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Air Guns Mondial Oklahoma spring-piston pistol: Part 3

Mondial Oklahoma spring-piston pistol: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

The Mondial Oklahoma pistol.

Part 1
Part 2

History of airguns

This report covers:

  • The test
  • What worked
  • On a roll
  • 15 feet
  • Air Arms Falcon pellets
  • Norma S-Target Match
  • One last test
  • Summary

Boy! Have I got one for you today! I don’t know who this test speaks to, but someone out there in Blog Readerland needs to hear this.

Today we test the Mondial Oklahoma air pistol for accuracy. And Lucy — I got some ‘splainin’ to do!

The test

I’ll begin with a quote from  Part 2, “I don’t have very high hopes for this pistol to be accurate. The inexpensive construction plus the smooth barrel are two reasons why. I think I will start my accuracy test at 20 feet, rather than 10 meters.” Ha, ha. Famous last words.

Whenever I test an airgun that I think may not be accurate, I always get close to the target trap. That’s just common sense, but as my late Aunt Linda once told me, “Common sense isn’t very common anymore.”

The Oklahoma is a smoothbore, and after my recent experience with the Daisy 35 I was full of trepedation. So I started at 15 feet and rested my shooting arm on a cat tower. I shot an H&N R10 Match Pistol pellet and used a 6 o’clock hold on the bull. I seated the pellet deep in the bore so it would come out faster. We learned in Part 2 that deep-seating increases the velocity of this gentle air pistol dramatically.

That first shot missed the target trap altogether. So I went forward and shot from 10 feet, rested again. And the pellet was seated deep again.  Missed the trap again. So I went forward to 8 feet, rested once more. Pellet was seated deep again. Surely from here… But no –missed everything again.

What worked

So I went up to 5 feet from the trap and shot freehand. Oh, the things I do for you!

I also wondered whether seating pellets deep was a problem. So from this point on, until I say otherwise, I seated all pellets flush with the breech.

With a 6 o’clock hold I put a H&N R10 Match Pistol pellet about an inch above the bullseye. Okay, so she’s shooting high. Way, way, way too high!

So I took careful aim at the number 3 below the bull and shot again freehand. The shot hit near the center of the bull, so I did the same thing again four more times and got a 5-shot group that measures 0.269-inches between centers. Who sez old BB Pelletier can’t shoot! At five feet I am probably the world champeen!

Oklahoma R10 5 feet
The hole at the top was shot with a 6 o’clock hold. The five pellets in the center were with a hold on the number 3 on the target paper, 1.1-inches below the bull. This 5-shot group measures 0.269-inches between centers. Shot freehand at 5 feet.

On a roll

Now I was rollin’! So I backed up to 8 feet and shot a second group of R10 Match Pistol pellets freehand. A hold on the number 3 put the first pellet an inch above the bull, so I took careful aim at the bottom of the paper target and tried to stay centered on the bull. This time 5 pellets went into 1.248-inches and were still nicely centered, left and right.

Oklahoma R10 8 feet
At 8 feet and with a lower aim point, I was able to put 5 R10 Match Pistol pellets into a group that measures 1.248-inches between centers.  The high shot was shot with a hold on the number 3 below the bull and isn’t part of the group.
This was also shot freehand.

15 feet

Okay, I know I am risking everything by shooting from as far back as 15 feet. My bedroom walls already have three new pellet holes from this test! I drew a round aim point on the cardboard backer about three inches below the target paper. This time I shot with my hands rested on a sandbag because — well, guys — this was clear back at 15 feet!

Five pellets went into 2.323-inches between centers. I’m still shooting R10 pellets seated flush. Notice that the pellets are still well-centered.

Oklahoma R10 15 feet
At 15 feet and shot from a rested hold the Oklahoma put 5 R10 Match Pistol pellets into a 2.232-inch group.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

Air Arms Falcon pellets

Now that I had the pistol hitting the target at 15 feet I tried 5 Air Arms Falcon domes that were also seated flush with the breech. They seated a little easier than the previous R10s.

When I hung the target I hung it a little to the left of the aim point that was still on the cardboard backer by accident, so I aimed to the left of the aiming point. Five Falcon pellets made a 1.623-inch group at 15 feet. This group was a little to the right of the bull.

Oklahoma Falcon 15 feet
The Oklahoma put 5 Air Arms Falcons into a 1.623-inch group at 15 feet when shot with a rested hold.

Norma S-Target Match

The last pellet I tried was the Norma S-Target Match wadcutter that I introduced to you last week. I tried this pellet because of its small head. I felt it would fit the bore of the pistol better and perhaps go faster. Well, they did load a lot easier. And they did hit a bit lower which indicates they went out a little faster. But the group of five measures 2.823-inches between centers, which is the largest group of the test.

Oklahoma Norma Match 15 feet
At 15 feet the Oklahoma put five Norma S-Target Match pellets in 2.823-inches.

One last test

You read this blog to learn stuff, to correct my spelling mistakes and sometimes to experience strange things that shouldn’t be true, but are. Well, I have one for you today. I had been paying attention to everything that was happening and something occurred to me. Without a doubt the R10 Match Pistol pellet was the best that I tested in the Oklahoma today. And, when I held it well, the Oklahoma pistol wanted to put this pellet in the center of the bullseye.

What if I deep-seated the R10 pellet again? Now that I knew where to aim would that make the pellet go to the right place? Only one way to find out.

For the next group I deep-seated each pellet with a ballpoint pen. I held the gun the same way as I did for the other rested targets and this was the last target of the day — when I usually get tired from shooting. This time, though, pellet after pellet went to almost the same place. Five R10 Match Pistol pellets grouped in 0.699-inches at 15 feet. Boy — was I surprised!

Oklahoma R10 Match seated 15 feet
Five deep-seated R10 Match Pistol pellets went into 0.699-inches at 15 feet.

Take that, Daisy 35! Apparently the world isn’t finished with B.B. Pelletier just yet!


This has been an interesting test for me. I always wondered about this strange-looking Italian air pistol with the curious name, Oklahoma. I didn’t know that it was a smoothbore. I didn’t know that it had been made to sell on the cheap. And I certainly didn’t know that level of engineering that went into the pistol was as vast as it was. Sometimes it’s just nice to find out!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

49 thoughts on “Mondial Oklahoma spring-piston pistol: Part 3”

  1. B.B.,

    Being you mentioned spelling; I believe the Spring-Pistol instead of Spring-Piston in the title was an Easter egg.

    An entertaining report for sure. Maybe this pistole deserves a tune and a new Lothar Walther barrel. Oh don’t forget to solder a leaf onto the front sight.

    I bet it is sighted in at 25 yards.

    I do like the pistol.


  2. B.B.,

    Methinks that this pistol was fired while broken open bending the barrel or somebody dropped it. Then again the front sight looks very low too.


    PS One last test was posted twice in This report covers:

  3. BB,

    Not a bad little pistol really. The engineering that has gone into it is quite surprising.

    As for the name, I am certain it came from everyone’s fascination with the American Wild West. At one time it was a real big thing over most of the globe, thanks to the Hollywood BS. Now everybody believes that the west was made up of whiskey guzzling gun slingers who preyed upon helpless, hapless sod busters.

    I bet that the little bambinos hunted many a ferali soda cana with this.

    • RR

      At least in Germany, the fanatical fascination with the American West started with books in the 1890’s and continued with “Wild, Wild, West shows”. All this long before cinema.


    • I was fascinated with the American West early; the West is still my favorite place to visit in this beautiful country. Hollywood BS or not, the Westerns certainly made enough impression on the Italians, who came up with the Spaghetti Western genre. Confess I liked them, “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” most of all…good story and great cast. Hard not to like a flic featuring Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef – FM would like to be like Clint, but is more like Eli.

      • FawltyManuel,

        While my family and I were stationed in Spain we found most of the Spaghetti Western filming locations! They were all in the eastern part of Spain.
        I agree with you about the American West! I went to school in Utah when they broke the 1 million population mark…found mostly along a 70 mile stretch of the Wasatch front. I hiked/boated most of the area now under the water’s of Lake Powell. You didn’t need to look hard in those days for the DARK night sky that only is found in the Goblin Valley these days.


        • Mrs. and FM were in Kanab, UT in 1991 – recall many Westerns were filmed in the area. We had lunch at a restaurant which had photos of prominent Western movie actors on the wall. There was one of Lee Van Cleef playing an Indian, or as we are encouraged to say today, a Native American.

          Before the Spaghetti Westerns, many scenes for the movie “King of Kings” were also filmed in Spain because the terrain was supposed to resemble that of the hill country in ancient Judea.

          • Yogi,

            I don’t know what experience you have had with truly Dark Skies but as a young kid I remember spending hours bundled up in blankets looking at what magic the night sky offered up on Moonless nights. It is tragic how few places remain that are really Dark Sky. If you haven’t been get yourself out to Utah’s Goblin Valley State Park. The combination of middle of nowhere location, altitude, and dry dessert air make it worth (not in the Summer) the trouble getting there.
            Only a few other places on earth offer views of the firmament comparable to seeing it above 60,000 feet.


      • Siraniko,

        Maybe a good pretend gun? If you think about it,… how many kids have ran out of pellets or bb’s and just kept right on “pretend” shooting? I know we did as kids,… at least when we were very young kids (sub 10).

        This one has more of a “space gun” profile in my eye. Far from some Oklahoma “cowboy” type revolver. Space themed guns were big back then too,.. as westerns and space/sci-fi shows/movies were both popular growing up. ’60’s.


        • Chris USA,

          With it’s metal construction I think it would be too hefty to be used as a pretend gun. Come to think of it I don’t believe B.B. ever weighed the gun. I’d rather pretend with a stick than this though. Safer all around.


    • Or…….
      At some time in the future- BB can connect the dots, contact an ‘Art Expert’, and be proclaimed as the leading light of a new art form! Fame! Adulation! Hollywood starlets melting at his feet!

        • I, of course meant leading, as in, to lead forward (long ‘e’ sound), which is what our fearless leader, BB, does every day. Obviously, the new art form, will not be sullied by leading (short ‘e’ sound) because, henceforth all art will by created by the use of alloy pellets that are guaranteed green earth friendly and are produced by seriously serious earth friendly warriors and mermaids. Bright rays of sunshine light the production facility while happy prancing unicorns oversee quality control.

          • Paco,

            “alloy pellets,.. green earth friendly,.. seriously serious earth friendly warriors,… and mermaids. Bright rays of sunshine,… happy prancing unicorns”.

            That is some twisted stuff right there!

            You need to be on the anti-gun lobby! That is just the kind of stuff they like. You convince them of all that (aka: we are good) and we (the shooters) will be safe forever!

            😉 Chris

            Warriors and mermaids might be considered gender specific,… so you may want to rethink that line. And,… somebody, somewhere,… probably has an issue with Unicorns,… so,…..? No Dr. Seuss.

            Maybe throw in some rainbows? Those seem pretty safe. 🙁

  4. BB, since you (sort of) asked, “trepedation” should be “trepidation”.

    What is the easiest way to invisibly patch a pellet hole in drywall? Asking for a friend.


  5. “Five deep-seated R10 Match Pistol pellets went into 0.699-inches at 15 feet.”
    That’s pretty good for a smoothbore pistol; I’m glad you took the time (as you always like to do, to give every gun a fair shake) to get this ol’ gal to show her stuff; she’s an interesting piece for sure.
    Take care & God bless,

  6. B.B.

    This gun reminds me of the cork stopped “pop guns”. Had a cork with string attached, or not. When fired they could shooting it about 15 feet, downhill with a tailwind, wink, wink.
    I was to young for much else to register. Do you know what I am talking about?



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