This report covers:
- The test
- RWS Superdome
- H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads
- JSB Exact Heavy
- Air Arms 8.4-grain domes
- H&N Sniper Magnum
- Discussion
- Summary
Ooops! That’s what I say when I do a test the second time, thinking it’s the first time. Today I tested the .177-caliber Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 multi-pump pneumatic, thinking that Part 3 was the last test I wrote about. Only after I shot the whole test and did all the photography did I discover I had done this same test in Part 4. Too many holiday treats I suppose. But I did the test so that’s what I’m going to report today.
The test
I was working from Part 3, so I was so proud to use my +1.25 diopter reading glasses — AGAIN! I shot the targets off a sandbag rest at 10 meters. I shot five-shot groups so I could test more pellets and then proceeded to choose three of the same pellets as were used in Part 4 with just two new pellets.
And once more I pumped the rifle five times per shot. Well, at least I’m consistent!
RWS Superdome
First to be tested today were five RWS Superdomes. They were one of the two new pellets shot today. They gave me a nice 4-shot group at 10-meters that measures 0.194-inches between centers. Trime time perhaps? Not so fast. The fifth shot, and I don’t really know which shot it was, strayed out to the left to open the group to 0.594-inches. There was no called pull in today’s test, so this is no doubt a sighting inconsistency. Like most of the other pellets, the Superdome is a good one for this rifle.
Five RWS Superdomes went into 0.594-inches at 10 meters, with four clustered tightly in 0.194-inches.
H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads
The H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm head was a surprise. The first shot landed in the upper left of the bull. I know because I checked it through the spotting scope after the shot. But the next 4 pellets went low and right into a tight 0.165-inch group. Another trime wasted because this total group measures 0.912-inches between centers. This could have been the wrong pellet in the tin.
Five H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads went into 0.912-inches at 10 meters with four in 0.165-inches.
After examining this group I decided to shoot another five of the same pellets. I wanted to verify that the four that went low and right were correct and the one at the upper left was a fluke. And it apparently was, but this time I didn’t group nearly as well. Five Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads went into 0.508-inches at 10 meters.
The second time around I did both better and worse. Five Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads went into 0.508-inches at 10 meters with no exceptional groups within the main one. But at least they all went to the same place on the target.
At this point in the test it occurred to me that I need to mount a scope on this rifle. The open sights are okay but they are fiberoptic and therefore the front sight is very large not that precise.
JSB Exact Heavy
Next up was the 10.34-grain JSB Exact Heavy pellet. Five went into a 0.48-inch group at 10 meters. It’s good and, not remarkably, very close to the 0.493-inch five-shot group I shot with the same pellet in Part 4.
The Dragonfly put five JSB Exact Heavy pellets into a 0.48-inch group at 10 meters.
Air Arms 8.4-grain domes
Next up were five Air Arms 8.4-grain domes. Five of them went into a 0.71-inch group at 10 meters. That is quite a bit larger than the 0.363-inches that five of them went into in Part 4. This supports my thought that this rifle needs to be scoped soon.
Five Air Arms 8.4-grain domes went into a 0.71-inch group at 10 meters.
H&N Sniper Magnum
The last pellet I tested was the obsolete 15-grain H&N Sniper Magnum. Five of them made a 0.322-inch group at 10 meters. It’s the smallest group of today’s test. Too bad this pellet is no longer available.
Too bad H&N Sniper Magnums are no longer made. The Dragonfly Mark 2 put five of them into 0.322-inches at 10 meters.
Almost any pellet you shoot in the .177-caliber Dragonfly Mark 2 rifle is accurate. Some are just better than others.
The open sights are okay for general plinking but if you want to be really accurate either a dot sight or a scope needs to be used. Since I have already tested a dot sight on the .22 Dragonfly I’m going to skip that step and go straight to a scope.
Sorry for a repeat test, but in my 19 years and 4,500-plus reports I guess I’m entitled to make a mistake once in awhile. The Dragonfly Mark 2 in .177 is still a winner.
Good morning everyone.
I think we can all help BB with the digestion of the Holliday treats…
Let me start with your permission;
That K 98 I envy, still problems with the lever falling after the shot? Caliber?
Come on guys
Good Morning Bill, my 4,5mm K98 also has the annoying underlever drop. I once shot it unstowed and it sounded like the crack of a supersonic pellet, ie not good! Thanks for reminding me to look into that issue. 🙂
The picture shows yesterday’s plinking pause, which was due to shooting range maintenance… 🙂
A remedy for the problem was some Velcro where it couldn’t be seen. That I have read.
By the way I really envy your shooting range and especially your range master…
Had to smile at the picture as I (frequently) have the same problem with deer wandering into my shooting lane.
The airguns don’t seem to bother the deer and some of them are curious enough to come over to see what I’m doing. It’s a bit startling to feel you’re being watched then look up to find a deer standing a meter away.
We should all have that problem. I would if the neighbors would just leave them alone. The turkeys are almost as bad.
hihihi, great pic; thank you! 🙂
Don’t feel too bad. I don’t even know what day of the week it is. That’s the holidays for you. 😀
Holidays do that for sure! Being retired warps the time sense even more, for me it’s “quarter to January” 😉
I thought you’d be way too busy making curly maple stocks to retire 🙂
I wish!!! Too many projects, not enough time!
You are not just the Great Enabler, you are also Mr. Consistent. Keep in mind that these tests of pellets are scientific studies. One of the hallmarks of a sound study is that its results are repeatable.
I should report that my third Dragonfly Mk 2 is still a very good air rifle, probably breaking in to one of my favorites. Hey, the third time’s the charm, so maybe I should nickname it The Charm. I have The Gaylord Winchester 427 / Diana Model 27, and now I have The Charm.
With the weather what it has been, I still have not fired a pellet from it, so that specific verdict yet must be reached.
“I should report that my third Dragonfly Mk 2 is still a very good air rifle…”
These are great rifles; I’m happy to see you finally got a good one. 🙂
Blessings & happy shooting to you,
Not long ago you revisited air versions of the iconic Makarov. I think I just found one last installment of that series, an examination of the Hellraiser PM.
Of the various earlier Makarov incarnations, the one I was long ago disappointed with was the blowback one by Umarex. I returned it after I determined that it sometimes had a 4 stage trigger, other times a 5 stage. What a creep!
But a version that had, reported;y, a good trigger was the Gletcher blowback one. Now Pyramyd AIR is carrying a non-licensed Mak called the Hellraiser PM, which appears to be the Gletcher one with the snappy blowback and crisp light trigger. /product/hellraiser-pm-co2-bb-pistol?m=5434#10901
Oops! Now I see P.A. also has a Gletecher branded one, but it seems to be a rebranded non-blowback Umarex one
Michael, the Gletcher non blowback version is different to the Umarex one. If you can find the non blowback Umarex version I can highly recommend it. It’s one of the best BB pistols I’ve ever had.
Michael, thanks for pointing out the Gletcher version of the Makarov earlier this year, which ‘enabled’ me to get one! 🙂
I can confirm that my Gletcher Makarov blowback looks exactly like the ‘Hellraiser PM’ (as pictured in the linked pyramydair website). Except for the print, of course.
With mine, the trigger really does appear light, with a longer first stage, then a much shorter second stage. I cannot feel nor anticipate the point of let off, but this could to be learnt if slow, deliberate, aimed shots are preferred.
Me, when I feel the end of stage one, and the sight picture looks good, I give the trigger a determined squeeze and enjoy the blow back… 🙂
Are you sure that the pellet you are showing in the first test picture is a RWS Superdome? It does not look like the ones I have. The one in the picture looks more like an H&N Sniper Light.
Yes, that is a Superdome. I don’t even have any Sniper Lights, I don’t think.
Well, it does not look like mine.
Switching from one pellet type to another is begging for a flier on the first shot or two until the bore settles. Yeah, sometimes it doesn’t happen. I’m not saying you should throw out the first shot after switching pellets but if the gun is scoped you would at least know if a flier was the first shot. I haven’t done a statistics test to prove this, just think you and others also believe it. I may be wrong and it won’t be the first time.
That ALMOST sounds like a blog report — or two! 🙂
Seen the same thing – that it can take a couple of shots to settle the barrel if I change brands of pellets. Was attributing the flier(s) to the change in the alloy reseasoning the barrel.
For initial pellet testing I just plink a couple of rounds before more serious shooting at paper. When doing the final testing to determine the golden pellet I’ll do a quick clean&service before each test (couple of patches through the barrel, hardware check, 10 shots to season the barrel and top off the air) and use sorted pellets.
A bit excessive maybe, but it’s part of my testing routine. Kinda like wiping the jam off the knife before going for the peanut butter 😉
Deck, Hank,
Ditto. I’ve seen it often enough with pellets, and also .22LR firearms, that I always plink a few rounds upon a change in ammo before trying for a group. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one; I was starting to think I was a little crazy…
….well, if you asked my wife, she’d likely verify that, all things considered, I AM a little crazy! LOL
But being a little crazy about shooting airguns, well, I think that’s a good thing. 😉
Blessings, and wishing a Happy New Year to all,
Did your Black Cake ever arrive?
Perhaps you could do a comparison as to how the Dragonfly shoots in .177 and in .22. Most people say that a rifle is better in one caliber over another, is the Dragonfly the exception?
The only thing that gives me pause with the Dragonfly is the polymer “bracket” between the barrel and pump assembly. I do wonder how durable that will be. I’ve been pumping and shooting a Benji 347 fifty years now so muscle memory is in force. I was taught to hold just forward of the receiver to pump .I guess one could remove the tangent sight and install a Williams peep on the recover rail. I may just have to try the Dragonfly.
That plastic bracket will probably out last you but may have trouble outlasting an heir. Now, as for that 347, if it should decide to move into RRHFWA, we might be able to find a room for her. Maybe she would like to “bunk up” with the Crosman 101?
Mr Peña in Georgetown, TX rebuilt the 347 for me in 2012, it has a home for life at Boudreaux’s Island of Misfit Airguns.
BIOMA. I like it.
“Sorry for a repeat test…”
No need to feel sorry; we airgunners like to see lots of data!
I’m already looking forward to what you have in store for us in 2023. 😉
Blessings to you,
Have you seen or heard anything about the arrow slinger that Airforce was working on?
Oh, yes!! In fact I think you will be seeing it on this blog within a month. Think SHOT Show.
Here is what the RWS Superdomes look like that I have.
The pellet you have in the picture of the Superdome target looks like a JSB Exact heavy to me.
Here is that photo enlarged and sharpened.
That difference between photographs is about the same as in my Left eye’s acuity after my Cataracts removal and IOL install to this early point in my recovery, I know I will be able to recognize the pellets i’m shooting for a change LOL!
I’m trying to remain open minded on this multi-pumper as far as accuracy (precision) but i’m still on the fence until you either find the perfect pellet/pump number/range combination or some other magical thing happens.. I remain troubled by the number of folks who only find a unit they can be content with after multiple returns…yes it is a Multi Pump but i would like to see fewer “fake pumps” this isn’t Basketball!
Hopefully your next few tests help clear up that precision question at least as well as your enlargement and sharpening of the image.
The first day after follow-up visit today went really well. I need to thank you Tom as well as Hank for your clear reporting on your Cataracts procedures and very evident successful outcomes! Targets speak volumes to a fellow shooter.
As SIRANIKO so aptly put it there are in fact significant risks even with all the advances in the course of preparitory metrics, treatment, and recovery. My Doc reiterated the importance of the multiple eye drops multiple times each day for an entire month; he considers it as important as the actual surgical procedure and perhaps even more so. He did however say that to his mind the preparatory examination and measurements leading to choosing the correct lens as well as type of lemnsis still the most important aspect of the entire process.
So once again thank you for your candor about your personal experience!
And those eyedrops are not cheap, are they? I paid $240 for my little bottle.
Tom and USA Taxpayers,
I am well aware of the cost of the procedure and the eyedrops.
I always say: “You are most welcome!” when someone thanks me for my Service.
You have just given me the opening to say,
Thank You!
To you and your USA Taxpaying Readership (I did pay taxes on my Active Duty Pay as well as on my current Retainer Pay.) for picking up most of the tab for my medical care.
This pumper for me is out of the question. I already have a Crosman 101, and it is American.
Thank you for your service and you are welcome for the taxes from a fellow Navy vet.
I wish i could find a like new Crosman 101; I will keep looking. In the meantime i will just need to be happy with a straight shooting 392 built to STEROID+ standards in collaboration with parts and advice from Tim at MAC1.
It used to be that the USA and most of the States didn’t tax Active/Reserve Duty Pay, Veterans Benefits/Retirement Pay as well as covering Social Security and later Medicare premiums but all that quickly eroded away during my years of Service. Not complaining I much enjoyed my years of duty and most of all my time spent with Shipmates and their families. However, there are many folks that don’t know that erosion of promised benefits happened.
As someone who had cataract surgery…it takes a while to get used to the single point of focus.
I didn’t get a transition lens. The lens installed in my Left eye is a J&J TECNIS Eyhance™
IOL it actually is billed as a distance mono focal because of US Regulatory foot dragging but in fact is a Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) and so far much more so than the marketing seems to indicate. Once my vision stabilizes in another 3-4 weeks my Opthalmologists say I may need some correction fo very close work.
So i’m clueless on what you mean about a single point of focus.
I can’t reply to your comment… But I mean single point of focus like: after 10 feet I can see perfectly until infinity. But inside that there are all sorts of levels of focus. My glasses do 80%, but detail work needs a head magnifier, and watching TV I need different glasses. So shooting with iron sights or using a pistol is a pita.
So far i’m seven days post-op and I can focus on an iron front sight on a rifle and on my full size pistols using a two handed hold. The rear sight on a pistol is a little blurry just like in my right eye, front sight is actually a bit sharper (Left eye currently) and target is a bit blurry as is typical but very usable. But I need to wait to see when everything settles and my doctors clear me to shoot live ammunition. The proof will be found on my targets with various sight systems and how this Left eye compares to shooing with my right eye.
So far i can read without correction but haven’t tried to do any close fine work; that may happen after my follow-up visit on Friday.
It was Gunfun1 who brought them up a second time, not me. It looks more like a RWS Superdome now.
Yep that reworked picture now does resemble a RWS Superdome that I know.
Tom simply forgot to remember to forget he’d done the test. 😉
A line from “Home Alone 2?”. 🙂
Late to the party, but there is an offset mount for the bugbuster that is perfectly flush with the front and back of the rear dovetails.