their cartridges too tight and causing leaks after a while. This gun loads silently. You cannot hear the gas rushing in. I finally stopped when I knew I had turned the key enough (really too much) and sure enough there was gas in the gun. For some reason, this is a quiet gun. Probably due to a new seal at the piercing pin. At any rate–watch it!

Crosman Silver Eagles
Let’s get the speed-demon pellets out of the way. Crosman Silver Eagles went an average of 440 f.p.s. in double-action and 410 in single-action. The pellets I used were not the hollowpoints that weigh 0.2 grains less, so there might still be more velocity in the gun.

Beeman Kodiaks
Somebody asked me to try Beeman Kodiaks for accuracy in this pistol, so I also clocked them. They averaged 291 f.p.s. in double-action with a spread from 283 to 306. Single-action was 277.

No single-action
At this point, I discovered that the 1088 does not like to be fired single-action. At least the test gun doesn’t. The hammer is only for firing. When you cock it, the clip doesn’t advance to the next chamber. Only the trigger advances the clip. Several times the hammer released before the clip rotated, and I either shot a blank or I tied up the gun’s action. I have to recommend you don’t shoot it any way but by pulling the trigger. The Crosman website states the gun can be shot DA or SA, but the manual states that you fire the gun by pulling the trigger and does not mention cocking it with the hammer. We’ve emailed Crosman to get the facts on this. I’ll update you when I find out.

RWS Diabiolo Basics
RWS Diabolo Basic pellets averaged 324 f.p.s. They ranged from 317 to 328.

Benjamin Sheridan Diabolo domes
Benjamin Sheridan Diabolo domes (7.9-grains.) went from 353 to 322. They score an average of 335 f.p.s. That’s odd, since they’re nearly a full grain heavier than the Basics that went 11 f.p.s. slower, but that’s what happened.

Crosman BBs
The 1088 is also a BB gun, and, as a reader pointed out to me in the first report, a magnet holds the Crosman Copperhead BBs in the clip instead of the ridges down the inside of the chambers that I mentioned in my report. The BBs averaged 368 f.p.s. and ranged from 388 down to 348. However, they exhibited the same drop in velocity, shot after shot, that the pellet did. When shooting the BBs, I took pains to allow only five seconds between shots. Here’s what that looks like:


Then, I waited a full minute before shooting the last shot.


The velocity drops with every shot when a five-second interval is used between shots. That means this gun is very sensitive to temperature. So for accuracy, wait at least 15 second between shots. It’ll probably still hit pop cans at 20 feet when fired fast, but the groups will open on paper.

There seem to be 50-60 good shots per cartridge, which is about what we expect for this kind of performance. There are many lower-powered shots after that, so you need to be mindful of stopping before you jam the gun.

Remember what I said about not tightening the cartridge too much when you pierce it. I think that will prevent the leaks some shooters report after owning the gun for a while.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

51 thoughts on “Crosman 1088 – Part 2”

  1. Good morning B.B. A thought on the source of the leaks. Rick in Pennsylvania told me not to leave CO2 in the 1077. The constant pressure will eventually cause the gun to leak. What does the owner’s manuel say about leaving the 1088 pressurized 24/7?

  2. BB
    I have a 1088 and I don’t have any problem firing single-action. I do get some leakage around either end of the pellet cartridge though. I have been considering ways to fix this, such as putting some soft plastic film on either end of the cartridge to act as a seal. (and cutting out the holes for the pellets of course….)
    It shoots more accurately for me in single-action as I don’t have as much movement from pulling the trigger and waiting for the hammer to drop while I try to stay on target.
    Thanks for the tip on overtightening. I know that I have been doing just that and will back off 1/2 – 1 turn from where I normally tighten it to a hard stop..)
    It is fun to shoot as any gun is, but I find that the Crosman 357 is MUCH better in quality and accuracy, etc. Also, the 357 has adjustable rear sights where the 1088 does not have any adjustments.
    For a lube, I put a drop of automotive transmission oil on my CO2 cartridges. Much cheaper than the Pelgunoil (which I could not find localy anyhow…) I just put what is leftover after servicing my cars into a small clear eye-dropper style bottle. One such item I have seen at Walmart that would be great for this is in the fishing department. It is a “worm inflater” and is a small clear bottle with a metal tube sticking out the cap. This would allow easy access to tight spots in a gun too! It even comes with a cap to seal it.

  3. Help Please. I am not a computer guy and I’m trying to ask a question. It does not go here, but I know you read this blog and write every day. Here goes. I bought a Benjamin 422 semi-auto airpistol. It seemed to be in good shape. I have some of those old co-2 cartridges to fit it but I can’t get it to shoot. It accidentally discharged already once on me when I opened the cartridge chamber. I need an instruction manual or just sell the pistol. Any ideas?

  4. Top Ten Signs That Indicate That You May Be an Airgun Addict:


    #35. You dream about groups, instead of your wife.

    #36 You waste time thinking of clever (or not so clever in my case), things to say on the blog.

    #37 You show everyone the cool animated diagram on how a spring gun works.. and they say ..”uh.. that’s nice Wayne”.

    13 to go in 5 more comments!


  5. #38 You have made one or more converts to airgunning.

    #39 You buy expensive tools (lathe, drill press, etc.) to support your habit and convince yourself you would have bought them anyway.

    #40 You work on ideas of how to modify your airguns as you go to sleep and first thing when you wake up.

    Only ten more 🙂 …

    .22 multi-shot

  6. 41.) You start an airgun newsletter because the only airgun magazine in the U.S. went out of business.

    42.) Your wife convinces you to buy 400 CO2 cartridges because she knows you will be using them.

    43.) Most of your friends are airgunners and you have never met half of them.

    44.) You put a pellet into your brand-new couch and your wife shows you how a throw will cover it up.


  7. B.B. or Anyone,

    Do you know anything about a Beeman Tempest air pistol? On the bottom it says; "Webley & Scott LTD Made in England" It was given to one of our members, and he wants to sell it. I was going to put it on the yellow for him, but don't know a price. It's like new with the plastic case. The bluebook says $195. It that about right?


  8. #45 The cost of your airgun support equipment is more than $200.

    #46 You’re a computer nerd and you find excuses to use your computer for airgunning.

    #47 You start building ranges, field targets, etc. instead of working on your honey do list.

    #48 You start seeing pests just so you have an excuse to get the airgun out.

    #49 You know who Wayne on the Pyramyd AIR blog is and where he lives.

    I believe someone already did #50 for us.

    #51 You own the Blue Book of Airguns.

    .22 multi-shot

  9. Wayne,

    The Tempest/Hurricane Webley guns typically will bring $200 to the British gun fans. They’re definitely not target guns but relatively speaking have decent power for their size. I gave my Hurricane away this year to a fellow airgunner who was curious about them. If you want to sell it and make less money, I’d give you $130 for it. If you want/need to get the $200, I’m not the guy, as I’m not THAT enamored with them.

  10. BB,
    Strange you saw 290ish fps with the kodiaks. My 1st silver 1088 shoots 362fps with premier heavies and 410fps with Gamo hunter domed pellet. With the Gamo hunters, 1.5 inch groups are common at 15yards. premiers usually get a little wider, 2 or 3 inches. My second ( also silver) 1088 gets 305fps average with premier heavies. I haven’t clocked the fps of Gamo hunters in pistol 2, but I shoots much more accuratly in single action than double. I think the cylinder rotates better than average on that pistol. Hunters group around an inch at 20yards. Tests were done in my greenhouse, which gets to a high of 126degrees and 82 at night. The temperture was 113degrees.
    Shadow express dude

  11. Ha,

    54. There is more wieght in lead in your yard than pests.

    55. you have a favorite section of the yard to hunt (usually with some sort of stand or blind)

    Shadow express dude

  12. You guys!!!!!
    I was weighing and lubing .22 cp pellets this morning in preperation for testing the recrowning job on my Talon. Not much chance of bench testing on a warm or quiet day for about the next three months.

    Anyone have a nice HEATED 50 yd indoor range I can borrow?


  13. Derrick38,

    You got it. email or call.


    ALL RIGHT!!!

    We must be addicts! ain’t it great..

    Bring in the straight jackets for us all…. We’ll have a shooting contest with our nose and teeth…rifles in a bench rest, pencils in nose and mouth to pull the trigger..


  14. twotalon,

    Open the window, just a little, block off the top and bottom above and below the barrel, and shoot from inside where it’s warm.

    #56. You try to find ways to shoot everyday, even when it takes a lot of very special effort.. that you don’t take for other needed projects.


  15. Matt,

    I debated how much insight to give everyone on this Infinity test. Remember I’m the one who returned the BAM B50 after it leaked.

    But the Infinity has a following who say they like the gun. I want to give it every chance to prove itself. And Jane wants to know.

    I also want you readers to see what it can be like, breaking in a new airgun.


  16. Wayne nice pick up on the Crosman Mark-I….let us know how you like it.

    Great comments on the airgun addiction list.

    I use a .22 bullet trap now. I should have used putty swith my first pellet trap. Instead I used old phone books and such inside and it only lasted a couple of years.

    BB…Any word on the future of the Discovery PCP? Changes, new models, their success..etc…?

  17. #56 – You have a big tub of lead from expended pellets and you wonder how much it would cost to turn them back into $0.02 pellets.

    #57 – You already have more than 5000 pellets.

    (Posted these first on yesterday’s blog with different numbers)

  18. Wayne,

    I can’t wait for the trip. Unfortunately, I’m still on probation: my wife and sister-in-law still haven’t forgiven me and my brother for a trip (originally planned) to Disneyland where we decided it would be more fun to explore the Mojave desert and the Eastern Sierras. Death (of the husbands) almost did part both marriages, but its a trip to remember, especially chugging over Tioga Pass on empty:).

    The list is bulking up, but I bet Volvo would be good for a few items — must be still having computer problems.

  19. B.B.,
    Yep my 1008 has the same design. Cocking the hammer does very little to lighten the trigger pull.

    On mine though the trigger advances clip even if you cock the hammer first. It has lots of misfires in either single or double action.

    Enjoy the Tempest… they are shooters. But you have to be right handed or the grip is not comfortable. Purchased one for my father in law a couple decades ago and he is still using it today. But he will not let me shoot it.

    If you hadn’t jumped I might have.


  20. I had further adventures with the Whiscombe today, including a squirrel hunt using the .22 barrel and then chronying several different weight pellets with the .177 caliber barrel and evaluating accuracy out to 27 yards.

    If there is an audience, then I will write about it.

    Dr. G.

  21. BB, a bit off topic – any clue as to how fast a .22 Winchester 425 (Diana 25) ought to be shooting (14.3gr)? I found some old literature that says it should do around 550 (pellet weight unspecified), but with the smallish powerplant I’m not so sure.

  22. BG_Farmer

    Make a circle.. SC Calif. up the 101 & 1 coast, cross back to the Rouge Valley on 199 through the Redwoods and along the spectacular Smith river steady rapids for miles and miles … SP plays, Rafting, fishing, shopping, very fine eating, and drinking, Crater lake on the way back east..

    "the Mojave desert and the Eastern Sierras" is a little different than Southern Oregon!!

    Yes, Volvo can do 50 by himself.


    One of our members brought in the Tempest. He asked me to sell it for him. I sold it to Derrick. I never shot it.

    Dr. G.

    I want to hear about it!

    How cool "bless" was the verification word


  23. Speaking of #50. I’m looking at a tin of candy. It is about the size of small pellet tin. It is made of metal and the lid stays on tight until you press on the center of the lid. The the locks all spring open and you can lift the lid right off.

    Why couldn’t pellets come in a tin like this. It looks like a great tin. Doubt it cost very much… it contained candy breath mints after all.

    On the bottom of the tin it says “click clack”. Guess that is the brand name of the tin because the candy was a promo from an electronics vendor.

  24. Dr.G., yes to the Whiscombe with some pictures also.

    DB, around here the Dollar Stores sell coin pouches with a spring closure top. A couple of those those filled up cover a long walk plinking for my son and I.

  25. ….Whiscombe Notes…

    A small audience this evening…not even B.B. is stirring. I’ll be brief…

    I thought it would be a good idea to shoot a squirrel today with the .22 barrel. I thought this because I was planning to change to the .177 barrel, and if the barrel accuracy was what I expected it to be then I was not going to return to the .22 barrel anytime soon. [Whiscombe alleges that his rifle is more accurate in .177 than in .22 than in .25}.

    The pellets I prefer to hunt with using other air guns are usually H.P., but I had already spent a couple hours getting the Whiscombe rifle to shoot the diabolo pellets perfectly accurately (see previous posts). I had the previous day made a mark on the HOTS weight where the RWS H.P. pellets shots accurately (as well as marks for 3 other distinguished pellets as well), and could have spent about 5 minutes re-calibrating the HOTS to shoot the H.P. pellets.

    However, this is a powerful rifle, sending over 20 ft. pounds to its soft little rodent target at 25 yards, and I knew that would be several X sufficient especially if I was accurate with my head shot. I prefer H.P., because if I am a little off then the animal still dies within a couple seconds, whereas a solid point can sometimes take up to 15 seconds if the shot is a little off, and sometimes the squirrel (or rat) moves at just the last moment.

    Since I am new with this gun and had only shot it outside a few days before for about 70 shots at ranges of 17- 30 yards, I was not as confident as I would be with a rifle that I had shot many hundreds of times. There was a little adjustment for the distance and the wet wind, and this rifle is sensitive to how it is held, something that I am still working with.

    I found a group of big fat happy gray squirrels (they have no natural predator in this area of the county except for me) having a convention at 25 yards, and waited until one was facing me, eating. I put the crosshairs between his eyes and increased the pressure on the 3 oz. trigger ever so slightly, and suddenly the squirrel was thrown back onto his back as if he had been hit by a high powered Condor air rifle. I knew immediately that something was wrong.

    A proper head shot will drop the rodent into a lifeless heap before he hits the ground, but this guy was thrown back, and so I suspected that I must have hit lower than where I was aiming, perhaps in his chest. This is an example of the reason why I always prefer that the animal be in this orientation before being shot, as if there is an error, there is a very large kill zone (up/down in particular, where a throat or chest shot works as does the top part of the head).

    So, he died in about 2-3 seconds from a high chest wound, which was a result of my not being proficient with this rifle yet. Interestingly, the other two squirrels did not go far, and I was surprised that apparently at distance this rifle is not loud.

    Then I changed the barrel to .177 and tried 7 different pellets of varying weights, producing energies varying from 15 – 20 ft. lbs. at 10 yards….Which I will write about on Thursday or Friday if there is continued interest..

    – Dr. G.

  26. Vince,

    My Hy Score 807 (Diana 27) is in good condition but is perhaps a little slow because of over-lubrication. It would shoot that 14.3-grain pellet at around 485 f.p.s., so I wouldn’t expect a model 25 to be any faster.

    I will be testing a Diana .177 soon. We’ll have a chance to see the real performance in that caliber, for a basis of comparison.


  27. Oh, I’ve been here just haven’t had anything to comment on. This is still the best place on the web for airgun info.

    I have (had because I can’t find it) one of those tins. Never thought to put pellets in it but can see it would be great to use it as a pellet holder.


  28. I have a Crosman 1088 which leaks. I saw where it could be from aver tightening. Once this happens is the gun damaged for good or is there anything that can be done to salvage the gun. What would you recommend for a air pistol that I can leave pressurized for long period of time. I use it to get predators out of the yard and not used very much.

  29. Sparky,

    First, your 1088 may not be lost yet. Have you oiled the CO2 cartridge with Crosman Pellgunoil? That is so important!

    Next, a 1088 isn't the gun to use on animals. It will only wound — not kill, and you don't want that.

    I would recommend that you look at a Crosman 1377 multi-pump pistol. Now, you can't leave it pumped up all the way for long periods, but it does have the power to dispatch pests at short range. If you want to reach out farther, the look at the Benjamin 392.

    If you are enjoying CO2, then look at the Crosman 2240. You can leave it charged all the time — as long as you oil every CO2 cartridge with Pellgunoil before piercing.


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