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Air Guns BB’s Goldie: Part Five

BB’s Goldie: Part Five

BBs Goldie
BB’s Goldie is a golden Cerakoted Avenger. The reservoir, receiver, muzzle cap, forward Picatinney rail and cocking handle were colored differently to set off the gold.

Part 1
Labradar chronograph
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Labradar
  • Air Arms 16-grain dome
  • Velocity with Air Arms 16-grain domes
  • JSB Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned
  • Velocity with JSB Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned
  • What we have learned?
  • Summary

Today we look at the accuracy of BB’s Goldie at 25 yards for a second time and no, this is not a repeat of the last test. This time I read up on what I wanted to do at the end of the last test and this one will be a very novel test that’s worthy of an entire pot of coffee (or tea) and at least two Danish or doughnuts for all the law enforcement personnel.

You will remember that in Part 4 I tested the rifle at 25 yards with three pellets after lowering the regulator pressure to 1,800 psi. After I filled the rifle this morning the reg was still spot on 1800.

I shot the last test using the 10-shot magazine. Today I’ll use the single shot tray. And I want to say a word about that tray. It slips top-down over the breech, so no amount of pushing sideways while loading the pellet can move it out of position.

I alsoilluminated the reticle of the Meopta MeoSport R 3-15X50RD second focal plane scope for the last test. Today I left the reticle dark.

The test

I shot 10-shot groups with the rifle resting on a sandbag. I also had the Labradar chronograph set up because one thing I wanted to learn was how adjusting the reg to its lowest setting and also dialing the hammer spring tension lower affected velocity.

It was my desire to start the test with the last pellet I had shot — to test the theory that barrels have to be conditioned when you change pellets. I started with the wrong pellet though and instead I may have disproven that theory. I’ll explain when we get there.


Today you’ll see why I have linked to the Labradar report. I’ve been asked offline how I really like the Labradar chronograph. I have to say it’s my favorite chronograph of all time. It has NEVER failed to record the velocity of a shot, excepting the one time I didn’t have it set to record. All the stuff you hear about how difficult it is to align this chronograph with the target downrange is a bunch of hooey, as far as I’m concerned. It does take longer to set it up but that’s mainly because it’s doing so much more than any other chronograph can. And the optional rechargeable battery that I bought for it is now at 98 percent — despite being at 93 percent after the last use. Don’t ask me how that’s possible. I’ll just accept it. If it keeps on generating power I might tie it into my house wiring. It’s better than solar panels because it doesn’t put holes in my roof! [Ooopsie — I read the display upside-down. It’s actually reading 86 percent! Oh, well, I guess I still have to pay the electric bill.]

Air Arms 16-grain dome

Until Part 4 I thought the Air Arms 16-grain dome was the most accurate pellet in this rifle. It was the best in the last .22 Avenger I tested, back in 2020. But back then I didn’t test the pellet that I now believe to be the most accurate. In Part 4 BB’s Goldie put ten of these pellets into 0.248-inches at 25 yards, and that was when I shot the aim point away on the first shot.

Since those shots hit in the center of the bull last time, taking out my aim point, I adjusted the scope up 12 clicks. I wanted no excuses for not shooting my best today. This time ten shots landed at the top of the bull. I thought I was going to have a screamer but the tenth shot opened the group to 0.306-inches between centers. It would have to be on the last shot, wouldn’t it? But for that shot this group would have been a gold dollar group (smaller than 0.15-inches between centers). Oh, and I am showing the groups larger than life so reader Ridge Runner can examine the pellets closely.

Goldie AA 16
BB’s Goldie put 10 Air Arms 16-grain domes into a 0.306-inch group at 25 yards. The hole on top was the last shot.

Velocity with Air Arms 16-grain domes

Since the chronograph was up I also recorded the velocity of all 10 shots. This isn’t a velocity test but I did want to know what dropping the reg pressure and relaxing the hammer spring in Part 4 had done. Here are all 10 shots.


Okay, the “average” for this string is 835.66 f.p.s. But, because of that first shot, this isn’t a true average. That first shot skews the distribution quite a bit. The average for the next 9 shots is 831.56 f.p.s.

If we accept the last 9 shots as correct for this pellet the low was 826 and the high was 836 f.p.s. That’s a 10 f.p.s. difference.

At the true average velocity this 16-grain pellet develops 24.6 foot pounds. Now, that is closer to my goal of the mid 20-foot-pound region. I would say that reducing the regulator pressure and lightening the hammer spring tension has worked.

Hunting Guide

JSB Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned

Next to be tested was the JSB Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned pellet that surprised us in Part 4. I left the scope’s adjustment set where they were and shot ten of these pellets at the next bull. Ten Monster Redesigned pellets went into a 0.154-inch group at 10 meters. It was SO close to a gold dollar group!

Goldie Monster Redesigned
Ten JSB Jumbo Monster Redesigned pellets went into 0.154-inches at 25 yards. It was almost a gold dollar group!

Velocity with JSB Exact Jumbo Monster Redesigned

Once again that chronograph recorded all 10 shots. I said in Part 4 that the Redesigned Jumbo Monster probably added a foot pound of energy. Now we find out for sure. Here are all 10 shots.


Okay, there are a couple things to note in this string. First, notice how the first shot is 20 f.p.s. faster than the other nine and doesn’t really belong in this string. That’s just like the previous string, though not as pronounced. The heavier pellet may be the reason the first shot’s velocity difference isn’t as large. The spread for the last nine shots went from a low of 670 f.p.s to a high of 677 f.p.s. That’s just seven feet per second.

If we drop the first shot, the other nine shots average 671.67 f.p.s. Do you remember what the “magic” velocity number is? That’s the velocity at which the muzzle energy in foot pounds is equal to the the weight of the pellet in grains. The magic velocity is 671 f.p.s., and this 25.4-grain pellet generates 25.45 foot-pounds at 671.67 f.p.s. That is 0.8 foot-pounds more energy than the first pellet developed. My one foot-pound guess was pretty close, eh?

And why is the first shot faster in both strings? I would have to do a test by itself to figure that one out, but here is what it DOESN’T mean. In both groups the first shot WAS NOT outside the main group. In the first group it was the last shot that went wide and in the second group there really isn’t any pellet outside the main group. Bore-seasoning seems to not play a role in accuracy — at least not at 25 yards with these two pellets in this rifle.

That is one heck of a lot of stuff to learn in such a short test!

What we have learned?

I have learned a lot about this Avenger in this test, because an Avenger is what BB’s Goldie is. This rifle is just as accurate as my $1,800 Air Arms S510XS. Glory be! I do think I need to test the 510 again, just to be sure (scope illumination turned off, etc.). Please agree with me — please, please, please…

And that “inexpensive” Meopta scope is worth every penny. The problem is, I’m getting poor on Meopta scopes, because once I mount one on an accurate air rifle I don’t want to take it off again.


BB’s Goldie is one of the most accurate air rifles I have ever tested. If you plan to try out precharged rifles at some time, I couldn’t think of a better choice than an Avenger. 

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

35 thoughts on “BB’s Goldie: Part Five”

  1. Tom,

    This rifle sure is a tease! As far as the first shot with a higher velocity you may have to do a whole series to demonstrate that it happens every time. Who knows it might just be the regulator still settling in. Oh and please to a comparison test of your S510 at 25 yards. It might need to retire somewhere.


  2. BB

    There seems to be a correlation for bore seasoning to pellet picky guns. This has been my untested experience. Guns that group well with several different pellets may not need bore seasoning, at least not for non competitive shooting. If I were in your shoes (I’m not) If a first shot is a flier I would tell readers and shoot one more pellet and measure the last 10 (or 5). You almost did this for velocity in today’s report. Why not group scores too?

    PS: A flier on the last shot of a group is a whole different animal. Miss Murphy can explain it, I can’t.


  3. BB,

    I’d guess that the higher first shot velocity is from regulator creep. It might sort itself out as the regulator breaks in.

    While I’m guessing, I’d venture to suggest that an airguns’ “pellet tolerance” is more related to barrel harmonics and pellet stability as far as accuracy goes and that the actual velocity is more of a convenient point of reference.

    The Avenger has a lot of potential, I’m curious how well it would shoot with minimum (backyard friendly); average (typical) and maximum (hunting) tunes.

    Great that you are running these additional tests as more groups allows for more accurate conclusions. Like 10-shot groups are more informative that 5-shot ones, I usually shoot 5 groups of 5 shots per test and repeat the test (a least) five times before trying to make sense of what I’m seeing (any excuse to shoot eh?).


    • Hank

      I believe your 5 groups of 5 shots gives a truer test result than one 10 shot group because it mutes somewhat the disastrous effect of one flier. I have gotten away from it only because it eats up my targets. Would not be practical for the number of tests BB does in case new readers are wondering.


      • Deck,

        Use box cardboard. Draw an X with a Sharpie for scopes and a blackened (with a Sharpie) dot for open sights. Works great and is cheap. The only issue is sometimes the dot will fly off when hit.

        Now as far as eating up pellet supplies…

      • Deck,

        I print or draw my own targets and have several custom formats that I use for specific applications. Because I’m only interested in a small area ( 1/2 to 1 inch) around the POA, my targets are often in a tight array allowing me to pack a lot of them in a 8.5×11 sheet of paper.

        Attached is my general usage target. It’s a 5×5 array of bullseyes with some space for notes and a row of “sighter targets” that I use most of the time. When checking precision I’ll shoot one pellet per target; for accuracy and for practice I’ll shoot 3 or 5 pellets per target – I find that small groups are better for seeing the individual pellet impacts I need to measure the POA/POI delta way I rate my shooting. When shooting to check consistency I’ll use 10-shot groups and typically set my POA on the target below the one I’m shooting at to preserve my POA.

        Wish I could post a PDF of the target but that’s not an option so JPG it is. If you would like I can send a PDFs of my targets directly to you.


        • Hank & RidgeRunner

          I too make my own targets using cardboard boxes and binder sheets that are a bit thicker than most official target paper. I draw dots with a stencil in various sizes depending on type open sights, peeps, red/green dot optic or scope type. Large targets with 1 inch squares are good for letting you know your approximate group size while shooting.

          These targets still get eaten up too frequently due to excessive pellet inventory reduction.

          Happy New Year to both of you and thanks.


  4. BB,

    LOL! I have to admit that these old, tired eyes do like the added magnification of the pictures.

    I also have to agree with Siraniko on several points. We do desire to see a shoot off of the S510 against the Avenger. I also agree that the S510 may need to retire, possibly to RRHFWA. 😉

    As far as the first shot in the string being higher, it could be as Hank pointed out, regulator creep. I do not know if this is the same thing, but it could be due to the pressure in the reservoir forcing its way around the regulator over a period of time. The seals around the regulator may be leaking slightly over a longer period of time.

  5. BB,
    Add my vote to the S510-Goldie face off. I know that is inconvenient, particularly in winter, but perhaps an extended range will be useful too to highlight differences.
    I also agree with Hank that the FSS (first shot syndrome, as long as we are making acronyms) could be due to regulator creep. Perhaps more use and a bit of silicon oil in the right O-ring will help.

  6. B.B.,

    From experience that first shot MV with a regulated gun is almost certainly caused by the regulator creep that Hank points to. It was typically much larger in the early paintball regulators especially when they were used in airguns with higher reservoir pressure. The current regulators are far better at avoiding really big excursions until the reservoir pressures really need to be stepped down by multistage regulators or multiple regulators.
    This rifles maximum reservoir pressure is in that range. IF the 1st shot MV were to get smaller in some ratio to lower reservoir pressure it would be one strong test element if the rest of the shot cycle was identical in time interval, temperature, and ammo Mass.
    I’m going to guess that much more time passed from the last shot string until the first shot of the next string than between shots within the 10 shot strings. What is also to be noted is that the percentage MV difference is well under 5 percent. Given that small % ∆ MV and the size/read accuracy of the regulator gauge pressure any difference would be very difficult to detect unless a far more accurate reading regulator pressure gauge was substituted.
    I need to dig into if the LabRadar has a date/time-stamp for each shot (i don’t think it does) but that sure would be a nice future software upgrade feature for a number of reasons.
    Glad your LabRadar is working like mine has been. There are some really nasty Internet disinformation postings about LabRadar or perhaps folks with substantial Luddite proclivities trying to use them all wrong.


  7. BB

    I had not intended on purchasing another air gun,, not that intentions have stood in my way before, but you’re definitely tempting me. But,, that seems to be intentional.


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