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Education / Training RWS Diana 45: Part 1

RWS Diana 45: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Diana 45 left
Diana 45 is a large breakbarrel spring rifle.

This report covers:

• The rifle
• Sights
• Stock
• Trigger
• Shot cycle
• My plans

Let’s take a long look at an air rifle that’s been off the market for 26 years — the Diana 45. This one is a .177 and has a date stamp of August 1988, so it was one of the last made. It was imported into the U.S. by RWS USA, so this rifle is also marked with the RWS logo.

Diana 45 logo
In the U.S., RWS USA was the importer.

Diana 45 date stamp
Rifle was made in August of 1988.

In its day, which began in 1978 and lasted until 1988, the 45 was considered a powerful magnum air rifle. It was one of only a handful that were capable of launching a .177 pellet at over 800 f.p.s.

I say “In its day” because the model number was not retired in 1988. The 45 lived on as a reskinned Diana 34 until 2004. But it is the older version we’re looking at today.

I’m starting this report early, because several readers have written in with questions about the gun. This rifle was given to me to tune for the man who makes big bore bullets — Johnny Hill of Tin Starr Bullets in Weatherford, Texas. You will read about his bullets in an upcoming report next month. Johnny is also the guy who loaned me the Webley Mark VI firearm that you saw in the report on the Webley Mark VI BB gun. And there will be more vintage pictures of that gun and another, thanks to him.

Johnny told me that he and his family enjoy shooting this 45 because it’s so accurate, but they dislike the buzzy-ness of the spring-piston powerplant. I took that news as an opportunity to test his rifle in its stock condition, then to disassemble it and tune it for him — and, of course, for all of you. Let’s see what we have to deal with.

The rifle
The Diana 45 is a large breakbarrel air rifle. It’s 45-1/4 inches long, and has a 20-1/2 inch barrel. And the barrel is all barrel — no shrouds or jackets. The weight is 7 lbs., 14 oz. The length of pull is 13-1/2 inches. When you put it to your shoulder, you get the impression that this is a very large air rifle!

The rear sight is adjustable in both directions, and it has 4 different notches that may be selected. The front sight is something we don’t see today — a globe that comes with a set of inserts. This rifle has a tapered post — what the Germans call a Perlkorn — in the front sight now, and Johnny doesn’t have any of the other inserts. One complaint of his is the front globe is loose on its dovetails, which is something I’ll fix.

Diana 45  rear sight
Fully adjustable rear sight has 4 different notches that can be selected at will. This V is for a tapered post at the front.

Diana 45  front sight
This insert is a tapered post or Perlkorn, as the Germans call it.

This 45 has the classic Diana rear scope base (it was meant as a base for a peep sight) that I told you about in Part 2 of the Diana 34 report two days ago.The large-headed screw at the back of this base appears to have been sheared off, and a replacement is in its place.

Diana 45  scope base
What we call the scope base is actually for a peep sight. The large-headed screw (far right) is missing, and a replacement is in its place.

The stock is beech wood with a very straight grain and a dark rubber buttpad. There’s no checkering, and the line of the butt is both high and straight. Even lacking a cheekpiece or a Monte Carlo comb, this will be an easy rifle to scope because your face is lifted high by the line of the stock.

The forearm is very square in cross-section, and the stamped steel triggerguard accents that in its squarish shape. The trigger blade is very straight and is also made of stamped steel.

This trigger is pre-T01, so it has no designation that I know of. When we disassemble the rifle, there will be more surprises about the trigger. For now, just know that it does have some adjustments.

Diana 45  trigger
The Diana 45 trigger is folded metal and very straight. Yes, it does adjust.

The safety is located at the back of the spring tube and is a plastic button that comes straight back when the rifle’s cocked. There’s no anti-beartrap device (a mechanism that prevents the rifle from firing when the barrel is open and protect fingers during loading), so I remind everyone to never let go of the muzzle when the barrel’s broken open! The safety button can be pulled back at any time, but it only functions when the action is cocked.

Diana 45 safety off
Safety is off.

Diana 45 safety on
Safety is on.

Everything about the 45 is ambidextrous. Even back in the 1980s, manufacturers were thinking along those lines.

The metal is finished shinier than matte, but not as shiny as possible. All bluing is deep and even. Only the baseblock, which holds the barrel, isn’t polished.

This particular rifle is in very good condition. The stock is scratched from handling, but the metal is still covered in deep black. From what Johnny tells me, the rifle has been shot as a pest gun, so the shot count is probably lower than if it had been owned by a dedicated airgunner.

Shot cycle
I shot the rifle and can tell you that it does buzz. It isn’t the worst Diana 45 I’ve ever shot (they were pretty legendary for that!), but it isn’t pleasant to shoot.

My plans
My intention is to test this rifle exactly as I do all others, with velocity in Part 2 and accuracy in Part 3. Since that will be with open sights, I’ll then mount a scope and test it again in Part 4.

After that, I plan to disassemble the rifle and tune it to get rid of the buzzing. That will probably be 2 more reports — one for the tune and the other for testing the results.

After that, I’ll return Johnny’s rifle — hopefully, in better condition.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

148 thoughts on “RWS Diana 45: Part 1”

  1. Sweet. Love to see the classics getting some love here B.B.

    The Diana 45 seems to be a favorite with folks that own them.

    Although I do own a later 45 (reskinned 34) I have not yet acquired a version like this one. I just hope your reports doesn’t inflate prices! 🙂

    Very much looking forward to the rest of this one.

    Mark N

  2. This looks to be an interesting report as I tend to lean to the older air guns for their finer qualities and more quality precision design and assembling as opposed to todays standard of what manufacture can produce for the same dollar.

    I am just an old timer that likes his toys to have at least half it not 3/4 of the age on them as I do me.

    I am looking forward to the following reports on this oldie but goodie.


    • I’m with you BD. Just because it is new does not mean it is better.

      An example is that I am not really sold on gas sproingers. It is true that I have not had a tremendous amount of experience with many of them, but from what I have seen and read seems to indicate that the best sproingers use steel, not gas.

      Now if you could easily tune the gas sproing, you might have something there. From what I understand, the old Theobins were really something.

      Also, the styling of most of the new airguns require that you tie a pork chop to it if you want me to take a closer look.

      • RR
        I am of the same mind and really never liked springer’s at all either coil or gas till I bought a 40 buck Firepower crosman clone from gun broker and it shot so well with just a single thunk and was very accurate that I have bought a few more two of which are crosman gas spring guns and they shoot the same as the cheap Firepower with just a single thunk and same good accuracy.

        I just bought a new Trail NP2 from PA last night as I am wanting to see if the new gas spring of crosmans is better than the plain nitro guns are and it will be here Tuesday.

        But I am working on converting my cheap firepower into a FT gun using a Hatsan air spring ( it uses compressed air not nitrogen. Thanks to RDNA ) that can be adjusted for pressure in the spring like the old theoben springs and just had GF1 mill out the piston with slots to lighten it and polished it up real nice. then I am making a custom rear spring guide/retainer to put the Hatsan air spring into it and cutting the barrel to 10 inches and re-crown it. I will start with 90BAR in the spring and go up as needed to get a fps of around 800 fps with as smooth and least amount of recoil as possible for using in the FT matches I shoot every first Saturday of the month. The spring is capable of holding a max of 135 BAR air pressure so I can adjust to my liking as needed and will hopefully have a under 100 buck smooth shooting and almost zero recoil spring target gun.

        Since I bought that first cheap springer I have become quite pleased with their shooting qualities and the fact that you only need the gun and pellets to have fun shooting.


        • BD,

          That may end up being an awesome gas sproinger. If I had an adjustable, I would definitely go for it.

          Does anyone know if the gas sproing in the HW90/RX2 is adjustable?

          • RR
            Yea I am hoping it will be comparable to a HW77 or LGV in it recoil and smoothness characteristics.
            I know it is accurate as it was in it stock coil spring form so if it shoot smoother and with less recoil I will have achieved my goal to make a cheap and accurate FT spring gun.

            I don’t know if the HW90/RX2 have adjustable springs or not. I do know that the Hatsan gas spring guns are adjustable because that is what I am using in my gun. it was out of the Hatsan 95 that GF1 sold to RDNA and he is putting 135’s coil spring into the 95 so he sent me the gas spring from the 95. it has a screw on the side that you can let the air pressure out with and it uses the stock Hatsan PCP fill probe to pressurize it with and I have a AT 44 PCVP gun so I have the probe to fill it with as well as a shoebox or hand pump.

            My problem is at what pressure to start at as I don’t want to have to let pressure out once I fill it because the bleed off screw it very difficult to get loose and once I machine it to fit in the compression tube of the Firepower there may not be enough of the head of the screw to even get it loose.as I have to take about .060 inches off the diameter to get it to fit and it will be cutting into the screw head some to do that.

            So at least you can get a gas spring from Hatsan as it is adjustable you would just have to buy the PCP guns fill probe and PA has them for sale.


      • Gunfun
        That sounds good and I am hoping to have the gun shooting by next weekend.

        I am getting ready to shoot some here in about an hour when it warms up just a little more as I don’t want to push it to much and not feel up to the match tomorrow, but I am definitely doing better than I was from last Saturday.


        • So glad its working out with the g-spring, you’ve got the perfect application for it. Things are screwy trying to move this month so haven’t had a chance to get the endcap to GF, but that 135 spring, after a little turning down, fit right in to the airmag like a glove. Got a squirrel earlier today at my friends house that came along while I was tightening up the sight in. 30 yards hit the elbow and still passed right through w/ jsb 15.89s. On the stove now w/ some maple sausages. Its fate that I got the 135 spring and that it fit right in the A.mag because the A.mag spring is a much better fit for the hatsan. A guy put an ad on Craig’s for an apartment, showed it to us, did all the paperwork with a receipt keys, everything… turned out to be the guy painting. No joke. Idiot had the check go in his name and my landlord drew the check because it was our last and security coming back so he just cashiered it so we could pass it on. He’s a lawyer. Lol. Sucks, but the guy is done.

          • RDNA
            Yea its going to fit good and the only issue I will have that may be a problem is if I overfill the spring because I have to machine about .060″ off the OD it is going to cut part of the bleed screw head off so I am going to start on the low pressure side and work my way up to what I want it to shoot at fps wise and cocking effort wise that way I don’t have to try and bleed any pressure off. I am not going to cut the barrel shorter until I get it shooting the way I want and make sure I can cock it with a 10 inch long barrel first before I cut it down as that is my end goal is to have it with a 10 inch barrel. I may have to add a muzzle brake or extension to allow cocking the short barrel but we will find out.

            I am glad you got your magnum together and already putting food on the table with it as that is lucky those tree rats just sometimes don’t think right and will walk right out in front of us that way.

            Moving is always no fun and I would not even want to think about that for me anymore as I have been in the same house for 14 years now and just have accumulated way to much to even know where to start to have to move as I am a pack rat and it would take over a month just to get rid of what I could not take much less what I wanted to move with me, so its here I will stay plus it paid for so cant nobody take it from me.

            At least it is all done before Christmas is here. And I will let you know how the gun comes along as I am going to be doing the machining on the spring next week and making a new rear spring guide/ retainer for the Hatsan to fit in the guns tube and it is just a matter of finding the right air pressure in the spring for the way I want the gun to shoot.


            • Sounds like keeping the gas pressure down will make cutting the barrel down a wash and it’ll cock like a stock np or so, the airmag is so long that the point you had to grab the barrel was about where I cut it down to. I tested the cocking today on the bathroom scale and it was an average of 65+ lbs, the blaze np which only has a thin rubber shim was about 50 lbs even every time.

              • RDNAS
                Yea I am trying to keep it as low as possible to achieve the needed fps to be accurate out to 55 yards and no higher so as to keep it easy to cock as well as little of felt recoil as possible.
                Basically a poor mans TX or LGU so to speak and talked to friend with machine shop today and it will be after the first of the year before I can get over to use his lathe to make the rear plug/spring mount for holding the rear of the spring in place in the tube. My piston does not have the dimple in the front like the nitro pistons do so I am going to use a piece of black delrin I have and make a washer that will press into the piston up to the front and have a hole just big enough to keep the rod centered in the piston without adding much weight to the piston.
                I am not cutting the barrel off until I get the spring pressure set for the fps I want and see how hard it is to cock first as that will dictate the barrel length I need to cock it fairly easily and it if is not to hard at 10 inches then it will be cut and crowned as I have the fluted fake muzzle brake the crosman uses on the venoms to put on to protect the crown after I cut the barrel if I do and that adds about 1/2 inch so not enough to make a difference.


          • Gunfun
            I am anxious myself as I shot it more today and am getting more comfortable with it every time I shoot it so we will know tomorrow if I get a better score than 2 this time which I am sure I will just don’t know how much better.

            I will let you know how I do tomorrow evening how I do with my score.


            • Buldawg
              When you were messing around with the tune and had the Mrod action in the old stock; did you check your sight in after you put the action back in your new stock.

              Pretty much everytime I have took a action out and put it back in the stock the ooi has changed.

              You might want to get there early tomorrow and do a quick check on your sight in. Then you can check out the wind also.

                • Gunfun
                  Way ahead of you on that bro, I just re checked sight in today in back yard at 35 yards and I am getting there early to sight for dead zero at forty yards. The backyard sight in is hitting about 1/4 inch above zero which according to chairgun is good for a dead zero at forty yards but I need to, check to make sure it is true in actuality so I will sight in before the match as most all the FT shooters do to check for zero as well as wind as you stated.

                  Although what the wind is doing on the sight in range is not always the same on the FT range as the sight in is a clear wide open field the size of a football field and all the FT is in the woods so you get totally different wind patterns in the FT range than the sight in range.

                  But thank you for reminding me and I did all the tuning in the factory stock because it is slotted to be able to adjust the air screw, but put it back in the Boyds stock to do any sight in with and it has not been out since the leak is fixed it has not needed to be removed from it. It is a very exact fit in the Boyds stock as it will not go in unless it perfectly parallel to the stock and action when installing .


                  • Buldawg
                    Yep just reminding you about the sighting I didn’t remember when you had in the other stock but knew you did.

                    I haven’t been lucky enough to have a Boyd stock yet so don’t know how they fit. But remember screw tightness will make some changes too. But your going to check your sighting tomorrow so it will be all good anyway.

                    See if you can get some pictures of the guns and course. And do they give out trophy’s or air gun related stuff to the winners?

                    • Gunfun
                      It went great we had about 20 people show up and had dinner and good times. Got caught up on all the new changes in friend lives and the lives of some of the ones that could not make for various reasons.

                      I had a Bison burger that are the best tasting burgers you could ever eat not to mention how much better they are for you than beef, pork or chicken and this is 1/2 pound burger that definitely takes two hands to eat. it is one of this restaurants specialty items on their menu. I only get the chance to get it once a year as we never get over that way much and when we do it slips our mind to eat there.

                      I am recouping some today from the busy day I had yesterday so have just been a couch potato so far today.


                    • Gunfun
                      Yea I have to admit it was much bigger than I should have eaten but like I say I only get the chance once a year and they are very delicious.

                      Never did get off the couch today as it was just nice to not do anything for a day and it was overcast most of the day so I just took the day off.


                  • Buldawg
                    I went up to the neighbors on the right of me that owns part of the woods behind the house and shot today.

                    Took some of my airguns and shot some of his.

                    He’s got the Vitamin right now. He also thinks its the nicest shooting nitro gun he has shot yet.

                    I may not get it back. :0

                    • Gunfun
                      The NP2 just got delivered 10 minutes ago so going to get scope mounted and get some shots off for awhile as I was not expecting it till tomorrow so will be busy getting it ready to shoot and let you know how it does.

                      So you may not get the Vitamin back huh, well that’s good and bad good if you can make some money out of it but bad as you will not get to shoot it when you want to although I am sure your neighbor would let you borrow it LOL. You got your TX and JGU to keep you busy as well as your marauders also.


                    • Gunfun
                      I got to shoot it about ten shots before it started to rain. I did not take the time to mount a scope on it yet because the first thing that needed done is putting a lighter trigger spring in as the trigger feel is much better than the NP guns and actually feels like a two stage trigger with a distinct first stage with a definite stop at the second, but the trigger pull weight is way to heavy and it is a different setup than the NP guns. The pin is no longer there to put a bearing on and instead they have a spring between the trigger link and the sear and the Remington Genisis has the same setup and I put a lighter spring in it and a longer screw to adjust it with and it has a nice trigger feel in it now. I will be stealing the spring from the Genesis and putting in the NP2 as the length of the first and second stages are very good it just needs les spring tension so with the spring out of the genesis it will be perfect and then I will find a lighter spring to put back in the Genesis.

                      The firing cycle is just slightly less than the Vitamins is and had no detonations on the first ten shoots so it is just a single thunk of slightly less than the Vitamin or my venom is and the cocking effort is about the same as it is still new I suspect it will get better with use. It did require a slap the first cocking event and then just a little tug at first to start it to break open but as I said I suspect that will get better with more shooting. I have no chrony numbers yet but it is hitting my 15 yard backstop as hard if not a little harder then the Vitamin was but it all by ear and no hard numbers yet.

                      First overall impression are it is an improvement over the NPs but I am not going to say how much yet until I get the trigger fixed and scope mounted and more shooting time on it as the manual says it can take 250 shots to get broke in completely. I am putting one of the 6x24x40mm AO scopes I have on it and then we will know more on its accuracy.

                      I got the piston today also and it is a piece of art and looks to good to put back in the gun but it sure will be lighter and work better I believe. I have found some Teflon shims that we used on a recall at Nissan to prevent metal to metal contact that has a sticky backing that I have used on some contact points on my bikes to prevent the squeaking/itching noise between to metal to metal contact points and it stays put very well and is very wear resistant so I am going to see if it will work on the rear of the piston to prevent contact between the piston and the tube at the rear of piston. If it fits in then the piston will ride on the seal at the front and the Teflon at the rear to make a very smooth slippery and free floating piston system.

                      I will let you know more tomorrow on the NP2 as I am getting the trigger springs swapped and scope mounted tonight.


  3. BB! I’m excited! I bought a Diana 45 back in the eighties. I also got a P1 back then. I got them from adds in shotgun news. For the next 30 years I fell into the category you describe as the silent air gunners. Tens of thousands of pellets shot by me and my kids and friends, but I was completely disconnected to the pellet gun world during that time. Last year due to my eyes not being so young and having trouble seeing sights and the target at the same time I decided to scope the 45. That was very discouraging. I ruined one of my Dad’s old scopes. I shot ridiculous 2 1/2″ groups at 25 yards. I thought I would look to the Internet for some help. WOW, the airgun world exploded right before my eyes! PCP’s? Nitro Pistons? Pyramid Air and your blog BB. I learned about recoil. Recoil in a airgun? Recoil to me was the whack a 30-06 gave ya when you squeezed it off. Barrel droop? After lots of reading in your blog I got a UTG droop compensating mount and a UTG scope. I got better groups, but not any better than I shot with my peep sight. Well I got the PCP bug now and i got a Marauder last spring, moved the UTG scope to that. Now I understand spring gun recoil. I got that Crossman Silhouette last month. I am having a great time with my PCP’s. I am no longer a silent air gunner. I am looking foreward to the rest of this series of blogs and hope to take on my first air gun tuning job on my 45.

    • Mark T,

      Welcome to the blog.

      There certainly is a lot to learn about airguns, isn’t there?

      There are several others like you who are waiting to see how this rifle comes apart. I have never taken one of these apart, but I have been inside plenty of Dianas over the years. I don’t think there will be anything we can’t do on this one, but you will need a mainspring compressor because of some very critical pressing out of pins that has to be done. It’s easy with a compressor, but difficult without one.


      • B.B.,

        I am curious about one thing. Nowadays if a springer buzzes more than a little it takes a publicity beating. But, from your comments and others I have read today this gun is thought very highly of yet it sounds like it buzzes and rattles to beat the band. Maybe I have misinterpreted how much buzz the 45 has?

        Also, you just mentioned mainspring compressors. I know you and a others have built your own but can manufactured compressors be purchased? Believe it or not I have been thinking lately about working on a springer.


        • G&G,

          Yeah, I noticed that, too. Here’s the deal When a Diana 27 buzzes and I tune it, it stops buzzing and I have a quality airgun. When a Chinese airgun buzzes and I tune it it’s still a Chinese airgun. A few of them are worth owning, the rest aren’t. But all Dianas I have seen have been well made and worth owning.

          So, that’s the deal. Even the FWB 124 buzzed until we tuned it.

          There are boutique mainspring compressor makers that rise up, sell 15 or 20 and then disappear, never to be heard of again. I use a B-Square compressor that I helped design. But would people spend $100 to get a good compressor? No. They would rather curse the darkness.

          Compressors are like chronographs — many people need them but only a few will spend the money (or the time) to get one.


          • B.B.,

            I understand what you mean about the Diana and the buzz issue. However, the FWB for instance had only a small buzz and I was getting the impression that the Diana 45 sounded like a jalopy banging down the road. I suppose it’s not nearly that bad.

            That’s too bad about compressors. I have a chronograph and I would buy a compressor also.


        • G&G,

          I recently bought a nice spring compressor from a very nice fellow in California for $115.00 shipped. Best $115.00 I have spent on airguns in a while. This thing is nice! He makes them at his own pace but I would imagine he would sell you one in fairly short order.

          I am going to try and provide a link to a picture of my newly acquired compressor. If you would like more info feel free to email me a mcnewton AT sunflower D0t com.



          Mark N

        • YES! You cam find large clamps called bar clamps, they come in all different lengths, up to 36+”, I found one for 8$ that has been working fine. Its a ratcheting slide bar and a screwing clamp on the slide side that content be easier. Just make sure to stabilize everything and have the rubber footings on the clamp. It could easily be secured to a board with guides.

  4. BB
    Is this gun a small tube design with a long stroke? And it had a heavy piston. Ain’t this the gun that they changed around when it became the 34 and went the opposite.

    By change around I mean tube and piston size and stroke and seal.

    This is a Friday blog you know BB. But when you do the tune are you going to do a basic tune with the leather type seals and lube. Or are you going to put a modern tune on it with a kit and spring and seal and lube.

    Oh and I should of said this first but totally love hearing about these nostalgia guns. I was shooting air guns in the mid 60’s to the mid 70’s and I read about these guns or similar guns in the Airgun Research Headquarters catalogs back then. Of course I was only 10 years old in 71 but I got a catalog and I always wanted one of these guns.

    Glad to here about another wonderful air gun of the earlier days.

    • GF1,

      The piston stroke is short in this rifle. I think it’s 45mm.This gun didn’t become the 34. It was the 35 that was turned into the 34, going from a short stroke to a long one.

      I don’t know yet what I am going to do. This rifle may have a synthetic seal — I don’t know. I have to wait and see what’s inside and what condition it is.

      I do plan on tightening the tolerances of this one.


      • BB
        I’m glad your doing this review on this gun and it will be very interesting to see what the before and after results will be after you tune.

        Did I say I like hearing about these older guns. 🙂

  5. RR
    Did you know that the FWB 300s I got from you is kind of rare so they say. Its a 300s Match L. Is the other one you got the same?

    Here’s a picture if any one is interested.


    Does any one have any pictures of their guns? RR what about your BSA. You know what one I’m talking about.

    And I plan on refinishing it soon. Already got things in the making. I know I thoroughly enjoyed restoring muscle cars. Maybe now I will get a few old air guns to do. I’m liking this air gun stuff more and more it seems.

    • GF1,

      I do not know about the rarity of that particular style, but the fact that it says it was imported by Beeman of San Rafael, CA on it will increase the value of it by about $200. It does so on any other air rifle it seems. Every time I try to work out a deal on an older air rifle or pistol, they point that out to me as the reason they want so much for it.

      When I go to sell the other one you may rest assured I will point that out and add the prerequisite $200 to the price tag.

      • RR
        I found out about the Match L model when I was trying to find out more info of why this gun didn’t have the Daisy logo like other models I heard about.

        And yep that’s how I believe the gun got here was through Beeman.

        And I wanted to add the gun shoots great and you did a nice job on the rebuild. And thanks for not adding on $200 dollars to my gun I got from you. 😉

        Oh and did you get a chance to try the JSB pellets out?

      • RDNA
        Pretty much so and its free. You make a account and they give you a email for your account. So if you take pictures on your cell phone you can email them to photo bucket.

        Then if you want to post a picture you just log into your account and pick your picture. Then on the right side of the screen you pick on of the ways you want it to post click on it and its copied. Then go to the blog and do your reply then right click and paste it.

        Its really pretty easy to use. Heck I can even do it. 🙂

        • Kevin,

          You have to keep in mind that the 45 is a magnum only in 1980 terms. Today it is a medium-powered spring gun. And yes, I think petroleum oil is good for the leather. Sure it does promote some detonations, and every shot will diesel, but that’s to be expected.

          If someone goes to the trouble of a full disassembly that I am about to do, then white lithium grease is a better way to go. This is just my opinion, and I am certainly not known as an airgun tuner.


          • B.B.,

            Got it.

            I don’t own a diana 45 but one of my neighbors does. Put one of your scope bases on that gun and replaced his scope for him. His rear screw was sheared off too. Surprise.

            Like many others today I’m paying close attention to this series since I’m anxious to learn how to tighten his tolerances and minimize the buzz in his gun. Great topic since it seems like many of these old 45’s are out there.


          • BB
            The white lithium is a good lube. Especially if the the tune your doing has a inner and outer sleeve. Its quiet but slick.

            If you got a fast shooting gun and they don’t offer a milder spring lithium grease is good mixed with a thicker grease like motor honey or if you want to slow the gun down more motor honey by it self.

            Guns that use the tune kits that use the inner and outer sleeve on the spring bennifit the most.

            And I do know the stock seal on the piston head works better than the thin seal and o-ring they use with the Vortek kit in my TX. The original seal is (not) a letter seal so that could be a factor with the 45 if its leather.

            From what I remember the leather seals are quicker. Especially if they lack lube and dry out.

            How was those leather seals so consistent with fps in the old days?

  6. I’m excited about this series of articles. I have an early 45, it needs to be opened up and given new life. Mine is dated 06 87. It is accurate but shoots slower than it should and needs a lube.
    This is going to be great!

      • BB,
        We discussed the FPS numbers about a year ago, also talked a little about if it had a leather or synthetic piston seal.
        On your advice I put pelgun oil down the barrel because you said it sounded like the seal was dry. It did help the FPS, but of course it’s still buzzy.
        One of the pyramid air techs chimed in and said that the manufacture date told him that the seal would be made of leather.

        • Randy,

          I THINK the seal is leather, too, but you can never be sure in the late ’80s. Diana was changing over to synthetic seals and that may have installed on in any rifle of this era. Also, if repairs were even done, they may have converted from leather to synthetic. I never know for sure until I see it.

          Buzzy is a characteristic of most 45s, though I have heard of a few that are very calm. The tolerances inside are simply too large. That’s something we are going to fix, and I hope we will do it without resorting to black tar. I would love to see how nice a Diana 45 can become when it is tightened up.


  7. B.B.,
    I am looking forward to this series! I have a .177 model 45 in excellent condition that was built September, 1986. It has been traded and sold between family and friends since it was new. It has not been apart more than to oil the spring through the under side of the tube.

  8. I remember thinking of buying a Diana 45 back in the day. I didn’t because of the leather piston seal. That was when I got the first Sheridan “C”.

    BTW, I wonder how a gas spring would work in a TX 200 if the company ever decided to go that route?


  9. I was 15 in 1985. Saw this rifle in a gun magazine, and wanted it so badly. I can’t remember what it cost back then, but at least something like $200. I convinced my mother to have a yard sale so I could buy it. All that work for 30 bucks… Never did get my RWS 45. I can remember the Beeman catalog touting its rifles as being superior to the RWS because of a leather seal that had to be replaced by something called a drill-arbor press (I think?), but if an RWS was hard to purchase, then a Beeman was untouchable for me. It wasn’t until 2004 that I bought my first springer….

  10. Hi BB,
    The older Diana 45 is one of the last older classics that can sometimes be bought at a bargain. I have seen them sell for $150-$175. I think they are a steal at those prices. For the longest time, I passed on the Diana 45 due to that square trigger guard which I find ugly. Then, I landed up buying one at a local firearm gun show. When I finally got around to shooting the 45 I was shocked at what a nice gun it was. It just doesn’t make sense that such a nice gun is not on the “classics” list along with other airguns like the HW35, older HW50s, R-7, Diana 27 and others.

    David Enoch

    • David,

      The Diana 45 is probably a classic, simply because it was one of the early guns that could break 800 f.p.s. reliably. I never liked them when they were available for the reasons you gave, but if I can get this one to shoot smoothly, I might change my mind. I have heard they are quite accurate.


    • I am surprised anyone would think the square guard ugly cause I like it so much! I was very happy the square guard from the legacy replacement stock fit the blaze, I think its awesome, but hated the round on it.

  11. Yum, that was sold here in the UK as the “Original 45” and I desired it greatly, the very firearm like cross pin and, in the days of the 10 ft/lb HW35’s and Airsporters it was known as a full 12ft/lb rifle, without the downsides of the Beeman R1/HW80 (long stroke and slow lock time with a soft UK spec spring)
    Accurate too

    • Dom,

      You are looking at this rifle from the other side of the glass. That’s a viewpoint I never considered.

      Back in its day, this one was neck and neck with the BSF S55/S70, and the FWB was just a nose ahead of them all. It’s funny that I have now owned several 124s, one HW 35 and both a BSF S55 and an S70, yet this will be the very first Diana/Original 45 I have ever tested, personally.

      My buddy, Mac, tested one for me several years ago when I was too weak to cock breakbarrels from an illness. But I never saw that rifle. This one is living with me for a short time.


  12. Yes, “there’s a whole ‘nother world out there” BB, and though the US market is gradually developing, it still pales in comparison to Europe in terms of sales.
    So, if you wonder why the HW35 is still in the catalogue, it’s because, with it’s short, quick stroke, it makes a nicer shooter when restricted for the German or Canadian markets than an HW80 or Diana 52…(though needs a light tune for UK limits)……Webley sensibly never even bothered marketing the Patriot here (the name is even an Americanism).
    Consider the BSA Lightning, the HW77, the R9, the TX200 etc, AA or Weihrauch could easily have taken them above 15ft/lb….but would have ended up with a design compromise for home market restrictions….in fact most of them shoot far more sweetly at 12ft/lb…by design.
    When Beeman approached Weihrauch with the idea of extending the HW35 compression tube, there was no need to submit blueprints for the phrase “make the tube longer, piston heavier, and lose the barrel catch”…they share the other components, what there was was a need to show the drive and marketing nous to convince Herr Weihrauch it was worth doing at all….that there would be a market for it, as they certainly don’t sell in Germany.
    The 45, and the FWB felt like the first rifles made specifically for us in the UK, much like the R1 and Patriot were made specifically for the US.
    Another rifle capable of 800fps at the time was the home grown Webley Vulcan, though not to my taste (never liked the trigger blade or the firing cycle)

  13. When I say “pales into insignificance” I’m referring to adult sporting air rifles….our European sensibilities haven’t tended to consider BB guns or Co2 until fairly recently.

  14. The BSF’s were, oddly, never really marketed here in the 80’s, you could get one from the occasional dealer but slipped, generally, under the radar
    Much like Diana are now…..and I think I know the reason, they are concentrating on the magnum rifles for the growing US market and the smaller 240/280 models for the home market and leaving the UK somewhat in the cold as a priority.

    • I have a theory there…. the 12ftlb guns have been perfected in a sense and there are beautiful new guns that will sell for awhile, and old standbys that have held there own, whereas the US market is trying to get something that doesn’t work yet, will take a lot of development, but will sell, and the attempts on the way are the “arms race” with thing like the rogue and a million rebrands of the “not powerful enough” springers we have. I like options, and to be honest would never be satisfied in the UK (the excess of rabbits might quelm my tears though) but even I think its ridiculous. The inflated velocity numbers and pictures of squirrels on guns NOT capable, its all about how fast you can smack a squirrel even if its a plinkin gun NOT meant for hunting they advertise it as capable.

      • There is a bit of misunderstanding about UK gun laws, you CAN have firearms, and air guns of any power, however you have to demonstrate a few things
        No history of insanity
        No history of violent crime
        Somewhere secure to keep them
        A reason for use (ie gun club, pest control, etc)
        And that’s it, you can knock yourself out
        The only things that are banned outright are assault rifles and handguns
        Most people don’t bother as 12 ft/lb is perfectly good enough for the sort of pests we have, at up to 50 yards, which is pretty much the practical range for a headshot anyway

  15. B.B.

    It is interesting that Diana has stuck a rear mounting designed for a peep sight all these years. I have read claims that the barrel droop on Diana rifles was intentional to allow for installation of a peep sight. Today that rail is almost always used to mount large heavy scopes and Diana refuses to update it. Why a company that caved to complaints about using plastic in the T05 trigger, which was an other wise excellent trigger, still won’t update the scope mount in a mystery. I am looking forward to the rest of the reports on this rifle.


    • David,

      I have told you as much as I know about the Diana company. I only talk to them every couple years at the SHOT Show. Well, I actually stopped talking to them when their VP of marketing shut me down on the barrel droop issue, several years ago.

      This year, however, with the company in new hands, you can bet that I will find the time to stop by the German pavilion and see if anyone wants to chat!


      • The air magnum says t05 trigger… is it the actual t05 because umarex makes rws and ruger, or is it still a Chinese knockoff of a “German” t05 rws trigger? My blackhawk had I believe, a center latching trigger but it didn’t have a designation.

        • RDNA,

          Are you referring to the model 54 Air King? Remember RWS the importer of some of the Diana rifles they don’t make them. The T05 trigger requires a different piston then the T06 look at B.B.’s report on the T05 vs the T06 for information about this. That may be why not all Diana models have not transitioned to the T06. If you order a .177 cal RWS 54 Air King you will get a real German T05 not the copy used on the Ruger “Hawks” and the Umarex Surge. That copy while pretty good for a Chinese trigger is not as good as the real thing on my 460 Magnum.


        • Beartraps are usually a vertical oriented flat bar slotted and mated to the cocking arm where it shoes in then it runs to the trigger assembly. When the arm pushes to cock the piston it lets the trap safety pull into the way of the trigger by spring, the pulls out of the way when the arm is returned. There are internal trigger/piston area designs I don’t know exactly how those go. Im a beartrap remover as I am fond of being able to decock.

        • Its safety effects are only in use when the barrel is open so doesn’t keep it any safer when closed, its just so the barrel cannot fly shut and amputate a finger or bend barrels. Leaving the safety engaged when the action is open is going to protect from this just as well as your safety works otherwise, but a gun without an automatic safety and no beartrap is to be very cautious with.

  16. BB,
    What can you tell me about the haenel model 3 drp and how does it differ from from model 2 and what has it got to do with SUHL

    And how does the skirt size and pellet lenth go with accuracy(alredy know what you have to say about head sizes)

    • Utkarshgupta,

      The Haenel Model III D.R.P. is slightly larger and more powerful than the model II. The model II continued to be made (in Suhl, East Germany) after WW II and there are several versions of it from 1950- to about 1993.

      Pellet length relates to accuracy in that a longer pellet is more difficult to stabilize. So it must go faster to remain stable in flight. At close range the difference can’t be seen, but beyond 30 meters it becomes apparent.


  17. I’m totally jazzed about this series. I recently acquired a near perfect slinged 1987 45 for 100 bucks and a cheap scope. After chamber lube the buzzy rifle can shoot better off the bench than my BSA supersport, R1 and almost as well as my Venomized hw97. It really likes hn field trophy and cpls. Noisy to cock and pretty buzzy and still it’s fun to shoot.
    Can’t wait to read your tuning results.

  18. Interesting. My WWII rifles have taught me that old soldiers never die. As a matter of fact, I’m off to the range tomorrow with my M1 Garand and 6 clips of my reloads. So, the saga continues.

    Thanks, Edith, for the outstanding advice on the purse. I knew you weren’t likely to get a purse snatched from you. Lauren loves the idea. Also, she and her husband are getting his and her’s handguns and the husband is favoring a Glock. So, all of the Glock support has had an effect.

    Gunfun1, you’re a lucky guy to have both a TX 200 and an RWS 54. I remember that the 54 shoots comparably. But B.B. describes only the TX 200 as perfection. As far as I know the only other gun he has used that word for is the Crosman 1077.

    Baron Wulfraed, can I ask what you were qualifying for with your pistol shooting?


    • Matt61
      Believe me I know I’m lucky. And it took me a while of trying out different guns to figure out that it was time to start putting the hard earned money down on the higher end guns.

      Not that I don’t enjoy shooting a 1377 with a steel breech and a Discovery barrel. Oh and the 1377 stock. Put a good scope on one of them and bench rest it and see what happens.

      I did a lot of swapping around and selling things to get where I’m at with my little air gun collection.

      And guess what I’m having to much fun to stop now. 🙂

    • CCW (or, to use MI terms, CPL — concealed pistol license)

      The P99 seems to be the only defense pistol I own the hits near my point of aim… Everything else (S&W 459, S&W 4006, Taurus Millenium G2 [the carry pistol I bought]) all hit extremely low, even with sights raised.

      What is different? To the best of my measurements, the P99 has a grip angle similar to the P.08 (and Ruger .22); the S&W and Taurus grip angles are similar to the 1911. That’s about a 5 degree difference in natural point of aim.

  19. B.B.,
    That’s two votes each from Mister Rob and I for H&N Field Target Trophy and Crosman Premier Lite pellets for good results in the Diana Model 45. Please give both a try.

    • The Crosman premier lites and Field Target are accurate heavies and barakudas had reduced buzz and also performed well. Santa has promised a chronograph and I can post velocity of my rifle after Christmas of course. It seems to have mucho punch.
      I really wonder if it’s broken in yet. Previous owner probably shot it 25 cycles
      Pretty sure it’s leather but not positive

  20. Well I’m interested, as I own a very early 45, it has some buzz too.it was from a trade I made.its accurate even though it has that buzz.
    Mine has amazingly nice figure in the stock too

  21. I like this one very much. Thanks, BB! Old springers are like coming home to fresh baked pumpkin pie.

    Would you have any advice for an EyePal peep sight that has an unfortunate curl? It is not flat, but instead curls decidedly in a concave direction away from the glasses lens. As a result, it doesn’t stick securely for long, or sticks off center and the aperture lifts slightly from the glasses lens surface causing what might be called flare. I’ve tried using it backwards, with the printed side toward the outer surface of the glasses lens, and while the curvatures match okay, the texture of the printed side doesn’t permit long lasting adhesion. I’ve affixed the EyePal to the inside of the glasses, and maybe this is the solution as it seems to work, although having the printed side toward my eye is slightly distracting (but okay during actual aiming). The EyePal company website doesn’t comment on the topic of curl. Also, the second EyePal that I own is perfectly flat and sticks great to the same glasses. Any ideas? Thanks!

  22. Here’s a question
    Does the USA make a spring piston air rifle…at all
    I was over on the Chinese Air Gun forums, and there’s a ready reckoner covering nearly every Benjamin, Crosman you care to mention….and the actual factory/model in the land of the Won Ton noodle.

  23. B.B.
    I am torn between a TX200 MKlll and a RWS mod. 54 Air king for long range target shooting.(50+yrds.)
    I have read your entire reviews on both, But still cant decide which one or what caliber is the best gun or the most accurate.
    I know they both are great air guns but at $600+ (which is hard to come by at my salary) its hard to ” Pull the trigger” on which one to buy.
    Any help on leaning me towards either one and what caliber would be greatly appreciated.

    • The TX is around 15 ft/lb and the Diana is about 20 ft/lb in .22
      The higher speed will give you a flatter trajectory at long range…so, in this case I’d go the Air King
      They’ll both do it….but as the range stretches beyond 60 yards the power advantage will get clearer

    • I agree. For longer ranges, .22 will work better. I have both in .22 and the 54 generates about 20 ft lb with a flatter trajectory. The 54 is harder to cock and heavier, better suited to bench resting, but also harder to disassemble for tuning, requiring a compressor.

    • I just went and shot my 54 as a refresher; it has been awhile. The rail system is so nice that you can shoot it right off of a single bag at the balance point and you don’t lose your sight picture. It’s the least hold sensitive springer I have but you still need to use a gentle trigger finger/thumb pinch and follow through for best accuracy.
      Mine likes JSB 15.9’s lubed with Krytech Finish Line wax. I generally like heavier pellets for longer ranges like the 18.1’s with this power level but they do not perform as well in my gun.

    • Dryfire,

      I can’t help you there! That comes down to taste. The 54 is both larger and heavier. Of course it doesn’t recoil, but it does buzz a little.

      The TX is finished better, though the 54 is the standout of the Diana line.


      • B.B.

        Thanks, That’s the answer I was sort of expecting from you. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.
        My taste is Quality,Performance, Dependability and Durability.
        The reason I ask is because I live in northeastern KY and Air gunning isn’t that big around here YET.
        So there is no way for me to shoot a tx200 or rws 54 before I purchase one. The only way I can find which is the best performer is to get on here and ask the experts, And hopefully someone would nudge me one way or the other. I have decided on the tx 200 and 10 minutes later I change my mind to the rws 54 and I keep going back and forth. I know they both are great air guns that’s why its so hard to decide.
        Thanks to Feinwerk’s info I am leaning towards the 54.

        • Dry fire
          Get the TX.

          I have both in .177 cal. They are both nice to shoot in their own way but the TX is a nicer crafted gun.

          I like them both but if I had to make a choice the TX would stay. Especially after the TX tune job.

          • Gunfun1

            Thanks, I appreciate all the help and opinions from ALL you guys.
            Especially when you have both and you say why you prefer one over the other. It really helps.


            • Dry fire
              And the TX is way, way easy to disassemble.

              That’s a factor that helps me decide. Its very easy to take apart and change or try something to make it shoot like I want.

              The only wrenches I need for a TX is 2 Allen wrenches and I can undo the lug that holds the spring and trigger assembly in place. You don’t even need a spring compressor.

              I can seriously have the inner power spring in my hand in 4 miures max including taking the action out of the stock. No way will the 54 Air King come apart that fast.

                • Feinwerk
                  I know.

                  I just shot several .500″ center to center groups yesterday with my TX at 50 yards. It does almost as good out past 50 yards too along with the 54.

                  Get a Marauder try them out past 65 yards and see what they are like. My .25 cal. Marauder is real good out even past 70 yards.

                  So there’s a few more things to help with Dryfire’s decision.

                  Nothing like air guns.

                  • Gunfun1 and Feinwerk

                    All suggestions are welcomed, But I will have to stay with springers for now.
                    The PCP’s with the accessories would be out of my budget for now.
                    I should have found a way to get to go to the Pyramyd AIR Cup show that Edith and B.B. are talking about. Sounds like it would be a blast.
                    Thanks Everybody.


                    • Dryfire
                      I think you will like either gun you choose they are both good shooters.

                      When you get whatever one you decide on I et us know what you think about it.

                      I’ll be waiting to here.

  24. I picked up a 1988 model 45 last year as my first spring rifle. These are quite impressive pieces. Mine seems a little on the week side only shooting in the mid 700’s. I’m looking forward to more of your posts to see what can be done to these. I did place a Christmas order for a 34 premium today though. Should be fun times for sure.

  25. Good day sir and fellow bloggers,

    Great blog! I really appreciate all your work. I have been reading past blogs from newest to oldest. Down to Dec.’12 at this time. All I can say is that I am humbled as to how much there is to learn! I remember a comment you made in one of your blogs that went something to the effect of,…” back when I was younger and new a lot more than I know today…….”. So true.

    As I read, I jot down questions that I want to ask. They are of mixed topic and not sure if any may fit into a future blog. Just to jog your memory, 92FS and first air gun was a Sears 1894.

    First, you were right about the 92FS and the best group being 22mm., or there abouts. I have had some 10mm groups of 7, but always one that will stray, (1 of 8). I measure head size and weight and sort . I find it easy and fun and have learned a lot. About 1500 shots in a little over a month. Yes…..I will be trying some “quality” pellets. I got about $800 bucks to drop,…just trying to figure out the best way to drop it. Pistols are my passion, but your reviews on top end rifles has me re-thinking things.

    Now the questions…. One line answers are fine, I know your busy.

    1) Does Co2 pressure drop, if firing say 1 shot every 10 seconds? (cartridge cool down)

    2) I don’t see scales or calipers on the Pyramid web site. I would think this would be a good seller for serious shooters, youth and newbies.

    3) Does Co2 volume vary from cylinder to cylinder? ( after 72 of my usual 64 shots in the 92, I have noticed varied amounts of Co2 left in the cylinder).

    4) What are the pros and cons of the 8 round mag. used in the Umerex products? ( as opposed to the pellet loaded directly into the barrel breach, pressure loss, etc.)

    5) My 92FS is awesome and the laser is dead on, however I noticed the hammer has about 1/8″ of free play,(at rest) and the right side safety does also, ( both on and off). My question, is there a problem and am I wearing the gun out? I am a mechanic by trade and would love to get inside to see what is going on, but can not find any instructions or exploded views to get an idea of what’s inside. I would at least like to tear it down to clean and re- lube, ya know?

    6) Is there up-grades or tuning that can be done to the 92FS?

    7) As I stated in a previous comment, I believe more western lever actions would be big seller. Think of what the 50, 60, 70 year old’s out there, with some extra money to burn ,would do to get a piece of their youth again and re-live some of the old westerns of the by gone, ( of course in a quality built package ).

    That’s about it for now.

    A few observations from my limited experience,
    – glossy scotch tape over a bulls eye lights up like a Christmas tree when hit with a laser! 🙂
    – homemade targets add to the fun. Yard sale stickers, 3/4″ round, on notebook paper, a 1/2″ washer and a Sharpie marker and your set. Paper fits nicely in a binder.
    – plastic lids, like on a cottage cheese container, make for very clean holes!
    – weight and head size does matter!

    Any comments are welcome. I see the last comment was at 10:30 this morning, so every one must be out shopping!

    Thank-you, Chris

    • Chris,

      1. Yes. To maintain velocity wait at least 30 seconds with 90 being better.

      2. Scales and caliber are sold by others at cutthroat prices. There is no margin.

      3. CO2 FILL does vary per cylinder. They are weighed after closeng and if they fall within the tolerance, they are accepted.

      4. Mags permit faster shooting. Single-loading promotes less pellet damage.

      5. These pot metal airguns do wear out.

      6. Grips and sights are about it.

      7. NA


      • Thank you for the reply. I learned a few things. (shot separation, Co2 variance, etc.) The “pot metal”……”wear out”….. got me though. 🙁 How many shots can I put through this before before I see more issues? And what form will they take? I realize that things do wear out. It shoots great other than then 2 items I mentioned, which have no impact on the function as best I can tell.

        And no mention of tear down for lube, etc. If I would guess, liability issues might be at play here.

        Thank you for your time, Chris

          • Wow!…..I will be looking forward to that. I have read enough of recent and past blogs to get an idea of your personality. I sense I hit a nerve. Believe me, it was never intended. I have huge respect for all that you do.

            Since I asked 2 questions,( actually 3), I would imagine that it would be on the “tear down” issue.

            A comment or two on “pot metal” would be appreciated. Is it all the same or are there different qualities, (thickness, type, etc.).

            Either way, I will be looking forward to your insight.

            The TX200III is looking pretty good. Got a lot of “homework” to do and really know little about scopes. I hate cheap quality and prefer to spend my money one time rather that multiple times just to arrive at the same point,…with less $$$.

            Thank you, Chris

            • Chris,

              No, you didn’t hit a nerve — you asked a very good question that many others have asked over the years. I’ve avoided answering it until now, but I think it is time to address the issue.

              I think the report will surprise you.


  26. Greetings from Germany,

    I’ve been playing around with air guns for about a year now and my first “real” airgun was a Diana 31 Panther (sold in the USA as the 34P).

    I had the opportunity to shoot this gun with the “export” spring (which only hunters and competition shooters can buy in Germany) which was good fun for a while… It made a nice mess when blasting plastic toys, tin cans and stuff 🙂

    However, when I started trying to shoot a little more seriously, I noticed that the “legal” version is a lot easier and more pleasant to shoot (easier cocking, no ringing ears when shooting indoors, less vibration and recoil and thus more accuracy).

    For my taste, the rifle was a little bit light and muzzle-heavy so I filled the butt with metal parts and later I filled the holes in the stock next to the power plant with compressed pellets. This made the rifle easier to hold with less wobble and reduced the recoil and vibration even more.

    BTW, my 31 seems to love Umarex Cobra pellets (I think they’re not available in the USA). So far I got the best results with these mid-priced pointed pellets.

    However, the rifle I probably like even more is a Weihrauch HW35E which a friend gave me to play around with. It feels rock solid, has no fragile plastic parts and is a joy to shoot due to the dry and civilized piston stroke (again, it’s the legal German version). The open sights are also the best I’ve used so far. Considering the age of this, design, this is just amazing.
    I haven’t installed a scope since it isn’t my rifle and I don’t want to leave marks, but it’s a blast to shoot as it is 🙂

    So, I guess Tom has always been right when it comes to power. It’s overrated and other things are more important (I guess hunters and long-range shooters may disagree…)

    Keep up the great work! I guess three quarters of the things I’ve learned in the past year have come from this blog…

    Kind regards,

    • Stephan,

      Welcome to the blog.

      Yes, I think you have added your vote to the “less is more” argument on spring gun power. We Americans have to tune the heck out of these guns to get them to shoot like your legal airguns do when new!

      I don’t know where you live in Germany, but I bet there is a Christkindlmarkt somewhere close. I lived in Erlangen for 3.5 years and always loved to visit the Nürnberg market at this time of year.


  27. Hi and thanks for the welcome 🙂

    I suppose you *could* always order the German 7.5 joule spring if you prefer a less powerful gun. Many people around here do the opposite since buying metal springs isn’t illegal. Installing them in freely available airguns is unless you’re a gunsmith, but that’s another story 🙂

    I live in the Ruhr Area, so Erlangen isn’t close. But those markets are very common in all of Germany 🙂

    Kind regards,

  28. They’re pointed and weigh 0.54 grams. A tin of 500 costs around € 5,00 which is mid-priced.

    H&N Baracudas worked well in the Diana 31 as well, but they are about twice as expensive.

    The local airgun dealer believes that Umarex pellets are made by H&N.

    I never got very good results with their “Mosquito” wadcutters. RWS Gecos seem to work better in my guns (they’re both around € 3,00 per tin).

  29. Buldawg
    Sounds like the NP2 is promising. I want to see what kind of groups you get with it.

    So the piston turned out ok for you then. Can’t wait to see how that all turns out too.

    • Bynfun
      Yea so far the NP2 seems to be as good if maybe a little better than the standard NPs but still way to early to tell for sure as I only got a quick ten shots without sights as I just had to shoot it before the rain started. Got the trigger fixed and the scope is mounted just have to get it in the right position in the daylight to secure it and start the sighting in so then we will know a lot more.

      Yes the piston looks great and almost to good to put back in the gun. it is going to be after the holidays before I can get the rest of the lathe work done on the Hatsan spring and get it back together as my friend is going out of town but I showed him the Mrod Saturday AM and he was very interested in the quietness of it. So I will let you know as soon as it gets back together.

      I am hoping to get an email from Lloyd soon telling me my tubes are ready so I can get them put in the 2240s and have them up and shooting also.


      • Buldawg
        I keep forgetting about those tubes from Lloyd. That will be interesting to see how the 2240 likes the Lloyd tubes.

        And just think Santa hasn’t even arrived yet. I wonder what he will be bringing. 🙂

        • Gunfun
          I believe Santa arrived today with the NP2 and that’s all I am expecting other than the tubes from Lloyd hopefully. I am anxious to get them back and get the two 2240s back up and shooting as well.
          I am hoping to get them back in time to maybe have one tuned and sighted to use at the next FT match in January.

          Right now Santa is just concentrating on the grandkids and family here. I have everything I need already so it all about them.


            • Gunfun
              You are right there as its less than two weeks away now and we have not even started our shopping yet. We were going out to do some today and the rain started so we are waiting till tomorrow when it will a least be sunny.

              I am still getting over the walking pneumonia and the wife has been sick so we decided to wait for good weather which should be here by tomorrow. We always wait till the last minute to do our shopping for some reason.


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    Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

    View Shipping Info

  • Shipping Time Frame

    We work hard to get all orders placed by 12 pm EST out the door within 24 hours on weekdays because we know how excited you are to receive your order. Weekends and holiday shipping times will vary.

    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

View Shipping Info

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